The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 190 - The Final Curtain (X): Heading For The Stars

The world was quiet at the moment, some would say peaceful but I knew better than that, this was sort of the calm before the storm. Both the game world and the real world we're hanging on the precipice, a brink of nothingness and evil that I know will consume everyone, but in the end this is the world we live in, and we all had to make the best of it. I made my way through a polished hallway, the founding members of the A.I.L walking right behind me, I'm pretty sure it made for a terrific sight , but also a comical one if you coughed the fact that we had an elephant following after us.

I couldn't help but reminisce about the night I had with Martha, it was nice, bit the best I've had, but I was also her first, which made things a bit awkward and slow. But it's not everyday you get to fuċk a queen, even if it's in a world of programs and AI's. She left before I woke up, and didn't want to read too much of a meaning into this, but quite honestly, it won't be happening again...…or maybe it will, but until then, it was time to leave this god forsaken rock. This might be the planet I had spawned in, but quite honestly I hated the place, all it's done was give me one problem after another, it's quite annoying to imagine that this planet was actually earth thousands of not millions of years in the future. But then again real life was just as stressful, so it was sort of understanding.

At the other end of the hallway was an open hanger, it was huge, massive, and a plethora of ship's were docked within it, one of them was going to be our ride off this rock. I don't really know much about the specs of the ship we were given, but at the very least it was large enough to carry the Acheron, and also had enough fire power to make it more than just an empty shell. It didn't take too long for us to find the starship, after all it was the one currently being loaded with supplies and had an A.I.L painted on the side of it, it was actually quite nice to look at.

It was silver, with it's edges glossed with a deep shade of red, it was roughly 500+ meters long, if not more, and should be about 250 meters wide. This was a big ship, a very, very big ship. And it was not just a cargo ship, but rather it was a drop ship meant to hold smaller combat ships and equipment, a miniature command center for a fleet that's responsible for the transportation of resources to the battlefield, and as such it was a bit bulkier than the norm. Zack stepped forwards and opened his mouth to speak.

"The Silver Moon Z-XXX-27 is a battle cargo plane, it was built for transport and rapid deployment of smaller star ship's and Mechas to a battle field. It's equipped with an elven green core rune engine, it runs off a limited supply of world tree Amber, it's a stable green energy, though it costs a pretty penny.

Apart from that, the ship won't be winning any races, it has terrible speed when it comes to long distance flight, however it's Warp drive, which is significantly much more valuable than a hyper drive can cross at least 18 star systems or galaxies in a second. Which makes it quite good a transport ship, because even though it's not fast, it can get the required goods and equipment to a battle field on time.

The ship is affectionately called the Flying Tortoise, and that's attributed to it's defense. It has a hard shell, basically duo advance defense nanites that were programed and spelled with the most advanced of elven defense magic. It can take a bit that most battle star ship's would be reeling from, it's weapons system are somewhat mediocre with the ship only being equipped with basic laser turrets and an electro beam main cannon.

It's not the best ship, or the worst, neither is it average in it's performance, all that can be said about it; is that's it's quite unique. It will get us sure we need to be, wherever that may be, and keep us safe should we find ourselves in a fight. Besides, I'm sure the very first chance Dinah gets, she's going to modify and upgrade the ship's systems and capabilities." After he finished speaking, he went on ahead, scaling the ramp of the Airship, probably making his way to the flight deck.

This ship was bigger than the only other starship I've been on, so instead of a ċȯċkpit, it had a flight deck, and Darke was our resident pilot. The workers on the ship seems to be done with loading all of the extra supplies, which means it was time to get on with it. The rest of us made our way into the ship with Qitar staying behind a bit to say goodbye to some family members. The first thing we noticed the moment we stepped into the ship, was the Acheron, it was tethered to the ship with massive magnets that glowed blue underneath is and kept it stable, so that whatever complex maneuvers this ship might have to make in the future, the Acheron would not be as affected.

"You must really have some clout with the elves for them to give you this ship, it's exclusive to their star fleet." Morrigan said to me as she stepped close.

She was playing the game as a Vint, a feminine alien race with telepathic abilities, they also had the ability to create drones of sorts from their bodies, kind of like an ant queen with her workers soldiers and the rest. Her skin was scaly and green, she was no less than three meters tall with a long jaw filled to the brim with fangs, on her back were ridged spines that stretched out even under the armor she wore, which was also specifically tailored for her body. She had an ace shaped tail that could actually open up from the middle like a scissor, and her tail was twice her entire size as six freaking meters. According to take more, it was strong enough to squeeze steel like it was a candy bar.

Her class completely mirrored her abilities in the real world, and that was technomancer, a class that lets her communicate, take control and create technology for a variety of things. Not to mention her racial telepathic abilities that made her more of heavily teched up summoner, Monkey King was a beast person, a monkey man that had an advanced hidden monk class that came with an inheritance he found by luck in the game when he first started playing; Great Sage Monkey.

"I don't really have a lot of clout with the elves, I've just fuċkėd their Queen before, and odds are, that I would probably do it again in the future." I answered Morrigan as we left the holding area to residential one, and then onwards to the flight deck where Darke was manning one of the four seats within it.

"We're ready for take off guild leader." He said to me, and then I gave him a nod to carry on with the sequence.

"All hands on deck! We're about to launch, I repeat all hands on deck! We're heading for the stars."

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