The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 171 - Antoine Neurosurgical Industries (V): Chong & Sarah

The doors leading into the lab blasted open as a massive and hulking brute covered with metallic plates on some parts of it's body and a head with tubes and a hand that had a cannon attached to it stood in front of me. This guy couldn't even be considered human again, it was as if he was fed the most powerful steroids ever, his muscles were massive , but misaligned and bulky, it was very much surprising that he moved as fast as he could.

He was wearing army cargo pants, but he had no shoes on, so his yellowed and very dead looking feet was out in the open, I could see a metal band of sorts around his ankle. His waist alone was thick enough that it would take two of me to completely wrap my hands around it, then I looked up at his face and an explosion of sorts just went off in my head.





The best thing I could do was keep my head down here, head guys that I was looking at, none of them looked like the kind of people you wanted to fuċk with. And quite honestly I didn't want to be here, there was no way this was fair, I was being used as a pawn in a political fight. But I had no one else to blame but myself, I would never have left L.A for Nigeria, if I had stayed put, my grandmother would not have shipped me off to Military school, which for some reason I only spent 4 months in, and then straight to the front lines and the here!

Here which is the middle of nowhere, with a group of people from God knows where, as part of a kill team for the UN. Whatever missions that I'll have to be carrying out can't be simple, or safe, I wasn't sent here to be a mechanic, I was sent here to die. Shipped too fast from my grandmother to even react fast enough to save me, I'm sure by now heads were already rolling, but it was too late, I'm already here.

"Hey kid! Wassup!" I heard a voice yell from behind me as a massive hand slammed into my back from behind and forcing me to choke on my own saliva and causing every else to laugh at me.

"Ahhh! I'm sorry dude, I don't know my one strength, are you okay?" the bodies asked.

"Seriously Chong you big idiot, does he look okay to you, the poor kid is choking on his own spit. Give him some breathing room you oaf." Another voice added, this time a female.

I looked up to see one of the most beautiful faces I've ever seen in my life looking down at me as she stretched her hands to me in a handshake, before pointing at the Asian dude standing besides her with a sheepish and guilty look on his face.

"My name's Sarah Clearwater and this fool here is Wang Chong, but you can just call him Chong. What's your name handsome?" she asked me as I took her hand in mine, it was warm and soft, yet I could feel calluses from where she's held a gun before.

"My name's Aaron, Aaron Wade."

"Really! What are the odds, if I ever have a son I'm naming him Aaron, I just like that name a lot. Well none the less Aaron Wade, I'm sure you, me and Chong will be fast friends, welcome to Division Zero."


"Captain Aaron your ordered back to base! This is direct insubordination and refusing a direct order is grounds for a court marshal!"

I ran past their bodies and turned a corner, my gun raise to a shoulder level as I crouched down, moving Swiftly but not too fast. At the end of the hall was a man with a bomb strapped to his ċhėst running towards me, a swift squeeze let him. With a hole in his eye and head, and another one in his neck. I made a my way towards him, picking the bomb trigger and leaving it in one of my pockets, that might come in handy later.

There was an expensive basement within this base, it stretched through the entire building, which was just about the size of a freaking nuclear plant. That was the last place where Chong and Sarah's last transmission came from, those two were asked to leave, but apparently they found something that needed their attention, and just like in the movies, shit went wrong and they were captured, about to be executed.

At the stairs that led to the basement, a couple of men were running up, however the stair well was a little constraining, which meant they were nothing more than fish in a barrel as I opened fire on them. Bodies rolled back into the other as most of them went crashing right back, rolling down the concrete status and breaking bones in a manner that was loud enough for me to hear.

*click! Click! Click!* Fuck it I was out of ammo, and that was the only gun I had left on me. There were still two other men on the stairwell, and the moment they say that I was empty the turned their gun towards me.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

I quickly shifted to the side, resting my back Against the wall as bullets flew past me. I pulled out my combat knife arming myself and crouching down, I expected them to do something stupid and they did. The first terrorists ran up, probably in a hurry to put a bullet in my 'fleeing back' unfortunately for him I was just lying in wait. My combat knife flashed through the air as it went into his left knee, I twisted the blade and shoved it forward, using the weirdly growing strength that I've notice myself having recently.

His bloody knew cap went flying as I rose, and stabbed the blade into his screaming throat. His friend was right behind his back, using his body as a shield and ignoring the hot spurt of blood all over my face, I pushed him backwards, hugging his body as we crashed into his friend and went flying down the stairs. The knife moved forwards and found it's way into the temple of the very caught of guard terrorist, he was dead before we landed at the bottom of the stairs well, and right at the feet of another terrorist who was coming up to find out what the commotion was all about.

I sent a leg sweep, how ever the terrorist stepped backwards and clumsily tried to raise his ȧssault rifle, it looked like an old AK47, but he was even less accustomed to it's used as it's safety was still on when he tried to pull the trigger. I shot forwards slamming my shoulders into his gut and taking him down, my blade found it's way into his ribs, puncturing lung the first time and causing a little spurt of blood to go into my mouth, the second time it found purchase in his heart, a rough wrench from me had the blade ripping across rib cages and Turing his heart to pieces, he was dead by the time I got back to my feet.

