{ Good morning everyone, I'm Asare Dusivaru and this is the Imperium Morning report.

During the early hours of these morning, the police had received a distressed call from world renown research facility Bloom Valley, which belongs to Antoine Neurosurgical Industries. Apparently a groups of men and women had broken into the labs and began killing everyone within it in an attempt to rob the company of valuable technology and research. A siege promptly ensued when the police got there, but was quickly broken up when generals from the army arrived to take control of the situation.

Apparently the lab had been attacked by chairman and current CEO of Imperium Industries Aaron Wade. He had led a small team of what reports are calling a super powered militia to as we understand put a stop to a vile series of experiments that were being carried out with Imperium deep dive technology and using the VRMMORPG Lost Descendants Online as a medium. Details about what these experiments were have not been released, however it is said that the Chairman Aaron Wade has sustained serious injuries and is currently being attended to by a team of his personal doctors. His fate at the moment is not known.

Meanwhile the president has come forth to issue a statement praising the bravery of Aaron Wade and the swift actions he and his militia took in putting a stop to what has now been going as not just a threat to natural security, but also a global threat in the making. The current CEO of Antoine Neurosurgical Industries along with most of his family has gone into hiding, with only his eldest daughter in police custody after she was arrested yesterday morning.

The authorities are urging any members of the public with valuable information about the fugitives to come forth. The imperium industries is also offering a million dollar reward to anyone who can expose the location of the fugitives.

All we can do now is sit, and hopefully pray that the chairman of Imperium Industries pulls through and makes a speedy recovery. On other news the Imperium Industries virtual reality department had slated two announcements for this evening, even though the chairman...…..}

The sound of the news seemed to drone on and on, Ron had the feeling the woman was saying something important, but he really couldn't tell what. Even if he could understand what she said, his mind as drawn to something else, or rather to someone else. He was alone within the hospital room, but he knew there were dozens of men and women armed to the teeth outside, waiting, just like he was. He really didn't understand what was happening, but pops wasn't waking up, and even if the little boy didn't know why, he was beginning to get scared.

Ron moved towards his father, however what he and probably everyone else outside didn't realize was that the young boy didn't walk to his father's bedside, he floated towards him. Nanny Florence had just quickly stepped out to take care of something and had left Ron as a reasonable enough distance from his unconscious and still healing father, but then again it seems normalcy could not be attributed to the son just as it can't be attributed to the father.

To Ron it seemed as if Aaron was just sleeping, but he never slept with tubes in his mouth and a needle in his veins. The connection Ron always felt from his father was there, and it felt stronger, however it also felt blocked, like him being asleep stopped him from being able to reach out to his son, who was also desperately trying to reach out to his father.

Ron floated until he was directly above his father's ċhėst, this was his normal position and he slowly let himself down on his father's ċhėst, laying down and slowly closing his eyes, listening to the steady heartbeat. He felt warm, and safe, but he very much prefers to look into those piercing blue eyes that thought the world of him, the same eyes he also thought the world of. He closed his eyes, just as Nanny Florence walked in with someone else. Ron wanted to listen to what it was they were saying, but he was too safe, to warm, he was with pops and so sleep came for him.

After all for a three year old it has been a tiring morning, but before everything went dark he heard Nanny Florence say a name just as a hand as warm and as soothing as his father's touched his hair. He couldn't help but ask himself;

"Who is Sarah?"


I don't have fond memories of hospitals, the first and last time I remember going to a hospital was when we had to get my mother's body. She had wanted her body cremated and the ashes split in two, one half went back home to Nigeria, and the other was laid to rest in the garden, and then almost sixteen years or more later my father was buried beside her. But none the less the gust of it all was that hospitals suċkėd, but then again waking up in this hospital can't be that bad, especially since I woke up from Ron trying to shove a lollipop into my closed mouth.

"Who gave that to you little man, you could get cavities or a tooth ache." He looked at the sweet in his hand and then furrowed his brows a bit, before looking up at me and asking.

"Who's Sarah?"

And then everything slammed into me like a ton of bricks, I have no idea how long I've been out, but this question brought everything crashing down on me once again. What do I tell him, the only person he knows as his mother was Kira, how do I begin to explain to him that Sarah was his real mother's name, and even better yet his life would have been very different if I left when she wanted me too. Forget about that letter, I should have stopped her the day she said she was leaving, I should have gone with her, but I didn't. I so desperately wanted to cry, but I couldn't do that, I had no right, and definitely not in front of Ron.

"Well Sarah's mom little man, she's your mom." I didn't know what to expect, he was 3 but I was still scared about what sort of reaction he would have. He looked down at the lollipop and then answered me absentmindedly.

