The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 189 - The Final Curtain (IX): Aftermath

Since I was still under a bed rest and observation period from the family doctor, I could stay for such longer time within the game. Which was nice as we had to cooperate with what's left of the Patmosian military to take care of the remnants of the dragon god guild. As soon as Martha was able to able to take control of her city, and we secured the Heart seed, we were able to go on the offensive. And with Nezha's weird brand of necromancy or kind control, we were able to tip the scales in our favor, even when Io had shifted into her dragon form to cause trouble.

The city of Prophecies had a specially cultivated arm of it's own, or rather I should say it had a couple that just had to be awakened by Martha. What no one knew was that there was a massive arm of dryads, treants, wood sprites and Nymphs living or rather sleeping beneath the city. And with Martha taking full control of it, hey were all awakened and brought into the playing field, completely turning the tide in our favor.

But beyond jus fighting off the dragon god guild and saving a bunch of stuck up delegates, the guild grew a bit. Apart from building a sense of camaraderie between them, every single one of them was pretty much in their mid to late level 40s, with the lowest actually being Houki at level 41, which was also surprising, but by virtue of being both a player and AI, and a special one at that, her rate of advancement was very different from that of anyone else.

Thanks were given, empty promises were made, not sure Martha even have a crap about those anymore, Patmos can protect itself without relying on the help of people it couldn't and shouldn't trust. Then rewards were also given out, and the ensuing result was that the Acheron Imperium Lords were leaving here a very rich guild, plus we were also given a new and much better cargo ship, and with the betrayal of the dragon god guild, there was no need for a blockade.

None of the major powers were stationed on New Gaia again, but this was the prime planet, their home ground, the place everyone else and their ancestor's ancestors had lived before migrating to other planets. Their home world; which is why they were so invested in keeping it safe, but with the dragon god guild now a threat that they had to deal with, keeping an eye on a red dome that at the moment was keeping the demons contained did not seem to be at the very top of their list of priorities.

But none the less that's not our problem, we're still rogues though. The coven of Angeles might have retracted the bounty on my head, but the dragon god guild had increased theirs. 2 billion gold was half of the entire funds my guild now had after all of the rewards we were given, and apparently that was just how much my head was now worth.

There would be people coming for me, the dragon god guild might be public enemy number one, but to those people who still saw this as a game, they were still the most powerful force Within it, and the money they were offering for me as just too damn much. It's not just wealth within the game, it was also wealth in the real world.

But like I said, it was not our problem, but maybe it was since I'm the one being hunted, but I couldn't bring myself to be worried about people who were giving themselves a death sentence, because in case all these guys haven't noticed, I have a very dangerous squad around me, we would be the squad goals of anyone with half a brain, so it would be wise to not mess with us. But then again lots of people wouldn't get the message, hence lot's of ȧsses to kick and faces to humiliate.

I was standing in my room, looking out the window and into the fog covered morning, the city was silent I'm sure since it's inception that this was the most silent it has ever been. Normally silence like this would be accompanied with a peace and a calmness of mind, however all I could feel and recurve from this place was death and sorrow.

The coup had laid claim to 3644 Patmosian lives and another 1677 lives of other races who called the city home, everyone here today was mourning, even Qitar had lost family in this coup. So while we've achieved much, it was also within our capacity as a guild and as family to stand besides our comrades and allies during their trying times, especially when we were responsible for about half of the deaths.

I let out a sigh as I stepped forward, and fell out my open window. The sound of the wind rushing past me felt soothing, at the very least it cleared my head a bit. I spread my wings as I got closer to the ground, the massive roots of the tree of revelations and the houses, doors and windows built into and through it looked in my sight I coasted over their surface, bȧrėly scraping by as I startled quite a few residents.

Patmos as an island was beautiful, the tree and it's city was beautiful too, it's souls didn't even look half as bad as I expected it to be. And I knew from this day henceforth, it would become a million times more beautiful, with Martha now leading her people, I'm sure her vision for the future would be a million times clearer and better than those of her predecessors.

It wasn't until I took this that I realized that there were buildings in the walls of the massive basin the tree was located in. Some were just balconies, others doors, windows, stairs, the city was so much more than just the tree itself, it was laid the island too. So much potential nestled within this very land, I smiled as I looked upwards and let my powerful wings beat against themselves to deliver me to a higher altitude.

And so I sort up high until all of the houses and buildings were nothing but specks in my eyes, and my form was lost within the branches and leaves of the tree of revelations. I guess the most eye catching factor of this tree was it's leaves, their multicolored crystal like his that held the secrets to power and skills within them. There was no other place like Patmos, and no other existence like the tree of revelations, things like this you won't ever get to see in the real world, but in here; your wildest fantasies were a reality.

I went above the tree line and the city of Prophecies was laid out in front of me, white polished walls and houses covered with rust colored red bricks, or maybe it was the soft reddish brown of leaves during Autumn. Which come to think of it, was the current season, at the very least within the game. Perhaps the color of the roofs differed according to the change of the seasons. This particular city was still mostly empty, if I had to be honest about it, it was pretty useless to anyone but Martha herself.

The Patmosians have made their lives within the tree, in and around it's roots, and even in the walls of the basin. This city on there hand though defensible and much more stronger and valuable, was falling apart. And it would take a good while to restore it, and then a lot of new faces from allover and over a certain amount of years to populate it. Because right now the population of Patmos was at an all to low due to the coup, it would take a while before this city holes any meaning to it's people apart from being a holy place.

I flew towards the palace, ignoring the treants and dryads allover the place, I should have put them in my equations too, these guys would happily live here, they were not puppets or creations but actually living beings, of course they were loyal to the city and it's queen, but it didn't mean they couldn't have a life of their own. So maybe the city would have people to call it home after all.

Finding Martha In this place should have been really hard, but considering she left a window open for me, it wasn't too hard to find her. Her room was huge, and very green and rustic red, so I guess the Autumn thing Diane the décor of the palace also changes. I sat on the windowsill as she told her attendants and guards to leave us.

"So how's it going Queen? Was this how you expected being the Sovereign power of Patmos to be?" I asked her as I leaned back resting on the window while one of my legs hung outside of it.

"Power and responsibility is never meant to be easy or fun, those who seek power and control for he wrong reason don't understand that, positions such as this; is a privilege and a responsibility. But it's never meant to be easy or fun, intact every day is a battle, and so it will be till the day I leave this world." I blinked at her and then said.

"So it's going good then! Just the normal responsibility of a Queen, gotcha."

"Hahahaha you're an enigma, you joke when your serious, and you're serious when you joke. You're always bat ease with everything, even when you heart is heavy, only you can smile in the midst of a battle, against odds you can't beat, and against an enemy you know is stronger than you.

You fight to kill, you don't play around in a fight, and every strike is meant to end. Which means even though you're so damn good at playing politics, you don't fight like a noble, you fight like a killer, an ȧssassin or maybe just a butcher. But even through all that you're still smiling, genuinely too. Why are you so strange?"

I was so caught off guard by that question, how the fuċk was I supposed to answer that. I thought I was quite good at observing people, but who knew this Brand New queen has been doing the same to me, every second we've been together. It was creepy get at the same time very impressive.

"Look at me!" she called out to me.

I did, and I almost fell off my perch on the window, so she was nȧkėd, very much so. Every inch of her green skin with silver and gold tattoos spiraling allover it was exposed to me, and I had to admit she had a body to kill for. She was not as curvy and sultry as Kira and Penny, her beauty had an Innocence to it, and it reminded me so much of Sarah.

"Come here.....please." Safe to say, I made sure to close the window behind me.

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