The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 164 - Wades & Schemes (III): Yesses & A No

[BREAKING NEWS!; The Wade family scandal continues! Earlier today famous socialite, and neurologist Denise Wade, wife to current CEO of imperium industries has been arrested by federal officers on grounds of embezzlement, fraud, corporate espionage, attempted murder, and for the murder of the late Martha Zainab Ahmed; the former head of the virtual reality department, genius computer programmer and Artificial Intelligence engineer, and also the mother of the current chairman of Imperium Industries Aaron Wade.

Not much has been revealed about the arrests as it was just made not more than an hour ago, however pictures taken by our correspondent from the scene shows that her husband and sons were present when she was arrested. We'll be following up this story as closely as we can, so please stay tuned to INN.]

I should give that news lady a raise, she's really pretty. But either way the news was out now, right out there into the world for everyone to see, well they don't exactly have all the details, just enough that it would drive them crazy and thirsty for more, there's nothing the common people like more than a good scandal, and I have plenty to offer them. Well Henry and his wife was the morning's problem, right now I have a meeting with a couple of world leaders, the answer I get would either make the Wade family very powerful, or make us public enemy number one, either way the day is far from over.

"They're ready for you, should I patch them through?" Kira's voice spoke through the intercom, Penny was on my desk looking through a couple of documents and taking care of some Megan mumbo jumbo.

"Yes Kira you can, join us once you're done with what your doing." I said to her as I leaned on my desk and looked over the file my tech developers from both Jonah's whale and Imperium Industries had come together to compile. It was a complete catalogue of what we could offer the arms market, and quite frankly even though I had water to focus on vehicles and mobile units, they looked even more dangerous than designing guns and warheads.

There was a loud beep and a holographic display came alive within my office. The blind automatically closed themselves as the light from outside was dimmed, Kira came in at that moment, swiping on her tablet as the for closed behind her with a click and the windows behind the blinds seemed to glaze over. I took a seat on an armchair and crossed my legs. There were 16 world leaders in all, this wasn't all of the country in the world, but I knew if I could get them on board, the whole world will call into place.

"Mr. Presidents and Mrs. Presidents, Prime ministers;...…what's up." I could hear Kira slap her palm over her face, and could see Penny shaking her head from the side. But I don't get why they're reacting this way, I didn't do anything wrong did I? Hmmm well I can ask them later, I looked up at the races of the world leaders looking at me and raised the file in m hand.

"I've gotten news that both Mars, The moon colony of Lunae Vista has been amassing weapons and moving troops. We've not heard anything from the gas other space stations, but I'm pretty sure it's only a matter of time before they're ready to join hands and come fight for their freedom and Independence which quite frankly they've taken for themselves, except they need a war to make it official. Because I know not a single person amongst you are ready to give up your control of colonies and settlements that trillions of dollars from your country's budget has been sunk into.

And even more than that, is the fact the resources they offer is something the earth needs to survive, we're running dry as it is, and arranging another expedition to colonies some other planet, or moon, or build a space station that would be responsible for mining and terraforming would cost a shit ton of money that quite frankly none of you would be able to amass in your regime.

And ȧssuming we all decided not to go the war route, which quite frankly would be rather wonderful, I doubt they'll leave us alone. We need them just as they need us, the terraforming of Mars and the moon has not yet been completed, it would take roughly another ten or fifteen years for that to happen, and a large part of the planet and the moon becomes self sufficient and capable of fully surviving on their own.

They need water, lots of it, and we have a shit ton of that lying around, over 70% of earth is covered with water. And not just any water, natural water that probably has over millions of microbes, cells, DNA strands of traces of life capable of birthing a whole new world. You know I once watched something, and in it they said "Water Has Memories" and in this case there's enough memories in our waters to bring back extinct races of plant and animal life that we've never encountered. They need it, a lot, and every year we're shipping billions of gallons of water off world every three months, and yet they're not too willing to give back from the home they come from.

This is a democratic world, we draw our power from the people just as we give back to them, a symbiotic relationship that has worked well for over three hundred to four hundred years. Most of our people are starving, the earth that used to help and save us is killing us, we need resources only found on this colonies to survive.

We can try diplomacy again, but if they should not agree to fall in line, the only thing we can do is prepare ourselves for the worst. However this is not so we can go marching off to war, this is just a means to defend ourselves, just in case. This file in my hand would advance earth warfare by at least 50 years and at most 200 years, I'll give the power and weapons of the future today, if you will give me what I want." I said to them as I sat back and threw the file on the table in front of me, not even opening it a little bit for them see.

"And what is it you want?" India asked, her Sari ruffling around her body as she leaned closer, she was pretty young for a prime minister, just in her thirties.

"You guys already know what I want, but if you need me to say it out loud again, I'll do it. I and by extension every business or ȧsset, or never of the Wade family would be recognized as world citizens, free from the restraints of any countries rule or laws. Of course we won't break them, but basically you'll recognize as an accepted citizen of each of your countries, with little perks normal citizens can't usually enjoy. Also a shit ton of money and resources to get a factory up and running. Hmmm what else...…I want Australia! And all of the Islands in the Caribbean seas."


