The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 181 - The Final Curtain (I): Growth

My old Villa was still there, even though I didn't spend enough time to become attached to it, it was somewhat nice too see something familiar. Either way is here too rest and take a closer look at rewards I've been given or rather allowed to choose. One blueprint, one unique skill, one weapon of choice, and the 1 billion gold dollars that's looking pretty nice within my bank account. Not to mention I leveled up 5 times, and got a 100 stat points in each of my stats.

They all broke the 500 mark and I'm pretty sure there's been some sort of change, which I'll be finding out the moment I take a good look at the system alerts. But first of all, let's see what we got.

{BLUEPRINT: REFLECTION RUNE: a rune to be placed on weapons, buildings or even the bodies of fighters to reflect damage whenever it's activated.}

{Golden Legolas: Type: Sniper Rifle/Grade: Heaven/ Hidden Grade: Legendary/ Rate Of Fire: 1 shot per sec/ Damage: 3000-4500}

{Skill 1: Silver Song: Shoot a focused shot to cause instant death to targets from 5 levels above you and any level below regardless of whether they're bosses or gods!./ Cost: 2000 MP/ Cool down: 1 hour/ Range: 10 kilometers}

{Skill 2: Golden Double Tap: Fire two quick bullets at a target, the first would disable all skills and energy, and should the second hit, it would cause instant death./ Cost 800 MP/ Cool down: 30 minutes/ Range: 10 Kilometers}

{MASTERY: Rune-Engineering: learn and master the ancient art of Rune-Engineering.}

So the gun was just ridiculous, it was heavy as fuċk even with my super strength and it was completely extravagant, with it's frame being good with highlights of silver and white all over it. In normal game terms, this gun was a legendary/ divine weapon, because If it can kill gods! Granted they're just 5 levels above me, then this shit was insane. But this was a gun strictly made for high level ȧssassinations. What it was doing in a somewhat holy city, I don't know; but due to the immense strength requirements, at the moment apart from me and unsurprisingly Tiamat, no one else could use at this current stage.

As for the other skills gained, that made me really, really happy, especially with the gravity Mastery that came along with it. Using it in tandem with Warp would probably be Aaron Wade's go to signature skill, it would be nice if I avoided using the skills of Captain Seven, secret identities were complicated, but with enough skills to throw off suspicious people no one would be able to tell who was who. So energy Whip, Warp, Sonic Scream and the gravity mastery, were my go to skills for this identity, though I had to figure out a way around the Katana, from now on only one person could use it between Captain Seven and Aaron Wade. Speaking of which I still need to go get my created on the spot guild actual created.

Next was the class skill disk, which quite frankly came as a result of Providence. John told me I wouldn't be getting any more handouts, so I guess this was probably the last one they could give.

{Class: Rune-Mage (+): this base class is a crafting/ battling class where the study, creation and application of runes are important. By creating runes and imbuing them in your armor, weapons and skin, you can create new effects and create new skills.+ 3 to Wisdom, intelligence, and dexterity every level. The passive skills Steady Breathing, Energy Sight & Energy Ink would be gained, the active skills Create Rune, Imbue Rune and Remove Rune would be created. And the Mastery Rune-Craft would be created.}

This was the reason, why I had chosen the Rune-Engineering mastery, somehow it should all work in tandem with each. That should be the basis of Aaron's skills and abilities of course when it matters, the skills if both identities would branch into the other, this was not just a game anymore.

Aaron should be able to take a little heat off Seven and vice versa, Which was why they both had to have entirely different skill sets and fighting styles. Seven would stick with the bow and guns, Aaron can use the Katana and the skills from the new class.

{System Alert!: Level Up: You Have Reached Level 60! The Sub Class Option Has Been Unlocked, And The First Class Advancement Quest Can Commence.}

{Your Class Is A Unique Class And As Such It Has No Advancement Quest. Sub-Classes Can Be Advanced In 10 Levels And Then 20 Levels, And Then 30 Levels.}

{All of Your Stats Have Passed The 500 Hundred Mark, Numeric Display Of Stats Has Been Disabled. Tier Display Now Active. Stats Advance With A Percentage Bar And Can Now Be Increased From Both Stat Points And Activities Within The Game}

{Stat Mastery Skills Have All Leveled Up To Advanced}

{You Have Chosen Rune-Mage As Your Sub-Class.}

Race: Dragon Kin Tribrid(Dragon/High Elf/Human)

Title: Power Seeker/ One With The Wind/ Bronze Blood Commander/ Limit Breaker/ Sin Dragon Slayer/ Pirate Hunter/ World Shaper

Faction: Elemental Dragon Race/ Captain Of The Acheron's Crew

Reputation: INFAMOUS(Wanted Dead Or Alive)

Strength: Tier 5.31%/ Constitution: Tier 5.46%/ Agility: Tier 5.95%/ Dexterity: Tier 5.95%/ Intelligence: Tier 5.31%/ Wisdom: Tier 5.46%

Hp 3486 /3486(equip bonus +) MP 3670/3670(equip bonus +)

Stat points:171 Skill points:172

Skills: <>

Friends: <>

Well that's quite a bit of change, I wouldn't say I was the strongest, but amongst players I'm pretty damn sure there's no one as buffed up as I am. Anyway the change of the stat system made me realize something, from 1 to 200 was using training wheels, 200 to 500 was learning to work, but from 500 and above, the increment of stats come not just from stats, but also from activities, which is to say people can actually train waiting the game to get stronger and faster.

