The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 184 - The Final Curtain (IV): Ballroom Fight


We had bȧrėly taken a single step when a our shot and a golden streak came from behind me. The sound of it was enough to bring everyone to a halt as I turned around to see Tiamat more than fifteen meters back, her feet drawing skid marks in the pristine ball room floor. The golden Legolas was hoisted up her shoulders, and she was bleeding from the side of her mouth. I turned to face Io, only to see she was missing an arm, and a good chunk of her right shoulder, but the worst damage was to the people behind her.

Morgan was nothing but bloody bits, his father had his entire body riddle with shrapnel and the two other guards standing next to them were very much dead or Injured. I could still feel my ears ringing from the shot, but it was enough time for the shock to wear off, at least for me anyway. I resumed my charge, and quickly came up in front of Io who was quickly resorting to her trump card to remain in this fight, but if I should let that happen, then things would get a little bit more complicated.

Scales began to cover her body as she shifted, spoke morphing into her dragon form, the injuries she got seemed to be making the transformation slow, so I took advantage of that by shooting a fire arrow at her. It was fast, but she was faster, but in the end it was to easy a task to anticipate her next move, so when she duck the first, second and third arrow, each one slightly faster than the previous, she was unable to do anything about the fourth which exploded with a flash as it went past het head, Blinding her partially transformed draconic eyes and letting a fire arrow find purchase in her skull. A second later there was a small explosion as skull fragments were scattered allover. What ever was left of her body quickly turned into motes of light as she faded away, eliminating probably what was the biggest threat for every one here.

But that didn't mean our troubles were over, it was not just the Patmosians traitors that we had to worry about, but the seemingly endless stream of players from the dragon god guild that were slowly streaming into the ballroom. I had to hand it to her though, she came prepared for any and everything. Even if she's taken off the playing field, her lawns will still carry out whatever orders the queen left behind.

I rushed forward, sliding on the ground as two energy beams went over my head. I strung two wind arrows and let them loose, they both flew through two Patmosians and then went forward to find purchase in the face and throat of two players behind them. I came out of my slide and jumped forwards, using Sky's how form as punching weapon as I brought square across the face of masked Patmosians guard. He flew backwards like a rocket, smashing into his allied like a bowling ball.


A massive armored troll burst into the ballroom, smashing away both his allied and some of the guests. A troll here wasn't that surprising, I expect these guys came here prepared, what's really messed up is the fact that said troll is damn player. But that's where it gets pretty fuċkėd up, because while the fool was a troll, he was a player and as such it wad not possible for him to have as much strength as an AI based troll.

I ran towards him, jumping around a fox kin player with really long bright red tails. That proved to be a mistake as the player stretched his tails around my waist and threw me across the ballroom. I spread my wings, bringing my momentum to a halt, then I strung a lightning arrow and pulled back on it with all my might. (Meteor Shower), the arrow left a yellow streak as it went right to the very top of the ballroom before turning and facing downwards where it proceeded to multiply into hundreds, I had s rather nasty smile on my face as they all fell down like rain of lightning from the vengeful heavens.

*Ziziziziziziz ziziziziziziz ziziziziziziz ziziziziziziz*

The buzzing of Electricity as they well was somewhat terrifying, as not just the damage caused by lightning shocks, but the sheer penetrating power the arrows had after being enhanced by the lightning. Thankfully all of the guests had converged around the new Queen, who I notice was currently glowing a bit with her eyes closed, so the people within range of these skills were all of the bad guys.

The troll player survived, and the fox kin player actually dodged all of the arrows, now the both of them were making a feeling for me. But if they think it was to take down, the they were in for a very rude Awakening. I flew down throwing Sky into the sir as she changed back into her normal elephant form and made a ferocious stampeding beeline for the troll. I got to the ground and ducked under a Peirce from a blazing vulpine tail and retaliated by smashing my wings across his ċhėst. There was a loud crack as I returned the favor he gave me at s higher intensity than normal, he was thrown across the ballroom until his back smacked against the wall at the opposite end, then his body slid down to the ground, leaving behind a bloody trail as he went off to go get respawned. As for Sky she smashed her head into the ċhėst of the troll, but he had already stretched forth his hand, bring her momentum to a halt as they pushed at each other.

It was a show of strength between Titans(or something like that), a nine foot tall troll players that should be weight close to 500 if not 600 pounds, was have a guy of war against a 6 foot tall elephant with about the same amount of size. It was a sight for the ages as they both struggled to push each other back, but there was no way I would let it be a stalemate, I don't have time to find out who was stronger.

