The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 186 - The Final Curtain (VI): Players And Dullahans




Raven Song ducked under the side swing of an orcish berserker, then slammed the tip of his tower shield under his jaw, shearing off his face in half, and exposing his brains. He crouched forward and broke into a run, his tower shield glowing good as he ran rough shod over the group of people standing in front of him. Eventually his momentum came to a stop and he turned smashing his one handed hammer into the skull of dwarf, and then kicking his gnomish partner across the hallway and through the open doors of the elevator ahead of him.

The gnome smacked into the elevator wall with a bang, his magical flintlock pistols dropping to the ground as he was knocked out. Raven Song made his way into the elevator, the heart seed's Chambers was right in the middle of the tree, he was just about two levels removed from where the Chambers were located, but even then he was sure that the moment he got to the chamber shit was going to hit the fan in more ways than one. The elevator doors slid open and Raven Song was treated to a sight that made his knees feel weak, there were no less than two hundred players in sight, and based on the armor they were all wearing, which was the same kind you, Raven Song knew that these group of people were the elite forces of the Dragon God guild.

For a moment he was tempted to just let the elevator door close and move on to the next level, but this is where the party was at, it was time to go hunting. Besides even if he was unable to cause any sort of damage to them, he also knew they would be unable to lay a finger on him. Plus the guarantee that he would be so under attack that he wouldn't be able to attack was just about 10%, the captain was no the only one who had gotten new upgrades.

(Shield Charge)

Raven Song rushed out towards the very menacing looking group of guild players, his entire body ablaze with a golden glow. He was a whole lot faster than before, and that's because it was not just a different class that he received during their last adventure in the ocean City of Atlantis, his race was also changed from a dark elf to a Titan elf.

He damage into their formation, sending the first three players smacking into their comrades, but they were caught by their friends and helped back into a fighting position. It didn't take long as they all rushed at him, there were a lot of players to deal with, but Raven Song wasn't worried, at least not yet. He could handle a bunch of wayward players until the others get here, besides if they get here too soon they would take away all of the fun from this.

(Titan Charge!)

This skill was very different from the conventional shield Charge, it was an improved version brought about by his change in class, and it was more than ten times more powerful. A golden illusory giant appeared above his head, releasing a ferocious roar before rushing shoulder first into the group of attacking players. They were smacked backwards, some of them directly dying and being sent to respawn, such intense damage more than proved that they were not dealing with a common player. No less than a dozen players fell, with even more left injured and their health in critical conditions, before they decided to pay full attention to Raven Song.

It would be easier to describe Raven Song as a boss rather than a player, the dozens of people he had just taken care of, happened to be the tanks of this group of elite dragon god guild players, the ones with defense at the top of the game, yet he had shredded through their ranks as if they were made from paper. What was left of their tanks quickly hunkered down, raising their shields as their mages and marksmen prepared to bring down Raven Song with a focused ȧssault of skills, spells, and shots from guns and how's.

(Titan Wall)

Raven Song slammed his shield into the ground, and in turn, the tower shield expanded until his entire body was covered by it. If Raven Song so wished, he could make the shield as wide as the walls of a city, provided he had enough Mana or energy to power the skill, which frankly he did not. None the less this was one of his most powerful defensive skills, even mountain Bastion fell short of it.

But the thing is; using this skill meant he would be unable to move, it was more or less a turtle shell, and for him to be able to attack he would have to deactivate the skill and as. But that would leave him defenseless, this more than proved that it wasn't all good with his class, there were disadvantages to some of his skills, and this was in other to create a balance, at least someone else would be able to take advantage of his weaknesses and bring him down if they have to. But as Raven Song had previously stated, the captain was not the only one who had gotten upgrades from Dinah.

"Launch Drones!"

There were small buzzing sounds as dragons the size of a wristwatch up from behind the back of the shield. These little guys were quite similar to the Captain's new guns, they were made with a miniaturized version of the ion pulse cannon, which means they were small buggers that delivered really big packages. Raven Song had to admit that Dinah finding a way to shrink the technology of the Ion Pulse cannon was probably her single greatest achievement so far, with such an upgrade, it made the crew or rather the guild members of the Acheron Imperium Lords, even more, dangerous than they already were.


*Zi! Zi! Zi! Zi! Zi!*

Their droning was a lot louder as they released the golden beam of energy quite capable of turning matter into nothing. The beams tore through the ranks of tanks like a hot knife through buŧŧer, their defense not even strong enough to withstand the power behind the ȧssault of the drones. And without the tanks there to help them stop the attacks, the players standing behind were even less of a challenge than the tanks who focused on defense.

