The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 187 - The Final Curtain (VII): Dullahans

The broadswords the Dullahans were using were just as large as their entire body, six feet long and two feet wide. The swords were also aflame with the same blue flames on their horses, and their headless necks wasn't really good to look at, leaving everyone with a rather crossed out feeling. I rushed out towards the Dullahans, and they charged their horses towards me too. It was quite annoying that the hallways was made large enough that all four horses could ride through it side by side.

The means that the plan to face of against them. One at a time was pretty much a bust and I had to use a skill that got all of them at the same time. (Divine Wind Draw) lightning entwined with a green wind scythe shot out from the katana in a wave, however a transparent black shield rose up and intercepted the strike, cracks appeared on the shield that was now serving as a wall for the Dullahans, but they were still very much unharmed, but this was just the beginning.

(Stellar Flare)

The power behind the stellar flare skill is something that I've not been able to fully measure or quantify, but this time it was more than. Enough to smash into the shield, break it, and then throw the horses and their undead riders on their back. We bought a little amount of time, but we had to keep the pressure up on these things. (Mana Arrow)

One Mana Arrow shot through the ċhėst of one of the Dullahans, carrying the undead riders backwards and nailing him to the wall. I don't know how long he has been taken out like that, but I would make the best of the reduced amount of enemies. The remaining Dullahans raised up black shields that stopped the arrow from attacking them, but like I said I wanted to keep the pressure on them.

(Wind School: Lightning Bolt)


The Dullahan that got attacked was boasted backwards, releasing a deathly groan that made me feel cold. It's horse charged towards me in blind date, much to my surprise, but then again I guess I could understand the kind of bond they had...kind of. I shifted Sky back into her war helm form and placed her on my head, then I held the Katana with two hands as the horse drew closer.

A silver arrow streaked past me, shearing off it's right fore leg and back leg. The horse crashed to the ground screeching loudly in a very invited like manner as slid towards me. It came to a stop right in front of me, and I happily brought down my Katana on the red eyes decapitated head that was staring at me from within the confines of a small cage. The horse's body went stiff, and it turned to dust without a sound, just like the Dullahan that I shot s lightning bolt at, did a second later.

*Whooosh!* *Clang!!*

A silver spell circle came to life in front of me, an just in time too as a massive broad sword smashed into it. The shockwave threw me backwards, but I was still able to see a golden streak fly above my head, blasting a rather massive hole through the ċhėst of the Dullahan that just attacked me. But the target was not even the Dullahan as the bullet that was shot through him went directly to the caged head hanging on the horse behind him.

The headless horseman took two steps forward and turned to dust, leaving me pretty much gob smacked as Lerrianderlei rushed forward, a couple other s right besides her. Tiamat shit through a body, to get to what she was aiming for, I always knew Qitar was deadly with a sniper rifle, she could actively use it in a battle like it was an ordinary gun, but this; what I just was freaky as hell.

The Dullahan that I and pinned on the wall for free and got on his horse, the horse reared up and started galloping towards a very busy Lerrianderlei who was trying to get to get to the head on the second and final horse while her partners and comrades kept the angry Dullahan busy. Her silver bow was hanging on het back, and she was wielding twin elven swords that glowed with silver, and glyphs and runes.

I shifted Sky back timber how form and jumped out an explosive fire arrow.

The Dullahan dodged it and it exploded harmless behind him, but the thing is, most of this arrows had active detonator, it was this tiny magic circle that Dinah had etched on Sky, making it possible for the elephant battle beast to use the arrows even without me being her bow form. I pulled out an ice arrow and shot it at the horse.

The Dullahan might have really fast reflexes, but the same could not be said for the horse, however the undead steed still swayed to the side, letting the arrow graze it, instead of hitting it. But even then what I was aiming for had already been achieved as thick later of ice covered one side of the horses flank, Slowing it down a bit for me to fire a flash light element arrow...…that was a mistake as I didn't warn anyone else about the flash.

Luckily enough, both Dullahans and their horses were affected along with everyone else who was fighting, so there wasn't that much danger, at least until the horse Lerrianderlei was fighting turned around and kicked back with it's hind hooves, their fiery trail smashed into the elven Queen's and sent her flying backwards into the air. I quickly shot into the air, flapping my wings as fast as I could, and catching her in time before she smashed into a pillar. However the momentum behind that kick was not reduced and I was the one who ended up smashed into the pillar.

{System Alert!: You have sustained three broken ribs, attack and movement speed drops by 30%}

There was a dull ache on my side, but I was thankful that my wings were intact. I dropped the surprisingly unharmed elven queen to the ground, but before I could say anything, she turned into a silver streak of light that shot at the Dullahan, said streak went around the Dullahans and their horses a couple of times, before coming to a stop. She returned both swords to sheaths at her waist, and turned to face our motley groups of party goers, the Dullahans and their horses turning to dust behind her.