I recalled Sky, turning her into her staff form, before I rushed forwards to the troll, moving fast enough that to his eyes (and admittedly mine) I was nothing more than a black flash. If it was strength, I was now ridiculously strong and durable, 8 could wrestle a lion like boss now, heck even a real game based troll would not be a problem, so for this guy it would have been a miracle if her remained standing after I punched a hoped through his ċhėst.

And I was shocked at the outcome, the idea was that he would be thrown backwards like his fox friend, but it seems he's a little more sturdy than I gave him credit for, he was solidly planted on the ground, probably a troll passive or something like that. And he was healing too, worse with my hand still in his ċhėst, but then again there was no time to waste. I expanded my hand in his body, and all of the air and liquid, his blood included gathered in his lungs. He stepped back clutching his throat as he lost his breath, whilst I turned around and brought Sky's staff form to the ground with a loud resounding bang.

(Stellar Flare)

This skill changed a lot this time, it was quite weird. Maybe because I now had a magic based class, but a massive constellation appeared underneath me as a tidal wave of silver flames rushed out of the staff and swallowed more than 80% of the attackers in the ballroom, and even rushing towards the multiple entrances that they've been using to get into the ballroom so far. Those that were left, turned tail and ran, probably to go regroup, a strategic retreat of their own. The fight was sort of anticlimactic, I didn't get the chance to really let loose and cause all of the havoc that I wanted to.

"We have to leave Patmos!"

Lerrianderlei spoke up, decked head to toe in silver armor and holding a bow that made Sky look a common wooden toy.

"I agree! I have received reports from some the acolytes within the city, most of the city of Prophecies remains relatively untouched, but they have completely taken over the cities at the root, the branches, and in some parts if the tree itself. There's no hope for a counter attack, we must abandon this place."

I shook my head in disgust, the second person to speak was the bishop from the church of Adonai who had asked me to go find Houki along with Lerrianderlei. It was so easy for them to give up on a city they all had eyes on, but now that it was in trouble they wanted to back out, without even trying to help or putting up a fight. I ignored them and walked towards Martha who was surrounded by her guards, but who were in turn keeping a bit of space between them as Tiamat held on to the Golden Legolas. I moved my head in Martha's direction and asked.

"Do you had any plans or a way we can turn the unfavorable situation around?" she looked up at me and gave me a smile that did not even look a single but worried.

"I have total control of the city of Prophecies, I just need to get to inner throne room, and I'll be able to expel any unwanted guests from the city.

However both the tree and the city need each other to function, and right now, there's a couple of mages and scientists from the dragon god guild trying to breach into the heart seed's chamber, it seems like they want to harvest it. Seven! If they get that seed everything and everyone on Patmos will die, it's not just the tree, but each and every single Patmosian is tied to it, it would be the end of our race and the barrier keeping the demon general locked here would vanish, releasing him to wreak havoc into the world!" That was scary, I had no idea that the situation had gotten this dude.

"But you said you can control the city of Prophecies, can't you control the tree too and stop those guys from getting to the heart seed?" I asked her as the other guest looked on visibly worried, but I doubt anyone of them cared beyond their self interests.

"The tree is an entirely different entity from the city, it is conscious and it is very much alive. No one, not even a god can control it. I could use the city to cause hindrance and stop any outside threats, but for threats from within, I'm afraid I can't do anything. I don't know what I'm going to do, we won't be able to get to heart seed on time, plus the way to the inner throne is still filled with danger, it's like I have two paths to take and I don't know which...…I have to give up on the city of Prophecies, the heart seed is too important." Martha was visibly worried, but I had a plan.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to the heart seed. I'll get you to the throne room, and every other ȧsshole here would pitch in and make sure you get there safely too. I have people on their way to the heart seed, nothing is going to get past them, they'll keep it safe long enough for me to get there, heck they won't even need me." I said to her with a smile.

"Are you sure? Please this is about all our lives!" I smiled again as I shifted Sky back to her War helm form(which is more like a sleek motorcycle helmet)then I said to her.

"Trust me, now which way to the throne room?"

She nodded her head as she pointed in a direction, I took point with Tiamat and her guards sticking close to her. As we all moved out of the ballroom, I called up an Interface, smiling at what I was seeing.


•NAME: Acheron Imperium Lords


•VICE MASTER: Morrigan

•LEVEL: 1(1/1000}



{Guild Master: Nezha, Nuwa, meet up with Raven Song, Qitar, Zareth and Darke! Get to the heart seed of the tree of revelations and kill any and everyone you see that belongs to the dragon god guild or shouldn't be there. I'll meet you guys there.

Monkey King: but Master! What do I do?

Guild Master: There's an army of enemy guild running around my fake wife's kingdom.....KILL THEM ALL!

Monkey King: are you sure! Really! Really!

Guild Master: Go wild kid.

Monkey King:....

Vice Master: Guild Master....what have you done ????????????}

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