"I don't know where she is Aaron, she did go visit you and Ron in the hospital, but she didn't leave an address. I don't think she's ready to face you yet."

" But I don't understand, why would she be so unwilling to see me? Please you have to tell me where she is, I'll do anything... it why let everyone think she was dead, what would that have achieved." I asked Nanny Florence as I stood there, in front of an empty grave with a bouquet of flowers.

"That's actually your fault, or rather the fault of division Zero." I moved my head back confused as I looked at Just Florence with a questioning look on my face.

"All of the soldiers on that team never used their real name, unless amongst themselves. It was a clandestine team of soldiers that was only know to a select number of world leaders, and even then Division Zero worked off the grid without any sort of digital or paper trail, your operations were too clean and you all made sure not to leave any evidence. When Sarah left she was lost, just like you she's a member of a really old family, only said family has since gone legitimate and own ranches and alcohol factories across Texas and within certain places in Mexico.

She's been in the army since she graduated high school, and she wanted a safe place to raise her child. So she came to Los Angeles and met up with her best friend and roommates from boarding school Kira, and that's how she found out exactly who Aaron Wade was. The runaway grandson of the most powerful man in the underworld, and heir to the most influential company in the world. She met your father by chance, or maybe it was planned, I'm not so sure. Because given how dangerous a woman she is, I don't think Sarah would leave anything, much less her child's future to chance.

Sarah reminded your father so much of your mother, he wanted to protect the girl, and then he found out about division zero. He kept tabs on all the members except for one who seemed to have disappeared off the radar, and it was only possible when the division was disbanded. Sarah never told him who was the father of her child, so in his mind any one of the men within the group he was keeping tabs on could be the father, and he made it his responsibility to keep an eye on them until the kid was born so he could reunite them. Keep a family together as a way to make up for his failures to your mother and you...then someone started killing them off.

One after the other, with such precision it was akin to surgery. The Assassin was a total ghost, and one of the best. But given the kind of work we were into, it would be hard for an Assassin like that to exist and we wouldn't know about it. And worse yet was the fact that he was only going after the soldiers in division Zero, the trail of bodies the Assassin left was enough to give even someone as experienced as your father chills.

The most fortified building or even a massive army couldn't stop him, and the governments and news were keeping all these deaths silent. He suspected that the ȧssassin was a Meta-human, and at the time our meta humans were just coming into their abilities, none of them were ready for any sort of fight.

So he wanted Sarah to go into hiding with her unborn child, but she offered another solution. Going on the run with a kid was not what she wanted, so she takes an illness and asked her best friend to look after her son should she pass. And then Aaron Junior was born, your father was shocked she wanted to call him Wade too, giving him your exact name.

Her death was faked and her son was left under the care of Kira and in an orphanage secretly run by operatives of the Wade family. The day she left was the day she told your father the identity of the man who fathered her son, most of the other soldiers from division Zero were already dead, she didn't know much of the details, but she had a feeling you were alive and told your father to find you before the ȧssassin got to you.

And then she left, two hours later everything clicked, made perfect sense to your father and at the same time horrified him. The only person out of the hundred, excluding Sarah who was not accounted for was the soldier called Hercules and now with her exposing your identity as the father of her son it made perfect sense. You were the ȧssassin going around the world killing your old teammates, so your father sent for her, confident that you would not but her. He couldn't get through, apparently her plane had went down over the Mexican-American border line. And the idea was that you might have killed the mother of your child.....it broke his heart.

He didn't feel he was good enough to watch over Ron, he felt everything was his fault and if he had never pushed you away, then you wouldn't have ended up the way you did. So he made his will, prepared everything he could for you to have a fresh start and let Kira watch over the boy. Your father wasn't killed young Master, he's too smart and too dangerous a man for that to happen.

Without your mother, the only woman his tired old heart had learnt to love after he lost master Henry's mom to an accident many years ago, he got tired of life. Seeing you, your son, and Henry and his children let him know there was nothing left to achieve. He has a legacy, and even though his mistakes had stained that legacy he knew you guys would be fine... ȧssuming you don't kill yourself first.

