The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 183 - The Final Curtain (III): War

The entire ballroom was thrown I darkness, and there wasn't just one gunshot, there were several, however none of those bullets ever hit the intended targets. Eagles are not nocturnal hunters, so my new augmented trait (Eagle eyes) wouldn't have helped me much in seeing in the dark. However dragons were not hunters, not to mention elves, so all of these mismatched genes in my body meant that I could pretty much see that it was most of the Patmosians serving as waiters or guards who opened fire, and Martha was not the only target.

Practically everyone here was a Target, but each and every single one of them, just like me had a guard who was strong enough to protect them from harm. Only few people got it, but even then the injuries were superficial, the lights came on and the shooters quickly lined themselves up guns at the ready and pointing it at the guests. They all had masks on, but the very obvious leader, Morgan and his father, the now former king had their faces very much in the open. But the most glaring trait on all of them, was the badge of a black dragon encircling a planet.

"The Dragon God guild!" Tiamat muttered as she took her place besides me. I felt Martha shake a bit, but it was only for a second before she relaxed and regained her composure.

"Everyone my sincerest apologies, but I'm afraid that none of you would be allowed to leave here alive. You can consider this the first shot of war as the dragon guild begins it's conquest of the known world, the loss of the Patmosian throne is terrible, but some losses are acceptable in the grand scheme of things, please say your goodbyes or leave any messages you want for your loved ones, you're all going to be dying soon." A feminine voice spoke up as Io Reyes made her way from behind the crowd of traitors, her very appearance meant that the dragon god guild was taking this seriously, there really would be a lot of dead people today.


"Easy Tiamat! Not now! You'll get your chance, but she's mine. Keep your current form, your main objective is to keep the Queen safe, this fight is mine." I raised my communicator to my eyes as I sent a simple message.

{Get Ready!!}

"Io Reyes! I've heard a lot about you, though I don't believe we've had the pŀėȧsurė of meeting each other. However that wouldn't matter now that the virtue dragons have decided to save war on everything that lives and breathes. We have a massive threat with the opening of Hells gate, yet you want to start a war! You're underestimating the power of the elves!" Lerrianderlei said as she moved forwards. Io on the other hand smiled as she gave her an elegant bow.

"Your highness Queen Lerrianderlei HeartWind Zeerus, Sovereign Queen of Elvengarde I have also longer to meet with you too. I just don't understand why you would be parading yourself as your own prime minister, but then again it wouldn't matter, because you would be dying today. Next to the virtual dragons the elven empire is the most powerful, some might say that you're of an equal standing with us, we don't like that. And as such you will be dying today, your death would throw the elves into pandemonium and give us a chance to squash you long eared freaks...for good!"

*Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!*

Everyone turned to look at me as I took a step forward, I would have very much liked to have my double identity fir as long as possible, but I've not even had a chance to live it and now I have to discard it and be myself. This fuċkɨnġ war would cause a very big problem for me, or better yet it can be an opportunity, just like it is in the real world. It's hard to decide what step to take, however I feel like it should happen, it would give me a chance to build something up from the ashes, but to do so this world, this reality had to know exactly who the fuċk I am...and see me as someone they can really behind.

"If I didn't know you Penny, I would say you've got the villain scheme down to a T. However....." I took my War Helm off, there wasn't much of a surprise on the looks of everyone around, but there a few gasps when said Helm turned into a six foot tall purple elephant with growing horns on her head.

"You're fuċkɨnġ with my business and I don't like it! This world is more than just a game and the guild you're a part of would fuċk things up massively with very serious real world consequence. You have to make a choice old friend."

That was sure to get tongues wagging, the Prince Consort that's both the guild leader Aaron Wade and the wanted man Captain Aá Seven, seems to be in good terms with the most dangerous woman in the game, they were even old friends, as to the nature of their friendship, one could only speculate with baited breaths.

"I don't really care what you have to say about this Aaron, I'm not being forced to do anything here, this is my choice. If you get in my way, then I'll rip you to shreds with the rest of these idiots, this world is more than just a game; yes! I know that. But to prevent it from turning out like ours, order needs to be established, this is no different from what you've been trying to do, sowing chaos to build something new, to build something better. In fact I would like you to join me in this, you already know what it means to hold true power, there's no reason why that should be any different within this world, join us! And you would be above more than just a company and a planet, they'll be an entire universe at your finger tips."

That's quite a tempting offer if I do say so myself, but this life was a whole lot more different than the one I live outside. So until there come such a time when both lives would inevitably crash into each other and become one, and even then! I won't be bowing my head to tyrants and people all too willing to seed war for a useless reason.

