The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 185 - The Final Curtain (V): New Friends And Goblins





Qitar hunkered down behind one of the road blocks as gun shots and skills flew over her head. She was worried, this was her home and it was slowly tearing itself apart, but even more so when the idiots helping outsiders to take over their home, I'd not realize that everything that they were and I'll ever be, was about to be stolen away, the true measure of a Patmosian, what they were born from.

She would love nothing more than to rush through this blockade, but Darke and Zareth were keeping s firm hand on both het shoulders. There was a lot at stake, especially for her, hence she was being a little bit reckless with her actions. Now they were pinned down, even Zareth couldn't shift into his dragon form due to the skill suppression field being deployed, as a former captain of what would be considered Patmosian elite law enforcement officers, she knew exactly what and how dangerous that field was, it was quite similar to the Captain's (Area Of Silence) skill, but their enemies were outside so they had no choice but to hold on.

Raven Song was approaching from the root city, so he couldn't be of any help, what they were waiting for were the strange new contacts from the guild they suddenly fund themselves being a part of. The captain didn't give any warning before he did this, so they were quite aught off guard, hopefully these guys are trust worthy enough to come save their ȧsses, if not they were totally and completely screwed.

Qitar popped her head over the barrier and had to quickly duck down as a bullet whizzed past, they were keeping them locked down, and it was only a matter of time before the got completely flanked and taken out by their enemies. That was when a fireball the size of a bus fell from the sky, landing right in the middle of the ground of attackers.

(Lotus Fireball)


A conflagration of flames rose up into the air, looking very much like an elaborate lotus flower, with layer after later of flames that got significantly higher towards the middle. The flames destroyed the skill suppression device, effectively nullifying the field, but more than that it took the heat off them, long enough for Qitar to place her sniper rifle on the road block, both eyes opened but her focus unshakable.

Silent and deadly, so deadly that a single bullet was taking out three people at a time, those who didn't perish in the flames died to her rapid shots, and she didn't even see them as a high enough threat to use a skill. But still here were still quite a bit of players left, and even though no one knew were the fireball came from, and there was a danger of it being used against them, the didn't stop their pushing. Apart from the Patmosians there, the rest were players as they called them, immortal and undying.

There was almost no way to even the playing field against beings that won't die, the only thing you could was have some of them as your friends and get strong enough with as much speed as possible to be able to keep up with them.

There was a blast of cold wind as a man in white and blue fell from the Sky and landed right in the middle of the over 30 dozen men and women who Qitar, Zareth and Darke had to go through. He wasn't armored, and he was holding an elegant blue long sword that shimmered softly under the soft glare of the moon. But more than that, this guy was an angel..... literally. The four pair of wings on his back exposed his rank as a Cherub.

Normal angels were rare and too strong, not to mention a Cherub that was leagues above the norm. Even amongst players, it was very rare to see people of this race. They weren't just reclusive, they functioned on a realm most mortals can not comprehend, you would put them in the same ranks as Devils, Dragons, Vampires, gods! And spirits. They were cosmic beings of light and justice, and his guy with platinum and golden blond hair, his lazy looking demeanor and the elegant robes he had on, more than qualifies him to be called a cosmic being. But Qitar never gave a shit about pretty boys or clothes, and more so now that there was a lot at stake.

"My name's Nezha, you all have to die now. (Ice Fantasy: Crystal Towers)"

He waved his sword around, releasing a dark blue glow that lit up the entire area, and then massive stalagmites made of pure crystal like ice shot out of the ground, spreading out in much the same manner as the fireball did a few minutes earlier. So many were impaled by the spikes and hung a good ten meters off the ground. The players had already vanished in motes of light, like they do, but those who were a part of this world, spent the next few moments in agony as their blood slowly dribbled down the spikes impaling them. It didn't matter what race you were, as long as that ice touched you, you bled. There was a flap of wings as a woman with black and red hair dropped down besides the man. She woke had two pitch black set of wings, she was a fallen angel, or in this case a dark Cherub. They seem to be together and they sent look alike, making Qitar think she was looking at the same person, but with different genders.

"You must be Qitar, it's nice to meet you, but I believe we can get to know each other later. The master has ordered us to keep the heart seed safe, you know this place better than we do, please lead the way." The woman said as she turned around, but Qitar was not having this.

"Who are you?!" The woman didn't seem to mind the question as she turned around with a smile on her face.

"My name is Nuwa, Guild member of the Acheron Imperium Lords, we just call it AIL, I'm a Dark Cherub and my class is (Imperial Fire Witch). And this is my brother Nezha, he's a Cherub, and his class is (Imperial Ice Wizard); were here to help, now come on, we don't have time to waste." It was s more detailed explanation than Qitar was expecting, but the woman was right, there was no time to waste.


