The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 169 - Antoine Neurosurgical Industries (III): Down The Elevator Shaft

Orders were already given, and as it stands it was time for all of us to split up, King would go with Morrigan and Nezha to clear all of the soldiers in the main building, Nuwa would be left to make and ice stair well down to the sub levels of the lab since they had already cut off the elevator in an attempt to slow us down, which quite honestly didn't happen at all, it was time to take this shit to the next level. I looked down through the open elevator doors and followed equations showed up in the air, it was showing me complex equations from the angle of elevation, speed of descent and so on and so forth, it was as if this BEARD knew exactly what I wanted to do band was trying to help, by using mathematical equations to help me.....but the things is, I really hated math, so I just jumped, ignoring Nuwa's surprised scream behind me.

Each level had numbers on the wall, so it made it easier for me to count as I wasn't down, my fall wasn't really than long, but the feeling of weightlessness was just as exquisite out here as it was in the game, looks like I really do have a thing for flying. The right level came soon enough, which brought up the problem of how to slow down. But it wasn't really a problem seeing as I already had the tools to do so. I created two barriers the size of dinner plates, and landed on them. The entire weight of my body on both of them was almost too much for my mind to bear as I dropped down a bit more, my. Movements wobbly and erratic like a jet that ran out of fuel.

Such a scenario was easy to understand, for all of use Meta-humans our abilities are easy to understand...well not really, but constant usage of it, like training and whatnot would help increase control and power, and right now I've not really had a time to explore and train my abilities, so I guess I should put that on my to do list.

I was able to hang onto the edge of the eight level, it's elevator doors were still tightly shut, but as I pulled myself up over the edge there was a ding sound and the elevator doors swung open, probably Morrigan taking control of the building's controls, however I didn't know how much of a good idea opening the elevator door was, because there were three armed guards waiting beyond, and the idea of freezing them by intercepting the neural pathways didn't sit well with me, my brain almost exploded the last time I tried that.

More equations showed up in my eyes, it was calculating the trajectory of the bullets, should the guns pointed at me get fired. I was fast, but I wasn't faster than a bullet, heck I'm not even sure I'm half as fast as a bullet, but knowing where the bullet will but is showing me that it would be everywhere. The ȧssault tickles in their hands released their shots in sprays of short bursts, kind of like shotguns, only they had the range of an ȧssault rifle, punched lighter, but still had at least a 98% chance of hitting a moving Target, even on a vehicle. I was quite familiar with it, it used to be one of my favorites back during my time in the UN. I couldn't beat that, not yet anyway.

"You move a fuċkɨnġ muscle and I'll blow your fuċkɨnġ brains off!" one of the guards said to me as another quickly added "Put your hands behind your head and get down on your knees!" I ċȯċked my head to the side and couldn't help but ask.

"You said I should not move a muscle or you'll blow my head off, and now you guys are saying hand behind my head and on my knees, can I just remain standing I would really love it if my head remains where it is."

The guards looks at each other, probably surprised that I could still talk with guns pointed at my face, the third guard didn't say anything, he just used his gun to gesture that I get down on my knees as he began walking towards me, gun pointed at my head. He was keeping his distance, which was smart, however it still won't keep him safe.

"Lay on your belly, keep your face to the ground." His voice sounded aged and hoarse, but he was experienced, even on my knees with these guards within my area of sight it was entirely possible that I could pull of an offset that would leave them injured or very much dead.

I grumbled to myself as I went down to the ground, with my face to the ground, seconds later I felt a foot on my back and the cold barrel of a gun. This guy really wasn't taking any handed with me, and I couldn't make a move yet, at least not until I know that gun was off my skull. Then other two guards were obviously the rookies here, or at the very least they were not as experienced as this dude who's held me at gun point.

"Who the fuċk are you? What do you want? You think it's a good idea to wear a face mask and break into one of if not the most secure facility in the country, I don't know what you would do this kid, but you better talk. Getting information out of people is my specialty, it will save you a lot of pain, and maybe we can figure out a way to get you home."

