The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 199 - Space Virus (IX): Aftermath

My resurrection was instant, which was surprising but quite welcomed. But I wasn't exactly sure if respawning in my captain's quarters on the Acheron was a good idea. But ultimately I couldn't feel it, there was absolutely no trace of the virus in me, and it felt really good to be free of that thing, or rather I seriously hope that I'm free of it.

{The Neural Encroaching Virus (N.E.V) has been eliminated, you have gained a level.}

If I could let out a wild whoop of joy I would, but I was the captain, I had an imaged to protect. I oved my legs over the bed as the door to my room banged open and Sky barged in, her massive body quickly enveloping me as it seemed like the little elephant was crying. While her ability to change her shape was intriguing, it was obvious the young battle beast has been through a lot this past few days.

But then it begs the question, who was the person who betrayed us? The list at the moment could be endless or really short, but the real curve to a short list is the fact that all the people on it are supposed to be on our side. Or at the very least a little bit on our side as they'll be bound by gratitude on the account of us saving their lives.

But I guess I'll never know the answer to that, there was just as much intrigue and secrets in the game world as there was in the real one. Never the less whoever is responsible for this would show themselves sooner rather than later, and then we can have a proper talk about the hazards of putting a mind controlling parasitic virus on my ship. But beyond that I had to pay attention to what was right in front of me, chief amongst them being the question of where the fuċk are we.

The door to my quarters opened up, and practically everyone, who was everyone walked in, but they were easily keeping their distance from me as opposed to Sky that was still nestled in my arms like a baby. There would probably be a round of questions and whatnot, but I really didn't have time to deal with that, it would be extremely uncomfortable. So I just asked questions like nothing ever happened.

"Zareth given that I saw a bunch of dwarves outside; I take it we've gotten a bit closer to our destination? But then again we're on a colony, not a planet. So what's up?" I asked him as I got back up to my feet and equipped, my armor and weapon.

"Ummm, well were still within the asteroid field where the virus started its attack, its rich in rare space elements so about three dozen races have mining colonies here, this is just the dwarf's colony. But we're not on it anymore, you were thrown out of the airlock five hours ago.

The head of the colony got a little panicked due to the entire scenario with the virus, even my identity couldn't convince him to let us stay, so were back on the move. However, Dinah has fully swept the entire ship from top to bottom, there's absolutely no trace of any sort of virus, trap, poison or bomb. We're in the clear, but just to be save, we'll be make consecutive jumps to my home planet, we were able to get a star gate generator from the head of the colony. So we should be about two galaxies away from Orous. So we should be there in let's say…. two or three jumps, so 24 hours at most."

That was a smart idea if I do say so myself, there wasn't much of a chance for stability and refuges in space, so getting our feet on solid ground would be best. Plus, we plan to start official guild recruitment from Orous, which was a planet mostly populated by dwarves, gnomes, pygmies and lifestyle players. As far as combat goes, there might not be much that they can offer, but they would go a long way in building the foundation for a city, so it would be nice.

"first of all Zareth, what's a space gate, and can you tell me what to expect on Orous, I'm pretty sure the customs there are very different from what we know off, in the meantime I think we should all meet on the bridge for a discussion and put more plans in place. Houki, Dinah just so that we don't find ourselves facing a situation like this, please see if you can come up with a stronger antivirus, or a serum that can prevent someone's mind from being taken over by a parasite, symbiote or virus or bacteria. We have an enemy with a similar ability out there somewhere, we should be prepared." I said as I placed Sky on the ground.

"Well that's easier said than done boss, making something like that would need a lot of resources, and a lot money and materials to go with it. Plus, we will need a proper lab to be able to take care of that, so maybe we should get a permanent base first, before considering making such a jump in pharmaceutical and alchemical science, well also need help from a bunch of experts! Don't just spout ideas like that." Dinah replied as she shook her head in annoyance, all Houki could do was look on innocently like she had no idea what was going on.

"If its experts you need, then you'll get it. Once the second dimension has been set up, we should have an easier connection to earth, we should be able to get people from my world to correspond with you and get things done. And they don't require much money as they all work for me. Plus, they'll need your input Dinah in the design of weapons, we're about to go to war.

But that's not a matter to worry about for the moment, Zareth! I need you to tell me what we're flying into, and what exactly we need to do to take advantage of Orous. We're going there grow, and we need all the help we can get."

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