The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 180 - The Final Trial (VI): Grand Finale

My sword was already drawn, but the moment I got close enough to Locke, I swung it forward. (Divine Wind Draw), a massive energy blade of wind shot out of the shower towards Locke, but a shield pooped into existence in front of him, stopping the strike as he brought his hands downwards, a black flaming whip showing up and slicing for my head. I used the gravity mastery to push it aside as I drew closer and sliced the Kusanagi upwards.

Locke used his knuckle dusters to intercept, letting the blades attached to them shift my strike to a different angle. Suddenly three class shot out from them as their daggers retracted, heading straight for my helmet covers face. Whether or not Sky was strong enough to defend me from that strike was not something I could contemplate, it just wouldn't be any good should it hit her, especially at point blank range.


I reappeared at his side and sent a kick to his stomach, he stepped backwards as I opened my mouth and screamed at him. (Wind school: Sonic Scream), the skill pushed him backwards, but there were spikes at the end of his wings that he stabbed into the ground and used as a sling shot to bring him forwards as he slammed both his feet on my ċhėst in patented drop kick. I got the air knocked out of me as I fell backwards, but he was in no better shape than I was as the Sonic Scream skill left him dazed for five seconds. But with me on the ground it gave him enough time to get himself back together again.

I got back to my feet just as he drew close and threw a jab at my face, the same shield that defense him suddenly appeared, and in such close proximity it boasted me backwards and into the store of the island, with half of my body hanging I side the water. I rolled to the side, dodging the feet that was heading for my head, before splashing a handful if water into his face. The Kusanagi had fell out of my hands, but it didn't matter, I could still take him I moved forward, evading his swift jab, as I slammed me knee into his stomach and sent an elbow to the side of his jaw.

He rotated from the hit, but came back with his black blazing whip. I jumped back, talking with my back and then pushing backwards with my arm in a martial arts get up. Then I spun around and gave him a flying back kick to his ċhėst, that only three him back a few feet and brought him down on his ȧss. I ran towards him and jumped, angling my body to the ground as I used the wrestling move (Shining Wizard). All of my momentum was in my knee as I smashed it into his face and sent his head smacking backwards into the wet sand below. I got off his body as I felt his claws scrape across the ċhėst of my armor, but there was not enough force of traction from it to cause any damage.

He swung wildly, and I took a step backwards. He hastily got back to his feet only for me to send a super kick to his jaw, there was a loud smack as his head hung at an awkward angle for a moment, then I moved in grabbed his head and sent two fast knee strikes to his stomach, driving the sir out of his lungs before doing something I've never tried before. (WATER FORM)

This was the extra skill my armor got apart from my transformation and my air form. I could feel my body change as I turned into a glob of water that hung in the air for a moment, and then as soon as Locke decided to take a breath, I rushed into his nose and lungs. This form was unlike my air form, and to be honest I felt weird about it, I could actually feel everything within his body, the liquids, his blood, his organs, and even the lungs that I was currently pushing at with my new form.

I could hear him hacking and coughing, struggling to breathe or at the very least push me out of his lungs. But nothing was working, the sensations might not be as strong as it would have been in the real world, but it was bad enough that Locke got frantic. It didn't matter what he did, he couldn't get me out, he clawed at his throat and nose, hacked as much as he could, but there was no change, he was still crossing, slowly and painfully. Until finally there was nothing.

(You have slain your opponent! 10 points awarded! The skill energy Whip has been looted!)

I deactivated the water form and burst out of his body speeding up the respawn process. I could not begin to imagine the amount of pain he must have gone through, but then again my job is not to imagine, it's to cause it. I removed the crown from my head as I made my way into the shack, at first I had no idea what to do, and then there was a bright flash of light and that same freaky feeling I had when I first went through the portal.

(You have found the crown, the skills Warp, Wind School: Sonic Scream, Energy Whip and the Mastery Gravity has been retained. You have been granted an Augmented racial trait Eagle Sight! And the class disk of the class Rune-Knight.)

This was just the rewards given for kicking Locke's ȧss, the actual reward for getting the crown was still to come. I walked out of the portal and onto the Arena where I had left Morgan, Martha and Tiamat. After I stepped out, the portal unceremoniously spat out Locke, who bounced a few times on the ground, looking pale and very broken, I really wouldn't want to be that guy. I looked at the crown in my hands, ignoring the very much horrified look on Morgan's face, I went to Martha and said.

"By the Power invested in me by the tree of revelations and the prophet John son of Zebedee, last Apostle of the Messiah. I crown thee Martha The Fair, first true queen of Patmos and the city of Prophecies. Keep your people safe, and rule with a just and kind heart, be merciless to your enemies, but show mercy where it is due, rule well young queen." And then I placed the crown on her head and the whole world exploded into a light show.

Tiamat came over to my side and stood behind me, I have to admit though, for a dragon guard, she really knows her stuff. She slowly leaned over to me and whispered, and come to think of it, Tiamat was a freaking head taller than me, and at 184 centimeters I was quite tall.

"Master? You said you had a power invested in you, was that what you got when you went into the ocean and no one could see or hear anything from you again?" She asked me innocently. I turned back to her with a whisper of my own.

"That was just total bullshit on my part Tiamat, I didn't even know it would work! There was no power invested in me, I just met a weird messenger who spoke a load of crap and then handed me the crown for Martha, but it turned out well didn't it? It took every bone in my body to stop me from laughing." I said to Tiamat as we continued to watch the light show still going on, all she could say was.

"oh! That's very clever of you master, at least now no one would say you blasphemed by wearing the crown, and they wouldn't argue too much about it."

"Oh! Yeah! Riiiight! That's totally what I was going for. Hehehehehe" I said to her with a nervous chuckle, not that I cared about the fallout of me wearing the crown what would have happened if I didn't pull of that stunt. Yeah well, all is well that ends well I suppose.

Eventually the light show came to an end, so without a doubt it was about time when rewards would be given out, and I'm sure I'll be sorry with a very big, fat, sad of cash. Coming here was a good idea, now on to business, we still needed to get off this planet.

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