Mind games…...well I'll give him a plus one for that, he was also quite perceptive, able to tell I was somewhat young and Naïve...I mean 24 was still really young right? Either way this dude ain't no slouch, but his methods don't scare me, I've seen and learnt how to torture from a real master of the art, he doesn't compare. I felt him pull my hand behind me and he placed a pair of handcuff around my wrist, nice touch but those won't hold me. And then he made his first mistake, he took the gun off my head.

"Stand down, he's secure now, get in touch with command, tell them to get the elevator fixed quickly, we need to take him to holding and interrogate him." Second mistake, telling his friends to stand down, and the fools happily did so.

Keeping the electrical currents in a person's body still was a lot more harder as opposed to say maybe forcing it to move a little faster or let's say causing it to surge at a higher voltage in a person's brain, I believe those are grounds for an Aneurysm. Why don't we try a little experiment, at the very least the dude would be left with a very terrible headache, so here goes nothing.


"Arghhhhhh, Arghhhhhh!"

So his screams were good, blood from his nose, ears and eyes was also good, but he was still alive. Indeed he had a more advanced and stronger body than normal humans, so he was able to take a shock to the brain and still stand, though as it stands he was completely out for the count, his companions turned their head to act, however the two floating blue daggers sparkling with electricity at their throat stopped them from moving. I shook my head, and then rolled over, gathering electricity around my wrists, I tugged at the cuffs, watching as they were burnt to a molten slag in seconds...I honestly didn't think that would work, I wonder how many volts worth of electricity I had in my body, because melting steel would take shit ton of energy…..but I guess it doesn't matter at the moment, what was done is done.

"You guys are good at your jobs...but that's just the problem isn't it, facing me.....being good just isn't good enough."

I sent a knee strike to the head of the man who had captured me, knocking him out and putting him out of the misery he was currently experiencing. The floating daggers made of energy turned into hammers and right in the dismayed expression of the two guards, they both fell down on their face....I could almost see an air quite with the word (WHAM!!)on it; it must have really hurt. It didn't knock them out though, it just left them very dazed and in a lot of pain, it was a simple thing to just cuff all three of them to each other as I opened the door at the other end of the hallway.

The door opened up into wow wide circular room, there was a massive gourd like machine in front of me, and on it's massive silver frame there were a bunch of blue pods that each had an unconscious yet very emancipated individual in it, it wasn't just Houki that had been kept here, there were hundreds of them. I looked down to see a couple of guards standing in front of an observation booth that was filled to the brim with men and women, probably the scientists involved with the project. The guards all had their guns pointed at me, unfortunately for them seeing this bloody thing in front of me, has left me feeling really pissed off.

"You guys are not as lucky as your friends out there, you see when I beat their ȧsses I wasn't angry, but you guys...I'm afraid 90% of you would not survive what comes next, if you drop your weapons and surrender I can consider just breaking a few bones..."

"Guess you're all going to die."


I moved to the left, and a bullet whizzed past, much to the shock of all the guards watching, and myself too. I saw the trajectory, heck I'm seeing lost of them, but with over a dozen guards in front of me, it was hard to tell who was going to be pulling a trigger, yet my body had moved on it's own, my synapses firing at a speed I never thought possible. I could feel and see the electrical currents within my own body, and right now they had a sparkle that wasn't there before, it was scary, but I knew I made that moment myself, it's like my body made a judgement before my mind could even tell it what to do, yet it was still my mind who gave the order. I was freaked out, but no more than the people facing me.

"He's eyes are glowing? What is he?"

well that was surprising, my eyes were glowing, and they could see it, I mean I didn't see any different except for what now looked like cross hairs appearing to this my shooting.

"Well I don't know what I am really, but how about we find out together, and believe me when I tell you, it's going to hurt like a bitch…that's if you even live."

And then the Carnage began.

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