The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 163 - Wades & Schemes (II): Justice Begins

Penny and Kira made their way back to the conference room before I did, giving me enough time to make a call before I came back. Sure they might feel like they've got me cornered at the moment, but I've got my own plans. Politics was like building fragile and delicate blocks around a particular situation or scenario, and this blocks could be manipulated or moved around at your discretion, causing a significant amount of misdirection if you wanted. Smokes and mirrors people say, politics was the oldest form of magic tricks, but in the face of brute stupidity and straight forward actions, most schemes tend to fall apart.

I shook my head as I came back in, steel etched allover my face as I went back to my seat, Penny had an open file in front of her, which was probably the documents facilitating the transfer of shares from them to me. As my lawyer it would her job to look through it and make sure there was no sort of political loophole for them to exploit later, well it's not as if there would be a later anyway.

"Before I sign all this shit and give you people a chance to run, before tracking you down and pouring molten lead down your throat, whatever did my mother and myself included ever do to you guys that you killed her and tried having me killed? Even if you weren't my father I loved you like one, I would have given anything just to have your approval, yet you tried to have me killed...…you poor fool. Even without the power and protection afforded me by the Wade family, do I look like someone who's easy to kill? It would take every major country in the world coming together to actually kill me, not unless they decided to drop a nuke on my head. I think that's the only thing they never tried, but none the less you wanted to try and used our sister to pull the trigger.

Just so you know, and not that you care, but she's fine. She was playing a game of her own the entire time, and she did get what she wanted. We really are his children, lies, betrayal and murder, the true Wade way."

I closed my eyes and covered my forehead with my hand, honestly it was quite tiring. You would expect a man's family to be the one thing eh could actually count on, but it seems the Bible was right after all. "A man's worst enemy is from his own household". I doubt they would have any sort of answers for me, but still I've really suffered at their fuċkɨnġ hands.

"Don't you dare play the victim here! Your damn mother caused my daughter's death! She infected her with a techno-organic virus! I wanted to make her pay! This was all her fault!" I couldn't help but laugh to myself. Knowing my former step mother, I knew she would not be able to resist talking back, not that it would have changed anything, but still; the look of horror on the face of her husband and son's more than proved their greatest fears had come to life, the bitch had opened her mouth.

"Well was this before or after you tried to get me killed?"

"What?" she asked confused at not just my question, but the fact that I was able to reign in my anger at her outburst.

"Well you see, I have call recording of the night my mom was killed, plus the name of the guy who did the killing, your name mentioned a couple million times, plus all of your schemes and the fact you absolutely didn't give a shit about your daughter. You were happy to use your daughter as bait just to get my mother out of the way, after all what you were after was power, full and girls control over the Wade industry and our dark empire.

My mom was in the way, not just with what she had achieved ever since she took over the virtual reality department, of the fact that the shares you and your fuċkɨnġ husband now have actually belonged to her, which is I should remember was supposed to be handed over to me when I hit 23, which last I remember was last year. But that's besides the point, you folks were greedy, so greedy you contemplated murder and fuċkėd with a woman who was more vindictive than God himself, and your daughter became collateral damage in this fight of yours. Also just so you know, she's still alive or at least her mind is. She's in the game right now, wreaking havoc as fuċkɨnġ virus, tortured because you were unable to focus and save her.

You're a terrible mother, and before I kill you, I'm going to humiliate you and your husband and children will watch, and then you will watch me torture them too. You think Exile will keep you safe from me, I doubt there's a place on this world or off it you guys can run too and I won't be able to find you. Punishment is inevitable, pain is guaranteed. And nothing, not even the Wade family will save you from me."

"Ai! Little Aaron, I know you're angry but calm down, we're family here. Besides the Right Of Exile prevents you from acting, you'll take everything they own and I return they become vagabonds, no longer a part if the family. You would have punished them enough by them, so calm down..." I looked at Uncle And said to him with a voice so cold even I could feel chills.

"Don't patronize me Old man!"

"A poisoned pen? Seriously? No wonder you guys avoided using a digital contract. Apart from the fact that the poison on that thing wouldn't have been able to kill him, his not really a normal human anymore, the fact you would try to use a mob family's special way of killing against a mob boss is just stupid. Sign it Aaron."

