The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 170 - Antoine Neurosurgical Industries (IV): Altercation

Who shot first would probably be something that I would debate for a while, but the moment the gun fight started, I and already put a very messy hole into two years. I ducked down and slid into the guard booth that seemed to be made of some sort of reinforced steel, they probably envisioned such a scenario...or maybe something of equal eager and felt it would be good to make sure that guard booth was secure enough. There were rails on both side of the booth, connected to a glass wall that went around the entire room in a circular form, it came to a stop at the other end where the observation room was. I could just as easily follow the circular path to get to the observation room, however the room itself was reinforced with concrete as opposed to the guard booth that was made with steel.

I huddled down as the bullets pelted the guard booth, which only had a waist high protection, but none the less it still served it's purposes. I couldn't really make massive barriers like the previous owner of this ability, which was why I was being a turtle right now, however unlike him, I could actually make objects, and shape them whichever way I wanted, and then send said objects flying to my enemies. I reckon the range of which I had control should be with a circumference of a 100 meters, just enough to me to cause some very lethal damage.

Three four pointed stars formed in front of me, there was a hole in their middle, making them reminiscent of ninja stars. They started rotating with a thought for me, releasing a dull hum that sounded more like the sounds of hundreds of feathers beating against each other. Then I sent them flying to the left, the sounds they made and their overly bright appearance caught the attention of the people shooting at me, I took advantage of that.

*Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!*

There were literal cross hairs in my vision, almost as if life itself had turned into a first person shooter game. I was already very good with guns, but this sort of accuracy was just ungodly. Five shots, equaled to five dead, and plus the two from before, meant I had taken out more than half of the dozen strong guard team I met in here. And the selling point, was that all the shots were head shots.

I moved to the left watching a spray of bullets take off the door of the guard booth, I had to quickly jump out as a small explosive charge was thrown into it. There was a loud boom, and the ground vibrated a bit, however the explosion was contained with the guard booth, leaving me relatively unscathed except for the ringing in my ears.

{You have sustained a Mild Concussion! Estimated time of healing: 3.674544647 minutes}

Wow, maybe it could tell me how much HP I had left. I ducked downwards and pulled the trigger on my gun, only for a blue wave to be released from a circular disk in front of me the guns in my hands were ripped out of their grasp, and drawn towards the disk that had just magnetically drawn my guns away. But there were a ton of metallic things in this lab, why was it that only the guns were affected, I was now unarmed, however so too were my enemies.

Based on the annoyed look they were giving to one of the guards, I would say he didn't think this through before he activated the device, but then again it's not as if I needed guns to take care of these guys, heck with guns out of the way, putting an end to them all would be that much easier. I raised my hands up and then ran towards the closest guard, he was still a little caught off guard by the fact that his gun was ripped out of his hand, which gave him less time to react as I jumped into the air and brought the full force of my fist smashing into his jaw with a Superman lunch. His head was thrown violently to the side as his body spun in the air and he crashed down with a groan.

I ignored him as I bent down, ducking under another punch and went up with a rising uppercut, however my new opponents was a lot smarter as he stepped back, evading the lunch that bȧrėly grazed his chin. The move left me over extended and open for another one of the guards to kick me in the sternum and into the waiting hands of another guard. But that didn't last long, as I violently bent down and learnt forward throwing the guard over my head before throwing a fist full of electricity straight to his head, and this time it was a whole lot stronger than what I have that first guard, not to mention the lunch that went along with it.

Much to my shock and those of his comrades, my fist punched straight through his face, splattering blood, brain matter and skull fragments everywhere. Then I moved forward driving my shoulder into the sternum of another guard and bringing his back smashing down into the ground, hard! I rolled away from him, just in time to avoid a baton getting smashed into my head.

I ran towards the guard who swung the baton, he was prepared to throw a punch, but I moved to the side, used his body as a spring board and then slammed my knee into his temple, leaving him dazed as he took a few steps back, but three seconds later I caught his head with a spinning heel kick he froze for a second before he fell back like a sack of potatoes completely knocked out. Two out for the count, one dead and two left. I looked at the remaining two guards, and watched as one of them pulled out a revolver from God knows where and started shooting at me. I moved to the left, creating a barrier that intercepted the first bullet, I ducked down as another flew over my head as two extra barriers showed up, one in front of my face and the other on my left thɨġh. The remaining two bullets smashed into it, before the chamber clicked empty, guess he only had four bullets.

Both guards were caught completely off guard, because no matter how you want to describe it, I had just dodged being shot by bullets. Of course this wasn't the first time I was doing it, but before this they sold have probably thought it was a fluke, but now they would probably think I was some sort of freak...which if you think about, I might actually be.

