The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 165 - Wades & Schemes (IV): The Grandmother

She was looking a little stern if not a bit angry, but I guess I could understand how having a great grandson and not knowing who he was or when he was born would feel like. But my grandmother was dangerous, and quite a few people were gunning for her, I didn't think it was safe enough to get her acquainted with Ron, but thinking about it now, that was a pretty stupid decision. I'm not invisible, but I doubt there's someone powerful enough to go through multiple layers of super powered human security and lay a finger on my boy. They would be wishing for death and won't find it by the time I'm done with them.

"Lets talk business first, I don't know how you want to do it, but one of your weapons factory would be in Nigeria...…"

"Not happening! I already have established factories, and with t this new deal coming into effect, I'm under no country's control, which makes me a neutral ground. You won't use me, or my money for politics grandmother. A factory under your sphere of influence would give you not just a political edge over your rivals, but also an edge over other countries. As it stands there's already a bit of tension with the realization that you're my grandmother, if they notice for one second that I'm leaning in favor to one country my deal will call through, and I'll lose everything I've worked for. The best I can do is have my engineers and tech guys manufacture a weapon that's unique to the country, plus you won't be on that throne forever, I rather not arm someone who would use my own weapons against me, or against members of my family. So no."

Her hologram flickered a bit due to the unsecure connection, which was to be expected considering she was hacking through a secure network. The programs running cyber security were probably leading from her intrusion and figuring out a way to counter and evict her. And seeing as her finger were still moving, she's still hacking her way into something else.

"You're your own man now child, and you should act like a man. There was no need for you to spout so much useless nonsense, all you should have said was no. You owe no one any explanation for the decisions you make, especially when it concerns you company and your family, not even to me. And as it stands you've made it possible that you really won't be answering to anyone from now on, the first citizen of the world. I'm really proud of you, and so would your mother have been, if she was still here with us. But in that regard our discussion about family is over, let's talk Revenge!......why the fuċk is that woman and her family still alive, plus I guess you now know that your father is not who you thought he was. But you were not the only one told that lie, I didn't find out until 3 days before his funeral, that was why I had sent your mother's brother to find you, yet you avoided him you problem child. After that we just felt it was better to let you find out yourself, that woman who raised you loves you so much, almost as if you were hers. But none the less grandson, the dead will remain dead, hat won't change, however, why would you involve the authorities, you could have just disemboweled the murderous bitch in front of her children and vice versa."

So I know I have a mean streak that's thousands of miles long, it doesn't matter who you were, you fuċk with me I can really mess you the fuċk up. I now know I didn't get from my father, but rather from my mother and grandmother, they could be real monsters when they're going after someone who's messed with their family. Just like me, we tolerate no insult to our persons, not to mention someone who could actually murder my mother

"Death is an easy way out, grandmother. She suffer, be humiliated, insulted, everything she built would come crashing down around her, but she's not the only sinner. Her husband will suffer too, and just I don't end up cleaning my mess in the future, I'mma send her two useless son's along for the ride." I said to her as I went behind my desk and took a seat on it, keeping my eyes on my grandmothers hologram while Penny and Kira leaned on the edge, just watching and listening.

"But her children are innocent." My grandmother said to me with a sinister grin on her face, I knew exactly what she wanted me to say.

"There are no innocents, only my enemies and the dead. And in this case those two men are the dead, I rather not have to deal with vindictive Wades in the future, we're very hard if not downright impossible to put down. So it's better to pull them up from the roots, so that I don't have to deal with the weeds later."

"Mhmhahahaha! Ahhh! You've learnt well, which is normal, you're the first son of my first daughter, not to mention my first grandson too. You need to have balls of steel to rule the empire you now have and keep your family and your people safe. Which means it's time you get yourself a Queen, your son needs a mother, and not an adoptive mother who's not always in front of her child! No offense young lady but I know your family quite well, you've done great for my family by loving that boy as your own, but it won't change the fact that if my boy here is not marrying you, that kid needs a mother. And that fool sitting behind you needs a woman to put a leash around his neck and reign him in, if not I fear what he would do to the world if he's left unchecked."

