The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 166 - Wades & Schemes (V): Future Plans, (A.R.I) & (B.E.A.R.D)

My head hurt, the meeting with the world leaders aside I had to go over some proposals and design schematics for the so called sky City my father had shared to build. Quite a few companies had come up with suggestions, but all of them weren't really focused on the cost required for such an undertaking, along with the man power and the practicing of such an undertaking, well all but one. It was a relatively new construction company, ran by two guys who graduated MIT top of their class and even have PhDs in robotic science.

They utilize machines for their constructions, though human labor is still needed, with he robots in tow, the construction is always done faster, with an increase in speed of over 300 to 500%

Their offer made a whole lot more sense to me, because these guys weren't after money, they were after recognition, a way for them to build their reputation. Plus about 40% of their company's stocks was up for sale, since they were relatively new and haven't had a chance to work on any big of substantial projects, they needed investors to help them push their company forward. I didn't need Penny's or Kira's help for this, I had a lot of money, so I bought the stocks and invited them over for a meeting in three days.

Rather than tell me about how the would build my floating city, and the tech, and sheer amount of resources and energy that would be required to keep it afloat, that god forbid should something to wrong, would either blow said city sky high.....or sky higher since it would already be in the sky, or it would drop down like a meteorite. And since the idea is to build it over Los Angeles, the results would be cataclysmic.

But this two dudes gave me a different pitch, what I was going for was a monument, something that would be sung about and looked up to for generations to come. So they showed me carefully thought out plans of a project they were desperately trying to get investors for. They affections my coined it, New Babel. A freaking massive tower of epic proportions, just as wide as it is tall, a city with a building that's build to last and withstand a variety of disasters from massive earthquakes, nuclear Holocaust, meteor showers the same size that wiped out the dinosaurs. It was a freaking luxurious bunker the size of a city, not to mention it also stretches far underground too.

It was a splendid idea, but like all splendid ideas that has come my way, I tend to over polish and think too far ahead. This was a project that would take years to complete, even with advancements in robotics and Nano-tech, which I might add is something these guys can't get their hands on as Nano-technology is almost exclusively military based. It's use is heavily regulated unless you're a super rich old man who has a love for making super fast powered spy cars. Then you'll have great but still annoying super fast cars like Pegasus.

Bottom line is, with Nano-tech they'll be heaps faster than before, but it would still take years. Not to mention constant and heavy maintenance for the tower, supplies and parts if replacement is needed, and training people for said maintenance. But I very much liked the idea of such an undertaking, it was even more ambitious and get sensible than a city floating in the sky for rich people, in the tower there would be a place for everyone. It was hard not to be tempted, however it would take a shit ton of money, even more than what I or the company can currently make within the next ten years. If imperium industries goes at it alone, it would take us at least another fifteen or so years, and even then lots of things could go wrong to slow down construction. Which means I would need to share custody of this baby, I had to go get help, but from who?....well that remains to be seen, I rather leave governments out of this.

By then time I was done with everything else, it was s little bit late. The virtual reality department had sent a message that they wanted to see me, however I wasn't sure if anyone of them were still around. But in the interest of peace, I think I'll just pop in for a quick look and then head home. Also recently I just seem to have this feeling that I was forgetting something, I'm just not sure what exactly. Either way it's been a very busy day, and there was there was nothing I would have loved more than a warm bath with a beautiful woman... too bad there's none in the horizon.

Penny was weird, especially with her being engaged, and then Kira was just not trustworthy, she's too much of a temptation that I can't trust she's not using her body to trap me. And since both this women were sleeping with each other, I guess this king would have to put using a queen aside, there's still a shit ton of work to be done anyway.

I pushed open the door of the virtual reality department, it was virtually empty(pun intended) with no one in sight, the janitors seemed to have already come this way, so even they were no where to be found. I felt maybe I should just turn back, but I decided to check Malia's office, last I remember the wan loved working late. I gave a swift knock and then walked in only to see...

"oh yes! Yes!"

Damn this fuċkɨnġ sound proof offices, I guess they were all made for shit like this. They didn't notice me, and I was just about to move back out so that Olaf and Malia can continue with their errr...umm...with the extracurricular activities?, But then again fate had other plans.

*Clink...crash!* I knocked over a flower vase, there were fresh roses in them, no doubt they came from Olaf who was happily plowing his way through Malia, or wait! That was a second ago. He was now staring at me with his tool hanging out in the open and glistening with the evidence of their copulation. I shifted my eyes to he side and said to him.

"Please put that fuċkɨnġ thing away, the very sight of it is burning my eyes." Then I turned around and left, giving them the space they needed to gather themselves. I couldn't resist throwing a retort behind me.