The down side is that small increments in stats points wouldn't have too much of an effect on your overall fighting prowess, you need at least increased of a hundred to get those changes, which is why the stats were now measure in there rather numerical values. It was easier to understand, however health pools and Mana pools remain the same, though I get the feeling a time will come when those things won't matter anymore. Maybe the Mana pool will still have relevance, but for health, i doubt it even has any sort of importance when a cut from someone's sword would take off your neck.

But growth was nice, it was cool and it was amazing. I already sent a message to the crew, we might not even have to worry about being recognized or sticking out with an old smugglers ship, with the money I hand we could get a better ship, on that's fairly new and strong and also fast enough. To be honest I would prefer to be able to go through that blockade without having to fight, but all that can wait until the festivities of having a new queen and the city of Prophecies being opened is over, after that then Martha and I can properly discuss business. For now though I had to get myself well rested, there's going to be a massive party all day tomorrow and I was required to be there, guess Aaron Wade is now famous in this world. Hmmm if only they knew????????????.


We never got to see much of Patmos the last time we were here, however today I've gotten a chance to truly appreciate how intricate and expansive the Tree of revelations truly is. There was a city within the tree, road networks, floors, streets, arenas, buildings, and there was a city amongst it's branches and within and it's roots. A kingdom of green skinned people who actually made skill disks! Yeah with the free time I had I took to properly researching the city and why it was so damn popular apart from being a massive multicolored tree.

The tree itself with it's numerous leaves that each could bestow a skill, was the very thing keeping the economy of the city standing and thriving. Their Arenas also helped, but they were not the best in the world, much less the numerous galaxies that's spread out across the universe. But their Ability to turn the leaves of the tree Into skill disks have kept them at the forefront of the arms race, and very dangerous to their enemies.

Unlike Qitar who seems to be really low key, The Patmosian military were living breathing walking arsenals. They had numerous skills to account for different situations and could counter their enemies in a variety of ways. They have specialized forces who have select skills, it doesn't matter if it was espionage, aerial ȧssault, naval warfare, or Frontline encounters, if there was a skill for it, they had it and they knew how to use it.

But today, there was a banquet, and it wasn't being held in any part of the tree, but rather on the beautiful city right at the crown of it. There were a bunch of dignitaries, and while both Tiamat and I had on really fancy suits, (she chose to wear the same thing as me), we still had to keep our identities secret. No one really knew Tiamat, but considering the trouble we would probably be raising in the future, it was better she remained anonymous.

The city of Prophecies was actually just one very massive castle, basically it was a castle city, ȧssuming things like that exist. It was also quite crowded, but not so much that the flying limo we were in was hindered. The city had silver like slides and towers that just seemed to reach towards the sky, the massive branches and leaves of the tree of Revelations tightly clung to the walls of the city and even spread like vines into it, providing reinforcement in some places, and beautifying others. But the truth is, the city was almost in shambles.

Most of the buildings were filled with cracks, but the tree had held them together with it's branches. It was understandable, this city has been uninhabited for hundreds if not thousands if years, but now that it's enchantment had fallen and it was finally opened to people, proper development can begin in earnest and it wouldn't look so drab anymore.

The Limo came to a stop in front of an ornate Palace, which was still in top shape. I've been here before, when I had to get my skills, so looking up at it wasn't as surprising. There were massive white pillars lining both side of an exquisitely woven red carpet with a golden representation of the tree and a crown on it's head. It was beautiful and it stretched for almost a hundred meters before continuing on into the castle. There were soldiers lined up on both sides, and there were guests walking on it as they proceeded into the banquet.

I stepped out, and Tiamat quickly followed behind. There was a lull , a 5 second long silence as everyone looked at me. There commoners around, nobles and dignitaries from other governments and kingdoms. I guess my performance impressed them and now they all had eyes on me. I pulled the suit on me closer, which was actually just my armor changed into something different by the Hood Of many colors.

If there was one thing Aaron Wade as used to, it was being part of the spotlight, it's where he was born and it's where he thrives the most. I moved forwards with carefully tailored steps and made my way into banquet. Players who were streamers and just reporters for other news companies made sure to keep their eyes focused on me. This was the it show, not just the fact that I helped Martha become Queen, but because I was the leader of the current most wanted man. The gates of hell opening is no small situation, and the only person with information about the damn thing as there was a massive barrier preventing others from going through; is a pirate captain that answers to no one but me. I guess I'm now the most wanted man within the game or at least on New Gaia, which was funny considering that I'm the same guy.

I walked into the castle with Tiamat in tow where a page was waiting for us. I noticed than on his green skin, trails of golden veins were slowly spreading in an Intricate design across his skin, I reckon whatever change Martha has gone through, it was extending to be people. It was spooky to say the least, 8 was unable to notice it on the soldiers because they were fully armored.

"Introducing Guild Master Aaron Wade Of The Acheron Imperium Lords!, Champion! Of Prophecies! Chosen Of Prophet's! And Prince Consort Of Her Highness Queen Martha Of Patmos!"

I stumbled and almost fell flat on my face if Tiamat didn't stretch forth her hand to hold me back. Prince Consort! Did something happen while I was offline or something, how in the hell did I get married! It was at this point I finally realized why everybody was looking at me when I walked in, it wasn't because I made Martha Queen, it was because somehow she's become my wife…...what the absolute fuċkɨnġ! Hell! Of all Loads of bullshit! Is going on here!

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