Well that was a surprising turn of events, especially with the way she went after Kira. It looks like she has been keeping tabs on her and knew things I didn't, Kira is an amazing friend and one of the best people to have in your corner during tough times, but I don't really trust her, and the fiery hot passion between us had fizzled out into a tiny flame. I think we both knew it was just a moment we both had, it's not as if there won't be more moments if necessary, but being together in the long run was not in the works.

"Grandmother I'm 24, I have time, and I don't need a woman to help run my empire, or put a leash around my neck...…I'm just fine, all that matters to me right now is my son, money and power, a woman will throw all of that off balance."

"Wálūé ágbá!(Shut your mouth please!) You're just a child! What do you know! If I say you need a wife, then you need a wife! In fact I should probably see if there are any nice young girls here that can be a good bride and mother."

So she could say I didn't have to answer to anybody even herself, and then she goes and tells me to shut up and call me a child. There's no way to win against a mother of any sort, she's just ridiculous, she even used her tribal language against me! That wasn't fair, she knew I could understand it, but couldn't really speak, so there was no way to retort, using English to reply would be the same as agreeing she won, which she did, but a silent protest made me feel better.

"Ahhh! Penelope my child! You've grown into such a big and beautiful woman, ehhh! Look at you, shaped in all the right parts, very well proportioned. Such vibrant child bearing hɨps, you don't lose out to that Kira girl besides you. The two of you are such epitomes of beauty it's making this old lady jealous, maybe I should order an airstrike on both your houses. I hear you now run the law firm for your grandfather, I doubt your mother would have liked that." My grandmother said to a surprisingly flustered Penny, I have to take a picture.

"Well there's not much she can do from prison, so I'm doing quite well ma'am, it's nice seeing you again after all these years."

"Please this can not be considered seeing each other, I'm sure Aaron will prepare a meeting for us soon, I want to meet you two ladies face to face. Aaron!!"

"When am I coming to meet my great grandson?" I shook my head and gave an answer.

"How about this weekend, I'm hosting a dinner party for the Wade family, why don't you come along and spend a few days before going back." I said to her as I rubbed my hand on my forehead, a headache already forming in anticipation of the trouble she's sure to bring and cause.

"Ahhh! Is that so? Well no problem then. I'll see you three kids this weekend, and Aaron you better make sure I don't see a reason to pull my gun out of my purse on that day. Keep those wolves of yours in check! Goodbye lovelies."

And then she was gone, I didn't doubt for a second that the wolves she was referring to were the Wades. After all a white wolf was the family crest of the Wade family. But then again I couldn't guarantee that even I would not lose control, after my encounter with Uncle Jeremy, it's hard to imagine what the Wade family will bring to the table. And even then, I'm really scared about what might happen should I lose my patience.

"Alright I guess that's all for today, Penny thanks so much for being here and your help, and you too Kira you've been such a big help...but I have a question that's been nagging at me, all this time. You guys seems quite close, I mean did you know each other before I introduced you guys, or did something happen when I sent you guys on that road trip?" I asked as I looked at both women still standing a little too close to each other. And then Penny answered with a little bit of an edge to her voice, obviously she's still angry at me.

"Yeah something did happen, we had sėx!" She said to me before picking up her brief case and turning around with a flourish, her heels making clacking sounds as she marched out. Kira smiled at me and then leaned closer to whisper.

"We didn't just have Sex Aaron, we had sėx three times! And I'm sure we're going to have sėx today again too. See ya later boss." Then she left too with a pep in her step.

My jaw was still hanging halfway down the ground even though none of them were here to see it. I get the feeling they were angry at me, but what did I do!? But even then this was just the most unexpected of situations, I didn't see this coming, not to mention wasn't Penny engaged to be married, what the hell was going on in both their heads. I really don't get women, they can be so weird, and complicated it's hard to imagine they're also human just like men. This was a disaster, and in the end I was left alone asking this question to my empty office.

"What the fuċk just happened?"

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