"What?" Australia asked with an angry look on his face.

"Jeez you guys are so stiff, I was only joking man, I don't want Australia, it's a big desert. Though I would also like unrestricted movements in and out of your countries, of course there'll be a proper explanation given for such movements, for now we're based in the US, so all of our activities is based here, however we have based and factories all-over, so a free pass would be very much appreciated. Either way what's your answer, you leave me and my people alone and I'll make you and your countries powerful beyond imagination."

"We've all heard what the man has to say, so I guess we should put it to a vote or rather see which countries would agree with his proposal. Russia says Yes!" yep I knew something good was going to come out of befriending the president of a country as Russia, those guys are so decisive.

"The United kingdom says yes." Well I didn't see that coming

"The United States of America says Yes." Guess there's still a competition between those two.

"Japan says yes."

"China says yes."

"India says yes."

"North Korea says Yes."

"South-Africa says Yes"

"Egypt says yes."

"Germany says yes."

"South Korea Says yes"

"Saudi Arabia says yes."

"Israel says yes."

"Greece says No." well there's no loss there, they'll come around eventually.

"Brazil says yes."

"Canada says Yes!"

An almost unanimous decision, 15 yeses and 1 no, I know fro Greece this was just because they weren't exactly sure what they were getting themselves into. But it was only a matter of time before they're pulled in, and as for the outer countries not present, after finalizing the deals with these fifteen we would probably have to host a UN summit and have offer the deal to them, right under the gaze of the entire world, I guess that would just as good a time as any to announce the Wade family's other sources of income, and also give exposure about the existence of super powered people.

"Nigeria says yes!" I felt my toes go good as I heard that voice, one that I was very familiar with. I turned my head along with the rest of the leaders to look at the stern face middle aged lady that showed up, she was fully decked in military regalia, but it did nothing to soothe the stern look on her face.


"Shut it Enejo!" I'm in a lot of trouble, she's one of the few people who uses my tribal name to address me, however that only happened when I was in a lot of trouble.

"Is there a reason Nigeria was not invited into this secret clandestine meeting between world leaders! Especially when it's the grandson of the commander in chief of the Nigerian armed forces who is hosting the meeting, are you guys trying to throw a wedge into my family. You wouldn't have to worry about Mars or the colonies, if you want trouble I'll be ready for all of you!"

This was embarrassing, not just for me, but also for her. Nigeria has not had a democratic rule in almost 60 years, there's been a few extra could and a civil war that lasted no less than 11 years. With all of the previous democratic leaders being corrupt bastards the people rose up, and somehow my grandmother was now the military leader of the most populated country in Africa. She's also the reason why I was drafted into the special UN task force I was a part of, someone was plotting a coup and it was discovered I was her grandson. That was a ploy on his part, he ended up being hung from the roof of his house, and the intestines of his wife and children were used as role.

She was family, but she was a tyrant, of course she greatly cared for her people and under her rule the country has been prosperous. But she was more feared than loved, and with how volatile a woman she was, it's hard to imagine what could possibly go wrong should I put weapons in her hands. It would be more scary then America on a revenge mission, and America is still the most powerful government in the world.

"You're welcome to the table General Amina, we would be happy to have you a part of this deal. The threat that Mars and the colonies pose is too great, your cooperation and that of your people will be greatly appreciated. Let's work together and make sure there's a future for our planet." America...ever the diplomat, no one plays politics better than they do.

"I apologize for my outburst, I will tender a formal apology to all of you. Also sorry for hacking into such secure systems, it took a while to get the holographic image up, but I was able to hear everything that has been said, and I agree with all of you. So I'm calling for a summit, Nigeria will host it, and it should be in a month. That gives us enough time to collaborate amongst ourselves and other world leaders. But if that's all, this meeting is over, there's a family matter that I need to attend to." And then whether they like it or not, the other Presidents were cut off and the hologram remaining was that of my grandmother.

I forgot to add that apart from being a military leader of a country, she's also a hacker, and until Morrigan gained her ability, if my Grandmother had claimed to be the best, no one would have claimed second best. She taught my mom everything she knew, and was also the one who threw my ȧss into the military the moment I left my father to live with her, apparently I was a little too soft for her.

"You don't call, you don't even send a text. You know I'm not just your grandmother, I'm the mother of an entire country, I'm so busy and you can't even call me to tell me about my great-grandson. I even sent your uncle to your grandfather's funeral, but you avoided him until he is leave dejectedly. You're such a bad grandson, what have i ever done to deserve this, do you hate me? did I not give birth to your mother? Doesn't that mean you have to show me equal if not double the love you once had for her, why? *sniffles* please give me a tissue for my tears, it's not as if this boy cares what happens to this old woman."

Meet my grandmother, stone cold killer and rigid military leader of an African country...…and she's a total crybaby and drama queen. Fuck! She's emotionally blackmailing me, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I'm fuċkɨnġ screwed!

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