However just like his current (Titan Wall) skill, the drones also had a drawback, he could only use them for 5 seconds before they had to be recharged. But none the less he had already punched a hole through their defense, and it was time to move forward. Raven Song held his golden one-handed Warhammer ready to rain thunder and destruction on this audacious guild of thieves, but that was when the elevator behind him dinged and slid open.

Raven Song turned around and couldn't help the smile on his face as a very angry Qitar marched out, followed closely by Darke, Zareth and a pair of twins Raven had never met before. These two were probably part of the new group of friends they all suddenly found themselves having with the sudden creation of their guild.

"Hope we're not too late yes?" Zareth asked as he pulled out his lance, lighting the weapons ablaze. Raven Song gave him a small smile as he turned to him and said.

"No dwarf, you're just in time. So you take the guys on the left and I'll take the ones on the right. The person who kills the least enemies gets a bathroom duties for a week!" Raven Song said to Zareth with a rather sinister grin on his face.

"Deal! Bring it on elf!"


Silver arrows moving at a speed akin to bullets flew out from the bow if the elven queen parading as a prime minister. The sheer amount of power behind those arrows we're so shocking that I knew even in my dragon form, short of running away, I wouldn't be able to even fight her. It was really surprising that even with this much power she was not flaunting it, this was probably the trade of for running around the galaxies sleeping with men and building a harem, and also causing scandal wherever she went.

She had to give off the look of a spoilt brat, which she was, just not in the way most people would expect. The goblins were shredded to pieces with just the passage of the arrows, the doors on the other end of the hallway was blasted apart, causing even more damage to the part of players who were hanging behind the doors.

We rushed forwards, through the door and into another major building, this seems to be an indoor garden of sorts, there were really shiny fruits trees, flowers and a bunch of other green stuff, I'm pretty sure Dinah would love to get her hands on most of the plants here. There were a few players hiding within the garden, but with the strength of the team we now had, taking care of them was a whole lot easier than I expected.

However we had on problem that we had to take care of, and that was the fact that we were still being chased by goblins. Luckily they were behind us now, and we were moving at a faster pace than they could keep up with, even though we were a massive crowd of fancily dressed people. We went through the garden before getting into another hallway, this was the final hallway before the throne room, and in turn the inner throne room. However we had company.

Dead looking horses with exposed ribcages, bite flames for eyes and on their hooves, tails that also blazer with a fiery blue soul piercing flames. And then finally the ghastly headless men sitting on top of them with massive broad swords. They had their heads hung in small cages that was hanging at the side of their horses, and the eyes on those eyes we're blood red that gave me chills.

"Dullahans! They have a high level necromancer with them. This will not be easy to deal with. Even for me." Lerrianderlei said to me with an focused look on her face.

"Maybe not, all you need to do is destroy their heads and get to the necromancer before he can summon them out again. The necromancer's fighting ability is always really low, so he would be relying on his summons and undead. Your stellar magic and skills are effective against undead, along with holy skills and lightning skills. And even these things are strong, they're not as strong as all of us." Martha said as she stepped forward with her guards flanking her, their weapons at the ready. Tiamat hung back with a brief look on her half exposed face, the Golden Legolas still clutched tightly in her hands.

There were four Dullahans that we had to deal with, I doubt it would be easy given how terrifying everyone seemed to be making them out to be, but never the less I've got all the tools I need to beat these things down and send them back to the depths of hell where they crawled out from.

From what I know, undead we're tricky to deal with. If they're not properly destroyed, they'll always rise up again to case a shit ton of trouble for you, so you had to make sure to properly destroy them. Which means in this case I had to pull out all of the stops, and we had to get this done quickly too. The heart seed was still in danger.

I shifted Sky's staff form to my left arm. As I pulled out the Kusanagi, the sword might not be specifically tailored for undead, but I knew it had something to do with souls. It's how it grows, so it stands to reason with all of the other skills attached, this blade should be about to cause a significant amount of damage.

(Storm Dance) (Lighting Blade)

"You guys should follow my lead, we can't afford to let some of you die, even though many of you totally deserve it. Keep on me and attack whatever gets last me, Tiamat offer me some support. It's time to show these things that the dead, should remain dead!"

Not my best line to date, but I think it works better for now, I'll come up with something better when we're kicking the necromancer's ȧss. But for now, I've got a dance with death.

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