But that was your own life to live, your own choices to make. He was tired of making mistakes, so he left everything he owned to the one person he felt he owed the most...…you. And that night he breathed his last, ending his life of his own volition. I was there until very last second, and your name was the last thing he called, or rather I should say both your names; you and your son's.

There's too many sins in this family Master Aaron, and it's up to you to make it right. Of course you're making more sins, but that's the way of the Wade bloodline. You're wolves, you're never satisfied with what's in front of you until you've achieved the height of it all. But just like wolves nothing else matters to you like your pack, your family.

Sarah showed up at the hospital, and she left just as suddenly as she had arrived. And she saw Ron laying right there on your ċhėst, it was obvious the boy was worried about his father, and it was one of the most beautiful sight we've had the pŀėȧsurė seeing in our lives. Sarah's dead Master, the woman she is now is the one you need to look for and I'm afraid...I have no idea who she is. I'll be waiting for you in the car."

I watched her leave speechless. Who knew life could be such a bitch, so complicated and uncommon and random and hurtful, so damn hurtful. The Wade family is cursed, that much I think I can agree on, everyone who's had to wear the crown on my head has achieved a great many things, but the sins we carry are enough to bury our family and the people we love in so much pain and hurt that life becomes meaningless. Being a Wade is not amazing or the perfect life to live... it's a burden and a curse...a very terrible one. And Wade is my son's last name.


When I logged back into the game it was to the sound of loud gunfire and explosions. Sky was nowhere next to me, and I could hear massive screams coming from outside the ship. It was quite stable, but the motions the Acheron was making was not normal, there was no fluidity that's accustomed to sailing on the sea, it was weird.

I ran out of the Captain's cabin, equipping my armor and sword, however as I ran I discovered that the entire ship was empty. When I finally got out, I discover that the Acheron was within the cargo hold of an enormous ship, a blast of Laser fire went last my head to ricochet of the Acheron's mast. I looked out to see the hull doors open, and behind were no less than a dozen men In jetpacks flying after us and shooting at Qitar and Zack who were huddle behind a couple of metal boxes.

Zareth was lying down passed out with a couple of bottles by his side, somehow Raven Song was right next to him, along with Mack and Dinah, all drunk out of their senses. Darke was probably the one piloting, Persephone was no where to be seen, probably offline, and Houki was hunched over Jack, trying to heal him.

Sky was huddle behind a box too, her trunk over her head as she hid, which was surprising because she was a lot more fierce than this. I spread my wings and glided off he ship, and landed with a thud on the metal ground beneath me. Sky raised her head, then letting out a victorious trumpet she ran towards me, her body glowing before changing into her staff form. I didn't need to know who the guys chasing us were, all I knew was that they were enemies and enemies did.


And there was no better way to announce myself, a blast of silver flaming energy shot out from the staff, spreading out like a wave and smashing into the people chasing after us. The first three immediately exploded into balls of flames while the others were jostled in the air, but that was all the distraction needed as a green bean of light along with a loud bang resounded out. Two of the pursuers exploded into body bits of blood guts and limbs as a spell circle seemed to appear over the sniper rifle in Qitar's hand, which was weird, that gun was very new, along with the bow in Zack's hand.

*twang! Twang! Twang! Twang!*

Golden arrows very much on fire found purchase In the skills of the rest of the pursuers. Every bit made was a headshot and the string on the bow vibrated fro. the tension and intensity of the shots just fired. I was surprised, everyone seemed to have gotten an upgrade since the last time I've been here, and quite honestly it was freaking wild.


The glowing silver blue arrows shot out of the staff, though calling them arrows at this point wouldn't fair. They were huge, two meters long and half a meter wide, by now I guess the term ballistae bolts would fit them properly, but still the game says they're Mana arrows, so they're Mana arrows. Two more pursuers fell, but their injuries were just a bit superficial, looks like these guys are much more tougher than we were used to dealing with.

They fell from the sky and their comrades dived down in an attempt to go save them, but none the less there was no one else chasing after us anymore. Qitar pulled down a lever on the wall of the cargo area, and the bay doors rose up, before dealing itself shut and cutting off the loud sounds of rushing winds. I turned to Qitar and Zack who were catching their breaths and then said to them.

"So...…what'd I miss?"

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