The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 188 - The Final Curtain (VIII): Grand Debut: A.I.L



Qitar stepped back, evading a spear to the throat before slamming the buŧŧ if her sniper rifle on the jaw of her attack. The hit threw him off balance, just in time for Qitar the turn around, balance her gun on her shoulder and pull the trigger. She didn't even look behind her, as she faded her next opponent, the recoil from the gun pushed her forwards and she slammed a knee into the sternum of an unsuspecting Patmosian. Her bionic arm followed as she lunches her way clean through his ċhėst.

A bolt of dark grey energy was heading for her, but she waved her right hand towards it, casting (Mana Shield) intercepting the spell. The human mage player who had faster the spell, suddenly found himself enshrouded in darkness as two weirdly and elaborately curve swords came out of it and took his head off. The darkness vanished, but soon enough his comrades standing right besides him had a hole stabbed through his throat, his blood spilling out wildly as it outlined the invisible form of Darke.

A berserker began to spin around wildly, his massive great sword creating gusts of wind and 2.3 meter in diameter kill zone were no one could get close. He was moving himself towards the Darke, but the elven clone was not even a bit shaken by the display in front of him. He rushed towards the whirling cyclone of a great sword and jumped, turning himself upside down in the air like a professional gymnast, whilst simultaneously swinging both his swords.

There was bȧrėly any sort of Resistance as both specifically tailored and crafted elven blades, sliced the head of the player into three pieces. The middle part was still connected to his, while the right and left slid downwards, leaving a bloody trail behind. Darke landed on his feet, his momentum pulling him back a bit as he held his swords in a reversed grip, stabbing it into the stomach of two undead players, and then dragging it upwards, making sure to give them more than just a simple stab wound. And then he vanished, and just in time too as a bolt of lightning fell on the spot he was previously occupying.

The girl or woman who had fired the lightning bolt seemed to be a fairy, she was keeping herself afloat, her figure surrounded by pink and purple magic circles that seemed to serve as a sort of shield for her. Due to the sheer amount of enemies they all had to deal with, no one could pay any attention to her, so she was causing quite a bit of problems by being an annoying pest, But Zareth already has his eyes on her.

His stout dwarven form made it a bit harder for fighters taller than him to cause any sort of significant damage or properly attack him. As a dwarf Zareth had already been trained in the very best way to utilize his height, so the idea of ducking under swings and stabs was almost to easy for him. He shifted his head to the side as a long sword went past it, the he stabbed his Lance forward and then flipped it upwards, catching the warrior he was fighting off guard and slamming the tip of his Lance under his jaw, and then carrying him over his head, smashing him down on the body of an approaching orc.

Zareth spun around, his Lance leaving behind a trail of fire as he slammed it into the ċhėst of an elven archer, throwing the player backwards into a group of healers where they all went down like a group of bowling pins. There was a moment of reprieve as Zareth crouched down, his eyes steady as flames began to billow of his body, the wooden floor beneath him cracked and began to smolder as thick noxious smoke rose up. There was practically no difference from this display with that of a rocket ship about to take off, and just like a rocket, Zareth shot into the sky.

He left a trail of flames in his wake, his body be armor balding in an extremely eye catching manner. He flipped his body, his Lance pointed downwards towards the fairy players who has been causing damage whilst being out of there reach. Flames spat out of his Lance, shooting out in small bursts that were akin to bullets. The spell circle shields around her intercepted the flames, negating them and rendering them useless, at least until Zareth crashed into the shields, after falling with the force of a meteor.


A bullet whizzed through the air heading straight for Zareth's unprotected back, however there was a streak of blue and ice and a Nezha showed up behind him, his longsword slicing down at the bullet, and in turn releasing a ridge of ice spikes that shot into a crow of players, rapidly impaling them and raising them a few meters upwards for all to see in a completely grotesque display. He turned around, bending backwards to evade an edged shield that was thrown fro his head, it whizzed over his face just as he raised his hands and pointed it at the Tauren who threw it at him.

(Ice Bolt!)

An small ball of cold blue energy shot out of Nezha's hands and slammed into the ċhėst of the Tauren, it only took the whole of two seconds for the half man, half cow to get turned into a solid sculpture of ice. Nezha ran towards his body as used it as a ramp and he jumped into the air, turning the statue to dust in the process and eliminating any chance of the player being revived into this battle. He spread his wings and his sword made an Intricate dance in the air along with him, a massive spell circle showed, gosling blue and silver and pulsing with each second that passed.

Skills, bullets, arrows and weapons were all thrown at him to throw off his conversation. Most of them got through, chipping away at his health until it was in the red zone, he was critical at this point and a well placed hit would probably take him out of the fight. However it was in that moment his eyes shot open. He spread his hands outwards towards the still streaming in group of players; his wings were out up brightly, for all intents and purpose he looked very much like a holy angel of light. A Halo showed up on top of his head as his sword began to swirl and fly around his body.

