The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 198 - Space Virus (VIII): The Only Choice

After the forced log out there wasn't really anything left to do, by the time I could log back in it was well into the morning, and I just decided to spend it with Ron, and it was fun for the most part. We had pancakes and I read through a few reports, and then filled in Morrigan, Nezha, Nuwa and King about what they had missed when logged out. So they logged in ahead of me to go check things out.

Finally, I could log in, and the first thing I noticed was the fact that I was in an airlock, it was a bit confusing because I knew the cargo ship didn't have an airlock. Only frigates, freighters, motherships, colonies, space ports and space stations had docking areas that required airlocks. Most other starships just utilized bay doors and could not be boarded in space, which means they had to dock at either space ports, colonies or stations to carry out any sort of transactions or in most cases; repairs.

"Well this isn't my room, so would you guys tell me what's…. urgh!" I had bȧrėly said two words when my head pounding and my ears ringing. My blood seemed to pump faster and all of my muscles were strained.

{You have been infected with neural encroaching virus (N.E.V) full takeover would commence in 5 minutes and you're in game character would be disabled and lost for good! You would be unable to play lost descendants online with an alt character and will be banned for life.}

my already sour mood got even more got even more ugly at that, worse was the fact that the system didn't even tell me how I should get rid of the virus. I looked up see everyone gathered through the glass panel of the airlock, there were a few faces I didn't recognize, but the stout forms of dwarves, and the way they seemed to gather around Zareth made it obvious they were friends of his. I was in pain. But I didn't let that slow me down as I gritted my teeth and turned to Houki and Dinah.

"Seeing as the others I okay I take it your antivirus worked Houki, so the both of you please tell me, how do I get this fuċkɨnġ virus! Out of my body…. yargh! you're never getting rid of me! You hear me! Hahhahhahaha nothing you folks can do! You take me out of him and ill jump to the next and the next! AND THE NEXT! Mwahahahahahaha! shut the fuċk up! You guys have got to get this shitty thing out of me!"

I was well and pretty scared by now, because honestly speaking this was a very weird and scary feeling, having something g crawling about in your head and using your own voice to talk was beyond insane. So far I've tried and done my best in fighting and living my life, but never have I felt so helpless and so out of control.

"Yo boss! They said there's only one way to get rid of that virus, but we're not so sure it would work considering…"

"Considering what King! Goddammit kid get to the point would you, I don't feel so good." I mȯȧnėd to King as another bout of headache forced me to my knees.

"We can't have you in contact with any other sentient organism as that virus would be able to latch on faster than we can say stop. Not to mention the antivirus makes the host unconducive for the virus, it doesn't kill it, which means the only other way to truly get rid of the virus is to kill the host, completely destroy the body so as not to give the virus any chance to come back,

There's an incinerator, but it's too exposed and the virus might escape, which leaves us with only one other option of deep space. You would die from the lack of oxygen and you would freeze rapidly. The only problem is that we know you'll resurrect back on the Acheron; we just don't know if…."

"The virus will resurrect with me." I said, completing Dinah's analysis, but it wasn't as if I had a choice, I had to do this, even if the virus will resurrect with me, I'll keep committing suicide until they get this damn thing out of me, because honestly this was the only option, anything other than that means my account will be crippled, and everything I've done so far would be for nothing.

"Open the bay doors, it doesn't matter how many times I have to die before we figure this all out, but matters now are that if I don't do this, then I'll never be able to return. So do it, now!" I ordered as I moved closer to the main doors, their transparency seemingly beckoning me to the vastness and darkness ahead.

"No! don't listen to him! If you do this, we're both not returning! But then again why am I worried, even if he comes back, I'll be there with him too, mwahahahaha!" I hated my voice so much right now, normally I thought I sounded cool and handsome, but now I know I've got that natural villain's baritone voice, but when you give that voice a crazy virus personality, then I become not just scary, I'm pretty much annoying.

I looked up to see Houki placing her hands on the airlock doors. And then a virtual screen lit up, and I quickly received a prompt through the guild chat. It was confusing enough that she couldn't just tell me what she wanted right now and had to use the guild chat interface, but I suspected it's because of the virus. The only thing infected was my mind and body, the system belonged to the game as a whole, and there was a possibility, no matter how little that the virus couldn't see the message.

"You have to hang on guild master, for as long as you can and make sure the virus tries escaping your body. I don't know if this would help, but this is the theory I have."

I didn't know if it would work either, but it was a chance I was also willing to take. I nodded my head at them, and soon enough I felt the rush of air as my body was pulled into the vastness of space. Using my control of air, I dragged a little bit of it with me and kept it close by as my body rapidly froze.

"you can't stop me. I'll be with you forever, I…. it's so cold…. die! die! Die!"

A rapid change of expression and a frantic fervor for me to die and carry on with the resurrection process. If it was acting this way, then it definitely didn't see the message from Houki, but this was beside the point as the virus increasing the pressure in my head. Blood slowly trickled out of my nose and eyes, becoming frozen crystals across my skin as everything became brittle and cold.

"No! it's cold! Argh! Argh! Die! Dieeeeee! Please die! I promise not to cause any problems! Please! Aiiiii! Please just FUCKING DIE!" by this point I felt all the blood in my body had frozen, id even lost control of the air I had dragged out. And then I felt a sense of warmth truckling out my ear and nose.

And then I saw it, a shadowy mass of greyish liquid. But it had a face, mine, but given how terrified its visage was, I hope I never get to see myself like that. But even afraid, even with the rapid freeze, it looked like it was waiting for something, and that's when it dawned on me. It was waiting for me to die, a tiny piece of itself was still latched on to me.

(Storm Dance)

How you could create a blast and covering of storm winds and lightening in space could only be attributed to the wonders of magic. But it was enough to blast the annoying virus ten meters away, there was a loud screech that even I could hear as it flew towards me at speeds that would make even the flash jealous, but I was prepared for that, we were still a beat close to the colony we were just shot out of.

And it looked like a mining colony, so I was easily staring at hundreds of vents where excess heat and flames serves to provide the colony with electricity. So I gave it a smile and used (Warp), the ensuing flames that rapidly turned my frozen form into ash becoming the last thing, my frozen and melting eyeballs saw as death came calling.

{You have died!!}

"Yeah no shit Sherlock!"

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