The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 168 - Antoine Neurosurgical Industries (II): Breaking In

Though we would have very much left to leave a sign saying we did what we were about to do, or at the very least March up to the front gate and blast our way through, however the issue with Houki was a rather delicate situation. Until we were sure of all the cards we had in our hands it wouldn't be wise to make too much noise, so rather than barging in, we were sneaking in, at least until we have to come out of the building, then we might actually have to fight our way out.

We were huddled behind an apple tree on the edge of the lab's property boundary, Morrigan was in the lead and she had her eyes closed with her fingers placed to her temple. There wasn't really a need for computers when you had a telepath that could back technology with just her mind alone, so the current century we find ourselves in, has turned out to be Morrigan's play ground.

"There a motions sensors, proximity alert alarms, satellite imagining, finger prints and retinal scans, voice recognition systems, facial recognition and even DNA testing. This fuċkɨnġ place has it's security beefed up, it would be harder to break into this place than the Octagon, the KGB, Buckingham palace and the white house combined.

But not just that their security at of the special kind, while they're not super powered humans like us, we would be dealing with men and women who has had their bodies enhanced by the same material that's the cause for our powers. Even the men at the gate are the same, facing up to them would be a bit difficult, they're a bit stronger and than we are….hmmm there's a lot of chatter about some kind of monster being cooked in the labs below, so we should be careful about that. But all that aside, I'm disabling proximity alerts and motion sensors now, I can't hack the satellite imagining, but with your help boss, I think I can mask our presence. But not for long, we have to get into the building in 65 seconds." Morrigan said to me, I was about to ask her how she needed me to help when she suddenly placed her hands on me, and I felt a pulse spread from my body.

It was a little disorienting, it took just about five seconds to realize that she just used me as some sort of freaking battery to super charged her ability, I didn't even know I could do that. And using that same connection she was able to render us invisible to surveillance by somehow hacking into my ability to see, and manipulate electrical currents. Seems like there were quite s few things I could do or learn to do, but this would take the top spot of being the weirdest.

We ran across 3 acres of open fields before coming up to a guard tower, it was empty at the moment, or rather the only thing doing the guarding was the search light and the machine gun it was mounted on top of. Antoine Neurosurgical seems to place quite a bit of value in this lab, anyone would be suspicious about this level of security, but even then no one could really question them without proper suspicion, and so far they've kept their tracks clean.

"There's a maintenance tunnel in this tower, it's also an emergency exit should the need arises, it would take us past the main gate and fence, however it comes up in the main compound, we might have to take down a few guards to be able to get in. Boss are you sure we're not allowed to kill?" Morrigan asked me.

"I never said you weren't allowed to kill, I said you should avoid it at all cost, this guy's aren't really our enemies, they just work for douchebags, and we're the ones invading. But if there's no other option, make sure they don't suffer, and make it clean, I'm talking to you Monkey King, keep your bloodlust on a leash kid." The teen gave me a wide grin as his hair bunched up to make a fist with a thumbs up.

The wall of the tower we were standing by seemed to develop seams and a door showed up that wasn't there before, we walked in, going down the metal stairs that showed up in front of us without hesitation, it print the hissing sound behind us as the door moved back into position. There was a tunnel at the end of the stair case that was lit up with red lights, we ran through it's entire length before coming up to another set of stairs, however this was a bit wider than the first. The lab had two fences, like a prison, the first was just a really simple chain link fence, but after that fence is where thinks get tricky.

Lucky for us we already bypassed that hurdle, the real problems would be the guard towers within the main compound, they were bigger than the one we just used, so there are sure to be holding guards. Nuwa walked forward taking point, she wasn't the fastest attacker, but she was the only one apart from Monkey King with enough control over her abilities to not outright kill a person. The Monkey King had a bloodthirsty streak that wouldn't be curbed, but that's just in a fight, off of it, he was s really good kid.

Nuwa went up the stairs and barged into the tower, we followed close behind her and watched as she pointed her hands out, releasing a stream of frost from one end of the room to the other. There were four guards, and none of them were expecting such a move as the frost save carried them all to the other end of the wall and froze them to it. Nuwa's ice would probably last twice as long as normal ice, but that still wasn't very long. She made and opening for them to be able to breathe as we made our way to the entrance of the tower.

"We have to use the main entrance, it's less guarded than the side entrances. It almost as if they expect the people breaking in to use side entrances, so there are traps set for them, and the main entrance is an obvious one. Without proper access you won't even be able to place s feet on the first set of steps leading to it's doors before being shocked into unconsciousness. But no worries boss, I got this, let's go." Morrigan said as we made a beeline for the entrance with no patrol in sight.

We got there without a hitch and the doors slid open for us, with it's security systems showing green. Morrigan had a happy smile on her face as we entered the lab, and right into the waiting arms of 4 armed guards. Nuwa reacted first, erecting a massive ice wall that intercepted the hail of gun fire that came flying at us.