"Don't go around fuċkɨnġ in the office! It's so damn unprofessional! Next time wait till you get home! I see this again and I'm going to fire you both *humph!????????*" I was such a fuċkɨnġ hypocrite, but who's going to judge me, I'm the boss.

I took a seat in one of the cubicles lining the edge of the department, and started tapping my fingers on the desk and singing nursery rhymes, anything at all to get that vivid image out of my head and send the rousing dragon back to sleep. If they noticed, that would have made for a very awkward conversation.

I didn't have to wait long, They both came out properly dressed, Malia seems to have bleached her hair platinum blonde, very much like Olaf's hair. I raised an eyebrow at that, seems they've gotten quite close, but I wonder if they weren't moving too fast for their own good. Either way they're ȧduŀts, they can take care of themselves and do whatever the fuċk they wanted...… as long as they weren't fuċkɨnġ in my office.

"So how's the AR(Augmented Reality) interface coming along, along with the new sub dimension for the game?" I got right down to business, finger us all in a zone that we were more comfortable with to avoid any sort of awkwardness.

"The Augmented Reality interface has already been completed, even a specific tailored So for the device has already been created. We were waiting for your approval today to begin advertisements and marketing for both the device and the tournament. The marketing team already has an add made, we plan on making six more I those adds, but for now we can begin with the one tomorrow, and then we could rent add spaces from billboards around the city, and then work out deals with TV stations and streaming services across the world. In a week (A.R.I) and the tournament of Kings & Heroes will be on the tongue if every man, woman and child." Olaf explained as he folded his massive arms, his muscular frame towering over me. It was a little intimidating, but I didn't let that bother me as I continued speaking with them.

"You worked a little faster than I expected, well that's good. Malia I'm pretty sure more contents and quests would need to be arranged and programed into the virtual dimension the tournament will take place, so I guess your work's not truly over. But none the less good job both of you, you've done and moved much more faster than I expected, I'm impressed.

Either way you both can take a week off and relax or something, but in the main time, Olaf I've got a side project for you, I'll need you to have further talks with the guys who designed this blueprint, see what can be improved on and added and then estimate a cost and then let me know. But also don't forget to pay attention to design schematics for the weapons and crafts you submitted to me. Officially we'll begin production in a month or two, however a few of the Imperium Industries factories around the world has been repurposed for production, pay them a visit and get the ball rolling." I said to him as I got up, preparing to leave.

"You got it boss, I'll have all that ready and set in no time, also thanks for the vacation, we both really need it." Olaf said to me with a smile as Malia came up to me with a box in her hands. She handed it to me and I looked up at her as I took it.

"What's this?" I asked her as I opened the box and noticed a vial of clear viscous liquid that had tiny silvery sparkles floating around it.

"The interface has two versions, there's the lens version that could be taken off and even damaged after extended use. Which is what we would be releasing to the public, and then there's this version, a bio organic based neural interface made with the most advanced methods of Nano-technology available to the human race at the moment. Tech like this is not from earth boss, I got it directly from Lunae; the moon colony. Apparently they use it to heal rather stubborn diseases.

It's extremely versatile and works like an anti-body, however the shit is hard to make, and even touched but to crack when you have to reverse engineer the science behind it. But I or rather almost every tech head you have on ground succeeded by working together and on a very tight schedule. We've been working on this for three years now, our breakthrough came from your acquisition of Zeta Biocorp.

Their highly Advanced and sophisticated cloning techniques and the devices they use in reanimating extinct animals from trace DNA strands found in nature was all we needed to be able to get into it's structure and then reshape, reprogram and reconstitute the entire thing from ground up.

It's previous version could hold a minimum of one million individual nanites and had a much more larger volume that what you have in your hand.

However there's no less than ten billion nanites in that juice, and an operating system that's specific to it's make up and very powerful. We're not here putting an AI into tech that can take over your brain is a good idea, but none the less the operating system has a name and is capable of trace amounts of intelligence and versatile in advance calculations up to the quantum level.

Biologically Enhanced Augmented Reality Device(B.E.A.R.D). It's the only one of it's kind, but I should have a large batch ready for production if I can get a special lab ȧssigned to me. So that I can work on all of my projects at the same time." Olaf explained with a light in his eyes that well; spooked and excited me at the same time.

"Well getting you a lab shouldn't be a problem, or would you prefer one built from scratch according to your schematics. If that's so then look over the blueprints and contact those guys, discuss location and make acquisition if there's a need for it, and then begin construction in earnest. Thank you too so much for this gift, seeing as it might follow me for the rest of my life, I'll cherish it for that long, thank you so much. But seriously though you two, you couldn't figured out a better make to call it than BEARD! Come on!"

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