The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 172 - Antoine Neurosurgical Industries (VI): Chong, Sins Of The Past

At the moment I had this feeling that I was not to entirely familiar with, or rather it was a feeling I've grown to ignore. It was guilt. I was looking at a ghost from my past, a choice that I made that I would probably be regretting until the day I do get to leave this world. It wasn't until now that a lot of things made sense to me, and with that realization the guilt was a whole lot worse. But along with was anger, however I couldn't really blame Chong.

He loved Sarah even more than I did, yet she chose me, and she got pregnant. He knew and I didn't, and he chose to keep it from me as punishment fir taking away the woman he loved, and as a result Ron grew up for three whole years without his father. It might seem like a shirt amount of time, but I missed the first time he walked, the first time he talked...…I never got to tell his mother goodbye, to tell her that she was truly the first and so far only woman I've truly loved. And when she needed me I wasn't there, I was going around then world killing our friends.

Sarah left because she was pregnant, that much I now knew and understood. And some part of me felt like she wanted me to go with her, yet I didn't, because I thought she didn't care enough to ask. But even then I shouldn't have cared whether she asked or not, i could have just gotten on that plane and followed that Texas spitfire back home, I failed her. And in turn I failed my boy before he was even born.

"Itsss Been A Looong Time Kiiiiiiiiidddddddd." He said to me with a pallid look on his handsome face. Seems like even with all the horrific augmentation and change done to his body, Chong still retained his good looks. But a face that heavenly on such a hideous body was quite.... unsettling.

"Yeah, it's been three years Chong." I said to him as I moved towards where my guns had fallen, the magnet that had drawn it out of my hand seemed to have ran out of power.

"Areee you going to kill me again?" he asked me, his voice slurring with some words and being clear in others.

"To be honest I don't want to, but if I have to, then I will." I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at him, there was a massive surge of energy running through his body. The same electrical currents that I've noticed within the body of every Meta-human I've come across, was the same thing in his, which means he was just like me, he had special abilities. But looking at how monstrous he now was, it's hard for me to comprehend what those abilities could be.

"Well sorrrrry for you, buuuut I want you deaddddd." He said to me as he took a wider stance, I shrugged my shoulders at him as I bent down to pick my guns up.

"Well I figured as much, after what I did to you, even I won't let myself live….....she gave him my name you know, mine and Sarah's son. His name is Aaron, and he looks quite a bit like his mother, but he has my eyes. And he's the most beautiful and most amazing thing I've ever seen in my life, he's everything to me. It took me three years to find him, and now here we are in the same amount of time, face to face with each other. It's ironic really, you wanted me to live my life without ever knowing Sarah had a son, my son, and yet I find him and not too long later I'm here in front of you, collecting old debts.

So far everyone that's stood in between me or the future of my son had died or will soon die quite painfully. However I owe you for taking your life, and I apologize for that and would very much like to make up for it. But I'm not apologizing for what Sarah and I had, I know it must hurt like hell and honestly I think I can actually relate with that feeling, but not as much. It the thing is Sarah and I made our choice, I'm sorry you had to be the one who was left out at a chance at happiness, but that's it. I loved her Chong, and that's the truth."

I said to him with focused look on my face. I didn't want to fight him, mostly because I'm not sure I would be able to win, so I hope I could get through to him, but it doesn't look like it's working, I'm no Naruto, hence the incapability 9f turning my enemies into allies.

"Youuuuu do not fuċkɨnġ geeeettttt to saaayyyyyy her NAME! ROAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRR"


Not that I needed the damn thing to tell me how injured I was, I already felt like I've been ran over by a food truck. There was a loud boom as air was boasted from Chong's back and he moved forward swiftly, crossing the distance between the two of us in a second. I rolled to the side and just bȧrėly as his shoulder smashed into the bullet proof window, smashing it into hundreds of pieces, most of which found purchase in the bodies and faces of the scientists hiding behind.

I took a step back and raised my guns, squeezing their triggers in the process and emptying their coils into Chong's hulking body. But it was almost as if he was not even receiving any damage as he turned to me, it print the holes in his body and black blood that closed out.

There was a dull puff, and all of the bullets were pushed out of the holes, causing even more of the black blood to stream down his body. I guess I now knew his abilities, he could control air currents within and outside his body in short compressed bursts, giving him rapid increase in speed and with a body like that, also in strength. It's an ability definitely tailored to his personality, there was never anything subtle about Chong either.

I quickly changed the clips in my guns, switching to my armor piercing ammo so far I've been trying to avoid take shots at his head and face, his hair had grown to cover the hole I had left there before, and I'm not too keen on putting another one there, however this was my life on the line. I'm not letting my son become an orphan when he just got me back, I've committed sins in the past, there no doubt about that. If I have to carry out punishments fir the rest of my life to make up for it, I would. But like I said, I'm not letting anyone or thing get in the way of my son's future, and I'm a very big part of it, I'm his bloody Dad.