(Ice Fantasy: Icy Embrace)

In very much the same manner as smoke(it whatever it's called) would escape from a fire extinguisher, frost and cold air escaped from the massive rune above Nezha's head. It spread through the chamber of the Heart seed, going around the seed itself and obscuring the vision of everyone within the chamber. But it didn't just stop there; There was only one entrance in and out of the Heart Seed chamber, and the frosty air rushed out through it too, gushing like the billows of an ocean wave, or the perfect stream of a winter breeze. It encompassed every one in sight, player and AI alike, but it paid specific focus to the members of the dragon god guild.

But it still wasn't enough, the frost spread, going deeper into the massive tree, heading straights for the roots, at it began to cover hundreds upon hundreds of meters of space. The heart seed chamber was located right at the center of the tree, if you stood on the top of the massive basin like crater the tree was growing out of, you would be able to notice it's mark. But right now, those outside could see that tree was slowly getting frozen, stretching forth an ominous and chilly fog that was swallowing every member of the dragon god guild, or Patmosian who stood with them, and then once it got to the roots, it stopped.

Nezha opened his closed eyes, their depths glowing silver with glyphs on them. His silver and golden hair, turning pure white, and the most sinister smile possible for an angel etched on his face. (Ice Fantasy: Icy Rebirth), there was no sound, no fanfare or even loud skill animations. The fog began to recede, slowly going back into the spell circle and back into Nezha's body as he floated in the air, his wings still flapping. It was a rather weird sight as it seemed as if the skill didn't even do anything, but once the fog had receded, everywhere it touched or rather everyone it had touched had become nothing more than an ice sculpture.

The sheer scope of the skill alone was insane, yet this was what was laid out in front of those who were left unharmed by the fog. The sheer power behind the skill, literally left chills in those who saw it, or maybe it would be because of the cold in the air. Whatever the case, Patmos had turned into a kingdom of ice sculptures, each different and uniquely different from the rest, but that much was understandable; after all, they were once people.

When all of the fog had completed receded, Nezha came down from his perch in the Sky. The others apart from his sister Nuwa were looking at him with no small amount of surprise on their faces. Nezha had to admit that h was liking the attention, safe to say he had made a very good first impression, however the battle was not over yet. Or rather the effects of what this skill could do wasn't done yet. All of the players and AIs captured by the ice weren't dead, and if they were left as they were, in no less than 4 hours the would all be successfully thawed out and completely fine. Of course he could just break them all to pieces, but where was the fun in that. This particular skill of the ice Fantasy series can only be used every 5 days, and it would turn every enemy within a 5 to 10 kilometer radius into ice sculptures; Ice sculptures that could be controlled and used to fight in the favor of the spell's caster, which in this case was Nezha.

All in all the young man knew he had just gotten himself an army, and he could feel just how many they were. At the moment he had no less than 2000 players and AI's under his icy control, their precise number happens to be two thousand, three hundred and eleven ice sculptures. Nezha had no idea how many fighters the dragon god guild had come with, but if he had this amount under his control, then it stands to reason that these guys were not taking any chances, there would be half as much as them scattered within the top floors of the city, none of them would be stupid enough to run around the island with the Demon general Sortovat hanging around in his massive snake form.

But none the less, Nezha happily gave the order for 1500 of those ice sculptures soldiers to March to the top of the tree and begin the gruesome task of eliminating their comrades. Their skills will still work, though it would all be ice element based, and even worse was the fact that they were all conscious of what was happening, and none of them would be able to stop themselves from attacking their friends ad guild members. Nezha felt relieved and sat down with a loud sigh, he didn't need to lead these soldiers as they streamed to the top of the tree, while the rest defended the roots and the chamber of the heart seed. There was a crazy bloodthirsty Monkey of the stone clan leading the charge, and with King at the forefront, special race and class involved, Nezha almost felt sorry for the remnants of the dragon god guild.

And it was to a sight of all his guild members, tired and exhausted sitting with their backs to the heart seed, and sharing snacks like they've known each other all their lives that Aaron met. Sure he had a million questions as to why there were hundreds of ice men and women attacking members of the dragon god guild, but maybe it could wait. Morrigan joined them a few moments later and they all sat down there, exchanging stories as the crew from the real world, met the crew from the game world.

This fight might not be over, but for the Acheron Imperium Lords is was, this group of friends, this team, this crew, this Family had made their mark on this world, and from this day, no one would ever forget them, or their names.

Aaron reckoned that this was like their debut into the game, their foray into a much more larger stage than before, and he had to was pretty fuċkɨnġ grand!

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