I broke out in cold sweat, I absolutely didn't notice the pen was poisoned, I took the pen she offered me and signed in places where she asked me too. And when everything was all said and done, a blue disk appeared in the air, it's blue form sparkling and sizzling with electricity, then it split in two and then flew towards Henry, however halfway through they diverted and went after his sons. And moments later a right ear and a left ear was on the floor and the conference room was filled to the brim with the screams and cries of two victims of a father's.....or based on both parent's surprised looks a fuċkɨnġ Wade family scheme. Damn! These guys are trying were really pulling out all of the stops, and based on the embarrassed smile on Jeremy's face he knew he's been found out.

"Listen little Aaron I can expla...Arghhhhhhhhh!"

What sound does a man make when he gets a face full of electricity, well I'm not sure, because I'm sure it differs from person to person. Uncle Jeremy squeaks novels though, and the mȯȧning sound he was making as music to my ears, I'm not one to regret actions I've taken, but I hate punishing people for things they were innocent off. It might sound hypocritical for a mob boss to say such things, however even the devil himself had rules and principles, I'm not completely lost case.

I got up from my seat and walked towards the still shaking uncle Jeremy, I bent down in front of him as I turned his head to look up at me, ignoring the stench of piss on his body I smiled as Sparks danced around my fingers. He fuċkėd up, I'm not sure if this was a collective plan with the entire family or just a move on his own part, but none the less I was going to make an example out of him. Looks like family means nothing to the Wade, nothing at all. It was time to clean house.

"Let me ȧssure you uncle Jeremy, you're going to absolutely hate what comes next, whether you would be alive or not once it's over would be entirely dependent on my mood. So do hope by the time that family dinner rolls over, I'm really, really happy, cause if I am not happy, I'm going to be feeding you to our entire family, chief amongst them you wife, kids and grandkids." Then I tapped his cheek before turning to Henry and his family and their lawyers who would probably be having nightmares for quite a few days. I looked at the lawyers and said.

"I don't need to tell you guys what would happen if word of this meeting goes out, your entire families will frankly ease to exist. So please don't give me a reason to act, and as for you 'Brother!' you and your family can get the fuċk out of my face, the right of Exile comes into effect the moment you leave this conference room, and you have ten M's before I start coming after you and your family, especially your bitchy wife. Now get the fuċk out of my building."

They didn't seem all too willing to waste time as they made tier way out, their sons clutching the bleeding and very missing ears in one hand, and the sliced off appendage in the other. Their lawyers followed behind them, moving as quickly as they could, as if they couldn't get away from me any faster. I moved towards the window of the conference room, I could see down into the main entrance of the company, and beyond that I could see the city of Los Angeles in all of it's morning Glory.

I felt Penny come over to my side and handed me another glass and then she pulled out a flask from her coat and poured it's contents into the glass. She raised her shoulders at my questioning gaze and said to me.

"Take it easy with that, it has quite the kick." I downed the entire glass at once, it brought tears to my eyes along with a slow burn in my ċhėst. She was right, it did have quite a kick.

"Are you okay?" she asked me with a much more sitter voice than I've ever heard from her.

"No....I want to curl up in a ball and cry, but doing that in front of you and Kira and this ȧsshole uncle of mine would probably shatter my pride. I just literally confronted my demons and the very reason why my childhood was hell, and even though they'll be getting what they deserve, I don't feel any satisfaction from it, I just feel tired. Very tired...… and the wound from losing them both seemed to have been ripped open again, I really wish they were here and I could just be a kid again."

Kira stepped out at that moment and came back a few seconds later with a pair of security guards who proceeded to carry my uncle out. She follows them, probably to make sure they made him very 'comfortable' and it was at that point the countdown I had began in my head reached ten minutes, and down below I watched emotionlessly as the FBI came into the building and arrested my mother's murderer and all of it under the live feed and still shots of reporters who just seemed to appear out if thin air. Penny looked at me.

"When you said 10 M's, you actually meant ten months. I had thought you wanted to say ten months or days but was s little choked up, you really work fast don't you." She said to me, all I could give her was a small smile as I kept watching as she was dragged out and thrown into the back of a black sedan, her husband and children watching on helplessly.

"You know, you can cry now. There's no one else but me here, and you know I won't tell anyone. Besides I also have a reputation to protect, so no one can know my boss is a wimpy cry baby." Funny as that may have sounded, I did exactly as she told me, I closed my eyes and I cried, I really cried.

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