*Thud! Thud! Thud!*

One of the bullets grazed Morrigan, but we all had on protective suits, with enough strength to stop a high caliber bullet, though at the cost not broken bones and a few internal bleeding. King made a move, his hair stretched so far up and latching onto a railing on the second floor, he pulled himself up and wrapped his hair around himself until he became what was literally a massive hair ball, then he landed in front of the guards, hardened his hair and began to rapidly spin.

The bullets being shot at him fell to the ground in spades, all of them crumpled and crushed. His massive hairball form spun into the midst of the guards, he was akin to the blades of a blender as the guns were actually shredded much to my surprise as multiple cuts appeared on the guards who were quickly thrown backwards or to the sides from the force of King's rotation.

To say I was shocked would be an understatement, how could hair be that hard or that sharp, or how could a massive mass of hair make such rotations. For one I know it was just his hair that was moving, King was standing still in the middle of that mass of hair, damn this kid was a freak, but a pretty well rounded one.

He had elements of defense and attack in his abilities, and at the moment his defense seems to be absolute, it could even stop bullets better than steel every would. I'm not sure any of the weapons In production could Pierce through his hair, not unless they were made with relaxer or conditioner.

Nuwa dropped the wall of ice and moved to stand besides King, the guards were injured, but it was lightly, so I guess we could all agree the kid held back quite a bit, it could have been worse, a lot worse as I've been told and even had the displeasure of watching once when I was going over his file. The kid could decapitated a man with his hair from a kilometer away...spooky.

Morrigan took the lead, this time we were running, no doubt the sounds of gun shots would have alerted the other guards to our presence. We turned around a corner and came up to a hallway with an elevator at the end, there were two guards waiting there with their guns pointed at the ready, Morrigan's telepathic abilities needed her to be a little it closer to her targets, and I was the closest to her.

I raised my hands and took control of the electrical currents within their bodies, but from such a distance and without direct contact there was a massive staring on me, bȧrėly three seconds passed and I was bleeding from my nose, however the guards found themselves paralyzed and unable to move, Nuwa sent two blasts of ice that froze them to the wall beside the elevator. Their head was left exposed, but one the less they were out for the count. I released my hold on my ability and bent over to catch my breath, I felt Morrigan placing a hand on my back whilst King gave me a handkerchief, which to be honest I was shocked he had. I looked up at him with a questioning look, but he looked the other way and answered with a voice bȧrėly above a murmur.

"Sometimes I get blood on my hair, I need something to clean it off." Both my eyebrows shot up into my hairline, this kid was so fuċkėd up, but I couldn't blame him, we made him. We moved towards the elevator when suddenly we heard a loud sound.


"The fuċkers cut the elevator line, and there's only one elevator up and down the entire lab. The sub-floors don't have stairs Wells like the ones in the main building, we can't get down to them, but they can't come up either. But it's not as if it will stop us." Morrigan said as she turned to Nuwa and Nezha.

The twins moved forwards side by side as Nuwa began to freeze the elevator doors, the guards she had frozen watched in in abject terror and fright as Nuwa spewed ice from her hands, but the look became even more worse when Nezha's hands out up with intense orange flames. One blast from him was enough to blast the now frozen elevator doors, and it shattered apart like it was made from glass.

As for the guards it was hard to miss the sheer look of fear on their face, ice was dangerous yes! However man has Ben deathly terrified of fire since ancient times, even when we finally learnt to harness it, and seeing Nezha wield it like that, even I was left feeling chills from where I was standing.

"We need to get to 8th level, they've moved her since the last time she's been here, which according to records has been for about five years...fuck!" I looked at Morrigan who had an angry look on her face.

"She's lived a couple of lives within the game boss, it's entirely possible for AIs to be killed, and then they're recycled and reborn. The constant feeling of dying and reincarnating has left her brain very damaged, her body is completely paralyzed from the neck down, we won't be able to move without specialized equipment, she'll die in minutes if we remove her from the life support we have her on, we can't take her away boss, we came here for nothing."

I didn't expect that, and honestly it left me feeling very pissed off, how could they do this to a human being. I'm all for advancement in science and technology, but not at the expense of innocent people or even my own humanity. They did terrible things to an innocent young woman, and now in her moment of salvation I couldn't save her because of how damaged their experiments have made her. I turned to Morrigan with an angry look on my face.

"Call Hades and Nanny Florence, tell them to ȧssemble two kill teams, the first should secure the owners of this company and the second should come here and help secure the lab." I said to her, and then Nezha asked me a question.

"Then what are we going to be doing before they get here?"

"We're going to secure the lab and completely take control of it. And if anybody gets in your way, fuċkɨnġ kill them." All gloves were off at this point, I was really pissed off, and there would be no stopping the wrath I'm bringing to Antoine Neurosurgical Industries.






"What the absolute fuċk!"

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