The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 26 - The Trial Of The First Ring (II): Class: Ventus Draconis Vindex

"Ventus Draconis Vindex!"

"Hunh! What's that mean?" I asked in surprise as I couldn't make sense of the language just used.

Zephyr flapped her wings, and a gale started around me, it was hot, sort of like a heat wave, and then it was cold, like the chilly breeze on a cold winter morning, and then I felt my hair standing on air, like I was being electrified. Zephyr flew around my body, as her piercing green serpentine eyes appraised my form.

"The wind is the only element that influences every other element. The wind carries heat across the earth, it carries the cold of the north wind, and it stirs the storms of the sea and the desert. But like all things in life, there are two sides to the wind. You must understand everything about the wind before you can be ready to take on the mantle of Ventus Draconis Vindex! Are you ready?"

To be honest I don't think I had any other choice but to be ready. I mean I could say "no I'm not", but why would I do that. Sure the current flow of events was completely out of my expectations, but nothing has gone the way I wanted it to, ever since I got into this game. It was as if an invisible current was gradually pushing me in a certain direction, and there was nothing I could do but go with the flow.

"I'm ready." I replied.

"Good. First! You must understand the dual nature of the wind, and you must understand that the word wind is just a secondary name of the true element, and that's the element of the spirit: air!"

As she said this, she opened her mouth and unleashed a blast of...….of.....of air? It was not as intense as I expected, and to be honest I couldn't feel anything. Well not physically at least, but somehow the air became clearer, more pristine and pure. And then I suddenly felt that pristine nature seep into my body.

At first it clung to my skin, and then it went into my body, seeping into my bones and my mind and organs, creating a certain stillness that I couldn't explain or fathom. It was an amazing feeling as it made me feel carefree, light and free of burdens.

"Air in motion is called wind, but since air is always moving, in one way or another its popularly referred to as the wind. The same element, but the power air has is very different from what wind has. The air focuses on the inside, on the spirituality of the element, the mentality and soul. And the wind! It's the embodiment of the Air's physical form, the power it holds over the world. Wind, is the element of sovereignty, of freedom, of adventure, it's the true element of power!"


This time I felt it. She shot at me! With a freaking hurricane! Or was it a tornado. I couldn't tell, because I couldn't see. The wind buffeted me from ever corner, moving me left and right as it tore and pulled at my armor, turning me upside down and altering my perception of the world. It made me angry, but it also made want to move, to shake and fly and dance in every way possible. The wind was freedom and madness combined, and it suited me just fine, it was who I was, who I am, and who I'll always be.

[ALERT: You have been bestowed with the Spirit of Air and The Heart of Wind. You now have +500% resistance against all wind oriented damage and natural phenomenon. You now have the ability to control the element of wind and communicate with air elementals. +100% reputation with all air oriented temples, gods, civilizations, and organizations. Glide skill has been removed and replaced with the passive skill flight.]

"Now that you have the heart and the spirit, you're ready for the class. Wind is versatile and encompasses all forms of combat. And funny enough, so are dragons. And wind dragons, are the fastest combatants, and are capable of fighting at all ranges. But as far as attacking power goes, we fall behind the fire, magic and dark dragons. As for defense the earth, water and light dragons have us beat. And as for magic, only the magic dragons have us beat in that aspect. But because we can not be caged, and are ferocious beyond measure, it is our job to serve as both defender, attacker and hunters for the their avengers!"

"Ventus Draconis Vindex...….Wind Dragon Avenger. Do you accept this duty young hatchling, to be the sword of vengeance and retribution, to be the shield of defense and protection, and the arrow of attack and sacrifice. Do you so swear to protect and in all measure avenge the honor of all dragon kin in the universe?"

I could only say two words at this point. And I'm sure without a doubt, those two words were the right ones to say.

"I swear."

Then she opened her huge jaws and roared at me again, releasing thick streams of air and wind, bolstered by thick arcs of lightening that wove in between it. The floating symbols, gathered together with the breath, and flew towards me, tearing apart my armor, and falling on top of my nȧkėd body. The swirls turned into tattoos of yellow, blue, green and white lines and zigzags that covered my entire body except for my head, hand, and feet. Then they disappeared.

Pieces of my ruined armor flew around me, and gradually began to reform, and then Zephyr blew on it again, prompting more of the swirls and symbols to fall on it. Then the armor flew and clung to my body, changing and transforming until I was wearing a pure white coat with a green lining.

The border of the coat was a deep blue, and seemed to have tiny arcs of lightening running through it. I was wearing equally white trousers that looked to be made from some sort of synthetic metal, or scales, and tucked into the trousers was white vest that seemed more like scale mail but could pass for a shirt.

And finally the boots, white and had tiny scales just like trousers and vest, in fact if I looked a little closer, the coat also had something similar. The coat was a little long, stopping just above my thɨġhs and clinging tightly to my body.

My previous weapons suddenly appeared, with the sword still hung over my back, and the quiver at my left side hanging from my waist, and my bow hanging behind my waist. The revolver was destroyed, but I still had it's holster. All in all this looked like a fancy set of clothes, but I knew this was probably some high grade armor.

[ALERT: You have been given the racial class Ventus Draconis Vindex (Wind dragon Avenger)]

[You have received the title One With The Wind: + 80% to movement and attack speed. +1 to agility and dexterity every level.]

[Due to the versatile nature of the class, you're allowed to specify three weapons mastery skills. Please specify.]

[Archery Mastery, Sword Mastery, And Magic Mastery has been chosen.]