I moved to the side as Chong and his bulky body streaked past me, he went smashing into the massive machine that was holding all of Antoine Neurosurgical Industries lab rate, one of which was Houki. I felt my heart drop, but at the very least his elbow had two massive holes in it.

I was still holding back, I don't know is why, at the very least I could try to cripple him. Maybe whatever was done to him could be reversed and he would be able to live a normal life, it shouldn't be that bad a plan, however I was putting the lives of others in the line, that was not me. I won't do that for anyone except my son, I'm getting my head in the game, this should end...…

Another compressed burst of air came out of that cannon of his, if it was anyone else, or rather a more normal human being, then said person would be very much dead by now. I was thrown through steel reinforced guard booth, a guard booth that had stopped bullets when I was hiding behind it was ripped apart like paper, and I got scratched. There was a nasty cut on my face, going down from the side of my left temple, then down over my left eye before stopping on the top of my cheek. It burned, and blood was clouding my vision, not to mention I felt so woozy it was hard to get back on my feet as I stumbled about.

My left arm was dangling uselessly from my side, it was bent at a very awkward angle. And I could see my bones popping out from my flesh. The list of injuries I now had was extensive, and it would take a long ȧss time before I could heal this on my own, heck the (BEARD) was telling me to seek medical attention as fast as possible.

"I watch the news Kid, that son of yours is the child you gave to Sarah. He should have been my son, but he's yours, the son of a thief, so once I'm done ripping you apart I'll send your skull to him, and every year for each of his birthday I'll be sending a piece of your ripped body, until when he gets to your age and then I'll kill him, slowly and painfully, and there's noth...…"


Two electrically charged bullets flew out of the gun in my right hand and smashed into his neck and mouth. Surprising his teeth seemed to be coated with metal, so all the bullet did was smash them apart, while the second punched a hole through his neck. But yet he didn't shake or move, it was as if his body was already dead, and he was incapable of feeling pain.

However even if he didn't feel pain the subtle and involuntary shakes his body was giving let me know that the electrical currents in his body was already causing as much Havoc as I wanted. He looked at me in surprise as he seemed to be loosing control of his body, the electrical currents I sent into his body was already messing with the commands he could give.


Electricity snaked and danced around my body as i took an eye and punched a hole through his nose. Pretty or not there was no coming back from that, his massive body convulsed but yet he still didn't fall. I ran towards him, and the took a running leap before smashing me knee into his face and latching my right palm on top of his head. He fell back like a sack of potatoes as I made contact with the electrical currents in his body, it would take a lot to bring Chong down, and he would probably kill me before that happens. So I'll do this, I'll take his power and his life along with it. Like a vacuum all of the metal currents within his body began running to the top of his head and straight into my body.

I suddenly found my body shaking along with his, the feeling of taking his ability was such a rush, it was addictive. And unlike when the first time where I had no idea what was happening, I could actually get to enjoy the entire feeling. I could bear Chong shouting and screaming, and then suddenly the world turned white and I suddenly found myself in a memory.



Chong made his was into Aaron's cabin room, he needed to have a good long talk with the kid. Things have gotten a lot different from the first time they met, Aaron was now the number one soldier on the base, unbeatable in both skill and intellect. He could find a solution to any problem, regardless of the origin, not to mention he had way too much speed and strength than as allowed to someone his size. The fact that they're calling him Hercules seemed to. Prove that point.

Chong got to the room in record time, however Aaron wasn't there, there was just a letter on his bed, and it was nearly folded. Chong turned around to leave, before his curiosity got the best of him, in this day and age who still used pen and paper to send messages, and he knew the answer to that. There was only one person who was that old fashioned, and that was Sarah, the only other person who was as powerful and smarter than Aaron himself, she just wasn't one to show it.

Chong decided to bite the bullet and ripped the letter open. 60 seconds later he had a lot in his stomach and wished the ground could just open up and swallow him. She was pregnant, pregnant with Aaron's kid, and she wanted to leave all these behind. Chong understood that much, this base was no place to raise a kid, but she wanted Aaron to come with her, so that they could leave and go make a family like they always planned. She was leaving a week and if he was going to leave with her, he's to meet her in their secret spot later tonight it would be their happily ever after.

Chong didn't hesitate and he ripped the letter to pieces, and then went ahead to throw them in the toilet and flush them down. His heart was pounding loudly within his ċhėst, and it wasn't from guilt, it was from the excitement of what he had just costs his enemy, Aaron took her away from him, it was only right that he returned the favor. If he couldn't have her, then no one else will.

<<<<<<<|FLASHBACK END|>>>>>>>

Chong crashed to the ground, his body smoking and looking desiccated despite his bulk. He had on a nasty grin on his broken face, he was probably drawing great pŀėȧsurė from the look on pain and horror on my face. Then he looked up to me and said.

" hehehe hahahahahahaha!"


A massive lightning bolt came flying out of my hands as his head was lasted apart like a crushed watermelon. And in my grief I fell back as the world went dark with the pull of unconsciousness, but even then....the darkness didn't bring the peace I sought for; Sarah...I'm so sorry.

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