I spat out and wiped the blood out of my eyes, Chong and Sarah were sitting on a chair, their hands tied behind their backs. Chong's bald head was covered in sweat and blood and one of his eyes were already turning purple and swollen. He looked up at me and said.

"You look like shit kid." I looked down at myself and then looked at him with a smile.

"Well you look like a dead dog Chong Chong!" I replied with a mischievous grin on my face.

"Oh! You must really want to die kid, you think making fun of my name is wise, I'm still very much dangerous you know."

"Would you two cut it out, you can suck each other's dɨċks later, Aaron get our out of here. The big idiot as just a bit, so he's fine, but they drugged me with something, I'm a little paralyzed from waist down, so you're both going to have to carry me."

I got to work getting them out of their bones, Chong proceeded to grab a few more guns while I placed Sarah on my back. I tried ignoring the fact that even In the midst of death and blood, she still smelled like apples and a breath of fresh air. Then she said to me softly, but still loud enough for Chong who was taking point to hear.

"You're my Hero Kid, let's get out of here."

<<<<<<|THREE MONTHS LATER|>>>>>>

Watching the transport plane leave the base left me feeling an ache deep in my ċhėst, how could something so good and amazing come to an end just like that. It doesn't make sense, I thought we loved each other, I thought as long as we were together nothing else would matter. Then I felt Chong behind me, we had a fight last week, apparently I was not the only one who fell for Sarah's charms, I'm just the guy she chose which was still very much a shock to everyone.

At the time seemed like the person who was the happiest for us, until he got angry over something and threw a punch. I don't know what it was, but at the end of that right we both woke up in the Infirmary with a very angry Sarah shouting at the both of us. We've not spoken since then.

"I'm sorry Kid, I feel bad she's leaving, but I can't even begin to imagine what you're feeling like." I turned back to look at him and gave him a tired smile.

"Do you know why she chose to leave?" I asked him.

"She didn't tell you? Aaron she's ca… know, now that I think about it, I'm not really sure either. I was caught of guard just as you were, don't worry Aaron, I got your back, always." He said to me with a small pat on my back.

He really needs to work on his poker face, I haven't spent an entire year here doing nothing but pumping weights like he has and going on missions. There's always an unseen game being played, and that's the game I've learnt to play and slowly began to master during my time here. I knew exactly when someone was keeping shit from me, but none the less I gave him the answer he wanted to hear.

"Thanks Chong Chong, I got you too." Then I ducked back into the hangar.

"You little shit! Get back here and take your beating like a man!"

<<<<<<|EIGHT MONTHS LATER|>>>>>>


He was already waiting for me the moment I walked into the penthouse, while the black clothes I had on made me seem akin to a trim reaper, Chong only had on a simple bath robe, held a bottle of whiskey in one hand and a handgun in the other. He was staring out into the skyline of the city in front of him, I felt the need to announce myself, but I already knew he knows I'm here. Chong had this nifty ability about being able to recognize a person from the sound if the footsteps and even their breathing, he definitely knew it was me.

"Sarah's dead you know, I heard it happened just about a month ago. I'm grieving; but you're going all over the world putting an end to all of your old team members. Some hero you've turned out to be, rather I would say you turned out exactly how commander Kurylenko said you would, a monster that no one could put down or control. Sarah would have been so ashamed of you! You're a disgrace to her memory, especially since you're the reason she died."

" I have nothing to do with her illness Chong, I also owe her nothing. She chose to leave, and it's taking me a little time to get myself back to normal and move on, I suggest you do the same. She's gone, and for a woman who left us both, she doesn't deserve the amount of devotion you're giving her. You're next on my list Chong, but I'm not going to kill you. You know how to hide bland vanish better than anyone in the world, so do that, at least for a few years until this blows over." I said to him as I got back up to my feet and made to leave his penthouse.

"They're going to kill you too! You know that right?" he asked me as I turned my back to him.

"They can try, I'm not the kid you remember." I said to him as I turned a bit to face him.

"I hate you! An ugly ape like you cost me the affections and care of the woman I love, and now she's dead. You went ahead to put......things! INSIDE HER! And now she's dead. Life has no meaning anymore Wade! But I'll be damned if I die without a little payback, well you'll find out eventually, but by then I hope it's been more than 20 years, heck I pray the day you find out, you're on your death bed. Fuck you! Fuck you AARON WADE! FUCK YOU!"


His brains and blood splattered across the window behind him, his body dropped like a sack of potatoes, talking scores the window and sliding down, drawing a bloody trail downwards. The gun in his hand lying on the floor, his eyes vacant and completely lifeless. I placed the handgun I just used back into my holster and left the penthouse, What he didn't realize was that he wasn't just on my list, he was the last name on it.

<<<<<<|FLASHBACK END|>>>>>>

I looked up at the monster with a very familiar face, I felt a chill wrapping around my heart as this was very much akin to seeing a ghost from my past. I looked up at him and said.

"Chong?" and he replied.

"Kiiiiiiiiidddddddd! Rooooooaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrr!!!"

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