[For being the first to own this class you have been given 10 skill and stats points and one random ċhėst of the heaven grade.(deposited in inventory)]

[Friend system unlocked, faction system unlocked, reputation points unlocked, full stat system unlocked.]

[All stat points has been disallocated and are ready for reallocation.]

The stream of system messages left me a bit confused as to what to do, and I couldn't really make heads or tails of what was being written. But regardless, I think I got everything I needed from Zephyr.

"You are ready young hatchling. Once you get back to the island, you must go about doing what you have promised. Bring down governments and powers, let them all fall at our feet. But keep an eye out for the keys to our prison, and for your fellow chosen brothers and sisters. And if you need anything, remember to ask the wind and air, and they both shall guide you."

She didn't even give me a time to say anything as the roar threw me backwards, and made me fall madly towards the ground. I came to a sudden stop and fell over backwards, the memory disk that I had held to my head fell to the ground and evaporated away, like a wisp of air.

But I felt weak, so weak that even breathing became too hard for me. I quickly checked my stats to see what was wrong.

Name: Aaren/ Level: 20(35.472.480/104.857.600)/ Class: Ventus Draconis Vindex

Race: Dragon Kin Tribrid(Dragon/High Elf/Human)

Title: Thrill Seeker/ One With The Wind

Faction: Elemental Dragon Race

Reputation: (hidden)

Strength: 0/ Constitution: 0/ Agility: 0/ Dexterity: 0 Intelligence: 0/ Wisdom:0

Hp 1/1(1000) MP 1/1(1000)

Passive skills:

•Nature buff (level 1) basic + 2% to all nature oriented skills, spells, or tasks.

•Wind child(level 4) basic. +5% to all wind oriented skills and spells.

•Adaptive(level 4) basic. +2% speed to learning skills and leveling up.

•Precise Aim(level 5) basic. +10% to aim when in motion, +15% to aim when stationary.

•Nature Heal(level 2)basic. +15% to HP and MP regeneration around things of nature like forests, seas, or even simple plants. /Active Activation: Heals 15% of HP and MP by drawing essence from nature. (Cost 10 MP) (cool down 45 seconds)

•Flight (Level 1) basic. Soar for across the sky for thirty minutes. +10% to flight speed and maneuvering.

•Dragon Aura (level 1) basic. Your constantly covered by a draconic aura that shows the majesty of your bloodline. 80% chance to make opponents of a similar level bewildered, 100% for lower levels, 60% for opponents five levels higher, 40% for ten, 20% for fifteen, and 5% for twenty.

Active skills:

•Hard punch(level 6) basic. Hit your opponent for 80% extra of your total attack. Speed +10% during skill.(cost 10 MP) (cool down 20 seconds)

•Homing Shot(level 3) basic. Chase and attack any target in sight with projectiles. +15% damage within a radius of 25 meters.(cost 10 MP) (cool down 120 seconds)

•Vacuum Palm (level 3) basic. Hit Targets with a wind element Palm attack. +20% damage and knock back effect. 5% chance to confuse opponents. (Cost 7 MP) (cool down 15 seconds)

•Wind Stride: Wings(level 2 ) basic. Use the power of wind to increase movement speed by 100% for 10 seconds. (Cost 15 MP) (cool down 35 seconds)

•Wind School: Lightening Coat(level 2 ) basic: use the power of lightening and wind to cover your body, increases defense against magical attacks by 10%, defense against physical attacks by 12% and increase speed by 40%. (Cost 25 MP) (Cool down 120 seconds)

•Mana Arrow(level 2) basic. Summon an arrow of pure mana to cause 20% magical and physical damage in a range of 15 meters. (Cost 5 MP) (cool down 15 seconds)

•Mana Slash(level 2) basic. Coat a bladed weapon with mana an attack for +25% magical and physical damage. Has a 15% chance to ignore magical and physical defense. (Cost 5 MP) (cool down 10 seconds)

•Stealth(level 1) basic. Turn invisible for sixty seconds. Stealth is broken when attacked or attacking. Every first hit from stealth is a critical. (Cost 10 MP) (cool down 120 seconds)

•Purify(level 1) basic. Purify all things unclean and unholy. +100% chance to clear all debuffs, curses and poison. + 70% damage against the undead, +40% damage against dark creatures. (Cost 5 MP) (cool down 60 seconds)

•Spark Wave(level 1) basic. Release a wave of electricity within a ten meter radius. Causes paralysis for 5 seconds, 5% chance to cause blindness for 10 seconds. (Cost 10 MP) (cool down 30 seconds)

•Cone Of Silence(level 1) basic. Create a cone of air over a target, eliminating the release of all skills and spells for ten seconds. (Cost 80 MP) (cool down 300 seconds)


•Archery Mastery (level 1) basic. +3% to all archery skills and +5% damage from all bows and arrows

•Sword Mastery (level 1) basic. +3% to all sword skills and + 5% damage from swords

•Magic Mastery (Level 1) basic. +3% damage to all magic skills and spells

Augmented racial trait:

•Gills (III): Breathe underwater for eight hours

•Swim Bladder: +60% to speed underwater, converse with aquatic creatures

•Spirit Of Air(I): Ability to communicate with air elementals and control air freely

•Heart Of Wind(I): Ability to control wind freely.

All of my stats, everything was a big fat Zero. Though to be honest, they stats were not gone, just unallocated. And my stats had changed too, it was as if, I've been playing a tutorial, and the moment I got my class, the real game began.

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