Outside of this game, the nations of earth and their off world counter parts were at a stalemate. But this wasn't caused by earth government, but by the colonies and their need to be Sovereign and their new found greed to control whatever valuable resource is left on the planet. Earth has water, lot's of it, and it keeps expanding as more and more seem to be created, with the Advent of global warming and the melting of the polar ice caps. Sending those billions of gallons of water off world every few months, have more than kept most of Earth's city from drowning in tidal waves.

But the colonies want everything, and complete Sovereignty from the countries that sunk trillions into the existence, and they were not shy about Killing for it, especially when it's obvious the have the upper hand over earth when it comes to things like technology and war weapons. I'm probably a hypocrite, but I've been off world and I've had to kill some really terrible people so that earth could have enough time to get on their feet and prepared, but not just the terrible people, but also the Innocents that were just pursuing a dream. I wasn't about to let all that sacrifice and stain on my soul become nothing as Mars and the colonies rained down fire on all of humanity.

And in this case, the dragon guild feels obligated to subjugate everyone and everything because there was too much greed and was total bullshit! Storylines within the game aside, all that guild has done was get rid of the only thing that could go toe to toe against them should conflict arise.

Much to my surprise the elemental dragons of this game weren't fire breathing village burning monsters.

They weren't as strong as their counterparts when it comes to a straight fight, so they chose to use their brains rather than brawns, and they ended up building a civilization that the whole world envied, even to the gods if the stories should be believed.

But that didn't mean they were weak, it just meant that they were not one to seek conflicts. But both dragon races were made to keep each other and the world in balance. If there's anyone that can stop the sin dragons, that were now parading themselves as virtue dragons, it's the elemental dragons, and they've spent a very long time, making sure that all traces of them were gone, destroyed or controlled. They were even bigger hypocrites than I was, plus they're also my enemies, so that more than qualifies them a painful death.

"Unlike Earth that's had countless chances to grow and get things right, these reality isn't that old. There's a lot of good in this world, but you're not even going to give them a chance to find out for themselves. Sure they're liars, like an elven queen pretending to be a simple prime minister and backstabbing someone who put lives on the line for, or the corrupt backstabbing prince and father who didn't hesitate to throw their own sister and daughter into flames as long as it served their purpose. But there's you and me, and we know better, we should know better! If you start this War Io then you and I end up on opposite sides, and quite frankly old friend....... It's considered very stupid to become my enemy, either in this world or ours." My voice had taken on an edge that seems to reverberate across the entire ballroom, I had taken center stage in this scene and now truly! All eyes were on me. Io smiled and then said to me.

"When this is all over we're still going to be friends right?"

"Well that depends on if you hit me in the face, but yeah Grandmother's having a ridiculous dinner party tomorrow, said something about "when in Rome do as the Romans do?" don't understand why she said that, she's obviously not in Rome, but she wants you over though." I said to her as I shrugged my shoulders and aged my hand, willing out my latest addition to me arsenal the Golden Legolas. I threw the Heaven graded sniper rifle to Tiamat as Io moved her neck from left to right, her neck making cracking sounds.

"Good, because I really will be kicking your ȧss down this time brat." There was a red and black spear in her hands as she spoke, she pointed it at me while Sky turned into her bow form.

The familiarity of this form created a calm in me that was never there before, come to think of it. Sky's bow form was born right here! Right on Patmos, well both her bow and staff forms anyway. But it was on this island she saw action fir the first time, and now we were going to rain more hell on this place, it's such a shame for this palace and city though, it was quite nice while it lasted.

"The thing about kicking my ȧss Io, it's that you're not wearing the shoes for it, and quite frankly you don't have the 'balls' for it." I replied with a smile as I nocked an arrow and kept my gaze on the opposing group of enemies.

"Are you telling me that I can't beat you because I'm a woman? Seriously? Since when were you misogynistic? You don't strike me as someone who stood for the Patriarchy!"

"Well old friend have you seen me, I'm basically the Patriarchy incarnate. Rich, handsome, powerful and dangerous, with lots of women hanging around me, two queens included. I'm like Batman but more criminal like."

"You made a mistake there, handsome is not a word I would use to describe you, for s guy you're okay, especially with how great a body you have, but handsome, give me a break."

"Hey! Are you guys going to keep throwing insults at each other or are you going to fight! We're waiting for you two to make the first move!"

Lerrianderlei interrupted the banter that quite frankly I'm sure would have gone on for a lot longer than normal if she hadn't spoke up. Guess I was still not too keen on fighting the only person I can actually call my friend.

"Right, well I guess we charge?" I asked with a sheepish voice, only for Io to take full control.

"Kill them all and leave no one alive! I repeat no one leaves this banquet alive!"

I guess this is it, it wasn't with the demons and devils of hell, but rather from the dragon god guild. But none the less War has come to Lost Descendants Online, and for some reason I love the idea of war and the chaos it brings, I love it!

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