The ballroom was on the other end of the castle, we had to go through several buildings before we could get to the building that house the inner throne room, which according to Martha was entirely different from the main throne room. The architecture of this castle was quite questionable, calling it a palace might not even be right, so maybe a palace works best. It was like a massive constellation with massive buildings dotting the landscape, each connected to the other by very large and elaborate hallways. The first of which we were coming up on.

Our feet marched softly on marble tiles, for those of us wearing heels and dress shoes, movement was a little bit complicated as it was very possible they might lose their balance and fall, but thankfully they're were held up by others due to how close we all were with each other. We were half way through the hallway, when the painter glass windows on both sides were smashed in, and hundreds of tiny green men poured in. It didn't take long for me to realize that we were surrounded on both sides, and our opponents were, they were...

"Are those goblins?" Martha asked

Way to state the obvious your highness, but I could understand her confusion. Lost Descendants Online was realistic so the point where it was possible for particular species to go extinct if the couldn't keep with the changes in nature, and in this case, those changes were without a doubt the constant influx of new players into the game every year. Goblins were the weakest mobs to farm, apart from giving decent exp, they also helped advance skills, and helped new players get acclimated to the game.

Frankly speaking goblins died out within the first 30 years of the game launching, and no matter how the system tried to come up with ways to help the extremely procreative species to survive or make a comeback, the new players and sometimes old players did not allow that to happen. In this world, goblins were extinct, it didn't matter if it was their different variations, from red, blue, grey and the normal grey, their evolved form Hob-goblins, they were all extinct, so seeing goblins here was very much a surprise for everyone here.

*Kuwakakkaka kaskaka!!*

(Stellar Flare!) (Storm Dance)

I used both skills in tandem with each other, the wave of silver flames rushed the ranks of the goblins in front of me, burning the tiny critters to dust. Most of them however were a little bit more resilient than normal, and they rushed towards us even with their bodies ablaze with stellar flames. But I was ready for them, facing the small arm of goblins in front of me, should give the people b3hind me less things to worry about and focus on the goblins on the side and back.

(Earth Tremor!)

I stomped my foot on the ground, causing a shockwave and earthquake that pushed a significant amount of goblins backwards into their comrades. But the secret to this skill wasn't the pushback effect, it was the massive earth spikes that came out of the ground a few seconds later, skewering dozens of goblins and creating a natural barrier that they couldn't go past. He spikes rose up at about six meters off the ground, I rushed on top of it, standing in front of the still approaching army of goblins, looking like some sort of wizard.

"You shall not pass! (Wind School: Sonic Scream)"

One thing about Lost Descendants Online was that the way your skills were used were not uniform or specifically tailored in a particular manner or way. Sure the damage and effect would be constant with it's description, but some skills could be used in ways you would never have expected, heck did skills support other skills and increase it's lose of give a different effects. Like me using an earth spoke attack skill, as a barricade and platform. Now I had all of these miserable goblins within sight.

(Lava Pool)(Lava Pool) (Lava Pool) (Lava Pool)

Four ten meter in diameter pool of pure bubbling lava placed strategically in places where the goblins were densest. It slowed a lot of them down, but it didn't stop them as the goblins behind went over their friends stuck in the pool, so much so that the entire pool was completely buried, chick full with goblin bodies. However not wasn't over yet , Lava pool had an effect that only showed up after five seconds, and it should be right about now.

(Lava Pool: Eruption!)

Four pillars of flames shit up into the ceiling, burning it black as dozens of the goblins were turned to Ash. But I was no longer paying attention to that, because there were goblins now climbing the barricade I made.

(Wind School: Lightning Bolt!) ( Mana Arrow)

A massive bolt of lightning shot out of Sky's staff form, piercing through quite a few goblins, before exploding into a shower of golden Sparks and silver flames. Sky was able to add extra effects to whatever skill or spell that's released with any of her weapon's form. It was very much like what Locke was able to do, by changing the nature of a skill and Increasing it's effectiveness. But still even with everything I had done here were still more goblins streaming towards me, I couldn't help but furrow my brow in anger, this was getting a bit too much to handle, and it was pissing me off.

It was as if there as no end to the pests, and we were sorely pressed for time, I had a feeling that today was going to be a very long day. But I didn't have to think too much, all I had to do was fight until I know I could fight anymore. I turned to look at my side and saw Lerrianderlei and her guards take up spots besides me, she nodded to me as we face the goblins. I shrugged my shoulder, long day or not, there's going to loads of dead tiny green men.

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