"Oh! Ok.....she was here though...…in my dreams. I heard her, she says...…she said she loves me."

Well I didn't expect that, and I was almost caught off guard until he said she had come to him in his dreams. I hugged him, wincing a bit in pain as instill felt a little bit sore, but none the less I felt okay. In this moment, with him here I didn't feel like I was such a monumental fuċk up, of course I'm sure there still a shit storm of self pity waiting for me, but none the less that could wait for later, right now I just wanted to be here with him, with my boy, my Genesis and my Revelations.


Even with my ridiculous new healing factor, I had three surgeries. One on my spine, the other on my very punctured lungs, and the third on my numerous broken bones. But even then after two weeks apart from a little limp and the cast on my left arm, I was as good as new. My grandmother had come visiting and quite frankly the old lady was overstaying her welcome, however she's been able to keep Ron company, and much to my annoyance the two had taken to each other like a sponge to water, Ron was currently teaching her Yoga, in very much the same manner in which we exercise every morning.

Which was all good and fine since I have somewhere to be today. I made my way outside and there was Pegasus all buffed and clean, looking all clean and swanky. But I'm not the one driving him today, Nanny Florence had almost had a heart attack when she found out I almost died, she's out of resignation temporarily, and all just so she could have the chance to punish the others for leaving me alone, especially Nezha and Nuwa who were supposed to be my shadows.

Nothing I said could placate her fury, and with my grandmother around the two seemed all too willing to gang up on my poor team. But none the less everyone was okay...well sort off, they had a week on super intense training, I'm sure they all still ached in places where they're not supposed to ache. I got into the back seat of the car, two hover bikes were at the side, with Nuwa and Nezha on it, dressed head to toe in black suede suits with blue highlights and notice of wolves.

The whole world already sort of knew I had a personal army, nothing much of the details were known, but to them I was now more than just a simple chairman and CEO of a company. So in everything we now did, the Wade family no longer hid who they were, or what we were capable of.

But speaking of companies Kira has been up to her neck in work since I've been out. The trailers for the upcoming tournament and the Augmented Reality Interface (A.R.I) has sort of taken the whole world by storm, there were calls from investors or other companies hoping to get the products advertised with the interface. So far there has been a couple of tests and experiments carried out by health departments in countries all around the world to check if the interface had any sort of hazard to the health of it's users, and so far they've all been positive reviews.

But not just that, the tournament had people going wild, this time lost Descendants would stray from it's very reality like style of gameplay to more traditional game play. While there are still AIs, things would be a little bit more balanced and all players would have an equal part to shine, whether you were a guild or a solo player. You just needed to have the talent and a shit ton of luck.

We drove in silence for almost an hour before we finally got to our destination. The moment I got out of the car, I could feel dozens of eyes on me, the Wade family already had people on site, but so too did others. Spies, and not just from other families, but from major law enforcement branches. CIA, FBI, even Interpol was here, guess I'm now a man of interest.

I shrugged my shoulders and kept on walking forward, counting the plots in my head as I went last one grave after another. My heart was thumping deep in my ċhėst, I've not been here since I've been back, and I could give a weird excuse like I've been busy, but it was probably because I was still angry, angry she left. Turned out it was nothing more than a misplaced anger, I misjudged her but none the less I had to come pay my respects, I owed her that much.

{Sarah 'War Queen' Clearwater}

{Daughter, Sister, Friend, & Mother}

I guess this was just as good a time to cry, but I was holding it in. She was probably rotting bones now, nothing left of the beautiful woman I fell in love with. I focused on the head stone and the patch of earth it was placed over, I wished I could see her one more time, regardless what she looked like now. It wouldn't matter though, there's no pill for regret, and saying sorry won't turn back the hand of time or absolve me of this sin, even if it wasn't fault.

Love had a way of making everything seem like your fault, even if it was just in part. There's always something better that you would have done, something smarter; my eyes blurred from my tears when suddenly a prompt rose up.

{Activating X-ray vision lens}

The whole world turned gray-scale and I could see through the earth, past the termites and earth works moving was an ornate casket. On top of it was a motor of horse, even with the time that had passed it still looked really good. I get the feeling I've seen that symbol somewhere before, but I couldn't remember. Then I looked at the casket or rather through it, and I saw...

"Nothing.... There's nothing there, nothing!" I turned around and saw Nanny Florence holding out her hand to me, as if to tell me to calm down.

"Young Master, your father and I have one last secret to tell you, but since he's not here it's up to me to tell you...…she survived the birth...the young prince's mother is still alive!"

"I didn't want to hear any more bullshit explanation, so I just asked the question that need to be asked."

"Where the fuċk is she!?"

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