"Fighting with Inhibitors is annoying, I'm thousands of years old! This dragon god guild idiots and taking me for a defenseless child! Let's out an end to this farce, I grow weary of it."

Safe to say she was not the kind that was particularly patient with her enemies, it was also safe to say that not just her identity, but also her power, she was keeping them all under wraps. And then finally, the unmistakable knowledge that I had banged an incredibly old woman, like ancient! I'm never going to live this down should the others hear about it.

There were a few Injuries, but no deaths. The only time we've had people die was during the fight with the goblins, and speaking of which, those damn things were still on our tails. We rushed through the final hall, stomping all over the dust like remains of the Dullahans and their horses. We burst into the next building, the throne room, the place where all the official like things that came with office of queen was carried out. But just like we expected we were not alone.

There were twelve heavily armored warriors with glowing red eyes and black smoke wafting in and out and hanging around their bodies. They had serrated edges long swords, with skull like designs on their hilts and guards. They had shields that had the depiction of a screaming face, and their armor had gothic looking spikes on it's shoulders, elbows, hand guards, and on it's shins. And standing behind them, sitting on an elaborate throne was a silver haired fox-woman dressed in a kimono, her legs hanging off one side of the throne and a ghastly staff held in her hand.

The staff was actually completely red with hat looked like the skull of a human baby, a baby dragon and wolf placed side by side on top of it. Within the eye sockets of these skulls, green, blue and red flames could be seen burning. She was beautiful, but death usually is for most people, so that's understandable. Her piercing green eyes moved from one person to another, before coming to a stop on me.

"You've cost the dragon god guild a leader, Locke had deleted his account to start over from scratch, the position for the sin dragon avatar of sloth is now open, since we've come this far there's no need to keep up pretended and call ourselves dragon avatar of virtues. This is so bothersome, why'd I have to be the one that faces off against you, they know I can't win, however they just want to prove a point." She said all of this whilst looking at me.

"Who the fuċk are you?" I asked her with a shrug of my shoulders, almost as if I couldn't be worried by whatever she had to say.

"Ahhh where are my manners, please you can call me, Sorrow..... my friends call me Row if you would prefer that. I'm the sin dragon Avatar of envy, and you Captain Seven, or should I say Guild Master Seven, are or father's is a thorn that the dragon god guild wants to thoroughly squash, until there's nothing left but pieces and Memories of your disrespectful and godforsaken......"


Smoke escaped from the twin handguns i had pointed at her, the look of surprise on her face as she was sent off to respawn was very much worth it. This seemed like as good a time to tests the Acheron Waves. The guns were powerful enough to kill her without having to resort to using their skills, Dinah has really outdid herself this time.

The armored undead which I'm having an inkling suspicion were death nights collapsed to the ground like string less puppets, and then their armors just like the Dullahans before them turned to dust and there was nothing left behind of them. I looked up to see everyone staring at me with varying degrees of looks. I raised both guns up and said.

"I'm tired and she was talking way too much, plus I'm not new to schemes or people trying to kill me, especially for defending myself. And I like antagonistic monologues as much as the next person, heck I do it a lot, but I'm just really not in the mood." They all seemed okay with the explanation before Lerrianderlei spoke up.

"You had those guns on you the entire time and you didn't feel the need to use it until you got annoyed by someone talking too much?"

"Well you're a queen who can move at the speed of light parading as prime minister of with a nice ȧss, you didn't feel the need to expose yourself and power until a horse kicked you in the bȯȯbs. Don't think I don't know why you got angry and flash killed those Dullahans."

Safe to say none of her guards were happy with the way I was talking to their Queen, but they can go fuċk themselves. I refuse to be scared of a woman who's bed errr limo I've shared. It just doesn't work that way for me, I have a claims over her now and she knew it. She waved her hands telling them to stand down and said.

"You have a point there."

"Of course I do, now what next?" I asked as I looked at Martha.

"The inner throne room is underground, it's the most defensive place in the city of Prophecies, everyone here would be safe there. Thank you so much for escorting me this far, but you have to get to heart seed now, your guild members are there fighting, and even though they're putting up a fight, there's too many enemies for them to deal with. I can expel every unwanted individual or being from the city of Prophecies, but I can't use it's attacking systems into the heart seed is secure, so please hurry." She said to me with a very worried tone, which was understandable, there were a lot of lives on the line right now.

"Alright, Queen Lerrianderlei please keep her safe, Tiamat keep an eye on both of them for me." I said to Tiamat as I holstered both guns and began to make my way outside the throne room.

"I can take care of myself Seven!"

Lerrianderlei shouted at me, I just turned with a smile and said to her.

"I know."

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