I goofed my head to the side as the sound of beating wings game from behind me, the first guard I had taken down had shakily got back up to his feet, but the three spinning stars I had previously made came and sawed through his body and neck, separating his neck from his body and his torso from his waist. His body fell to the ground in three pieces, before the stars went forward, moving around the body of the guard who had just shot at me, seconds later there very unrecognizable pieces of him on the ground.

His partner was frozen in fright as his legs began shaking, he had his fist up, but with the way his knees were knocking against each other, I would say this could be considered a surrender. I walked past him, but stopped when I was shoulder to shoulder with him, then I turned to him and said.

"I'm so sorry about your friends, but this is the part where you run for your life."

And he did, and quite happily too, running with all his might towards the guard booth, moving at a speed that even an Olympian would not be able to match. He was wholly focused on running away, at least until his skull exploded into pieces of blood and goes, tiny Sparks of electricity could be seen dancing around the fragments before finally disappearing.

There wasn't really a need to kill him, but then again I did say only 90% of them will die if I was feeling any bit merciful. He would have thrown that ratio of, besides I did say maybe only 90% of them would die, there was never a guarantee. I moved towards the observation room, towards the scientists that looked very scared at my presence, which was understandable, I just killed twelve guards in front of them. Seems like there was a guard to researcher, either way apart from the thick bullet proof glass and thick steel doors and concrete protecting them, nothing would have kept them safe from me either. Nevertheless I could breach the damn cage if I wanted, I did have the clips for my armor piercing bullets with me. I looked around and pulled a seat close to me, then I sat down in front of their cage.

"So are you guys going to open your cage and let me in, or do you need me to come in there and let you experience what it is your friends just did. And let me ȧssure you, hat you would all be facing would be a million times worse than what they did, after all they're just dumb guards put here for your protection, the fact that all these innocent people are in those pods could be attributed to all of you, at least partially."

As I watched them, one of the scientists moved forward, he was significantly older than the others, which made me suspect he was probably the lead researcher, or probably just someone who everyone paid attention too, since he did look quite shit older than everyone else here. Looks like he has chosen to be their spokesperson, not sure how well that would work out for him though, I'm not that patient, especially when I was angry.

"Who are you? What do you want? Please if it's money, our employers are very wealthy, they could pay you more than what whoever hired you is paying." The Man said, trying to understand who or why I had decided to lead an ȧssault into their labs and brutally murder their guards.

"Hah! No offense old guy, but I doubt you employers can pay me enough, they're not rich enough for that." I said to him as the spinning stars came back to hiver around me, it was taking surprisingly little to almost no energy to maintain them and keep them in motion, it was pretty cool.

"No! I ȧssure you they can pay you your weight in gold. Do you know Imperium Industries, of course you do! They're one of our employers, they're also funding this project, they'll pay you lot's of money!" I leaned back looking at the frantic man, before pulling the face mask off my face.

The look of surprise they all had….....well it was really fun to look at. Maybe I should do this more often, hide my identity and show it to people and see their reactions. It should be quite a fun experience, maybe I should do it with Penny's fiancé, just to know what that guy is all about. Either way scientists old guy was struck speechless. At this point enough time should have passed, so everyone bloody knew who the fuċk I was.

"Well for starters none of you are in the list of employees, neither is this project listed amongst the many that the Imperium Industries currently have going on. So one, it's either the people who employed you lied to you, or two you're just spouting nonsense and really want to die, or three some idiot had been using my company's name to commit bad deeds, either way someone is going to have to pay. As for you idiots you're all going to prison, I've decided that's a much more fitting place for you, I can't go and be completely lawless can I?"

I got up from the chair I was sitting on, about to go around the lab, just to see if I could find Houki when one of the scientists moved forward. He was younger than the first, looked like someone in his early to mid thirties, but with the way people aged now, it would be really hard to tell his age.

"Prison! I'm not going to prison! I was just hired to do a job! We all were! So if anyone's to be blamed it's the Antoine family, we're innocent! Let me go, or I'll use the kill switch and kill every subject in those pods! Believe me I will! I'm not going to prison!"

I really hate when people threaten me, it usually doesn't end well, and at this point there's no way an altercation like this would be kept secret. I'm sure the police are already on their way, so it would be in my best interest to make sure that everyone here was alive to give eye witness testimony and all that legal crap, maybe I shouldn't have bullied my way through law school. Either way Mr. I don't want to go to prison here, was looking to die, it's never a good idea to threaten me.

"Are you looking to die? You think I won't kill you? Or do you think I can't find my way into that cage you've all locked yourself into. What a joke!....."

"BOSS!" Morrigan's voice sounded in my head, I almost reacted violently, however I calmed down almost immediately. After the last time she tried communicating with me and got injured and further upgraded as a result, we've had a sort of connection, so it's easier for her to talk to me than others, even from hundreds of meters underground.

"BOSS! You have to get out I there now! Some sort of monster is heading for you! We couldn't stop him, Nuwa is......."


"What the fuċk is that?"

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