The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 27 - The Trial Of The First Ring (III): Meeting The Sponsors, Sky's Return

I couldn't believe it, I mean it was happening to me! But I still didn't believe it! But none the less I think I should stop overreacting and allocate my stat points, because honestly speaking, laying on the ground and being watched by other people was incredibly embarrassing.

The black ring had other competitors now, at least five of them. And I was sure they had all received the task for the first trial just as I have. And now to avoid any wasted time, and save me from embarrassment, a stat reallocation is in other. But therein lies a big problem.

My class was a jack of all trades kind of class, so unlike other classes that leaned towards a particular orientation, there was no particular build for what I am. Regardless of which path I chose, I was still going to be an Avenger, and the form of combat I choose would be entirely up to me. And with 111 stat points to allocate, I had to make a decision.

To do so, I had to know what kind of fighter or what kind of fights I would like to find myself in. That was not a problem though, I already knew how I fought: I didn't like prolonged fights, and would rather cause as much damage in the shorted time possible and get out of there. I want my battles to end faster, making me more rogue oriented, but I also love to hit hard, really hard.

So the bottom line means I'll prioritize my speed and movement stats, followed by my strength stats, and then magic. Of course defense would be neglected in favor of maximizing my benefits, leaving me to rely on equipment to handle all of my defense.

So for now, I'll place a little focus on raising my three main stats equally, and then I'll specialize after subsequent level ups. So I place 25 stat points in agility, strength and intelligence. Then I placed 10 in constitution, 15 in dexterity, and 11 in wisdom. Bringing everything to a big fat 111 stat points.

With my main stats so balanced, it's possible that there would be others more stronger than me in certain aspects, but I would be receiving a number of free stats ever level up, which still puts me ahead quite a lot of players. I wasn't to worried about not maximizing the benefits of my class, because my class would serve me well whatever route I chose.

Next I had to pay attention to why my armor changed, it seems a lot more different than before, heck it even feels different to me too.

[Battle suit of the Ventus Vindex(Draconic level 1)/ Grade: Heaven/ Hidden Grade: Heaven/ Requirements: Class: Ventus Draconis Vindex]

[Strength +50, Constitution +80, Agility +100, Dexterity +50, Intelligence +50, Wisdom +40/ attack speed and damage increased by 35%, every wind skill used deals critical damage on the first and seventh strike. Movement speed +30%, physical strength +30%]

[Skill (1): Dragon Mode: Transform into a ferocious Wind dragon for 200 seconds. All stats increased by 500%, all skills and physical damage is critical, immune to all control type spells and skills. (Cost 500 MP) (cool down 3 days)

Skill (2): Air Body: Turn into a wisp or vapor of air for 200 seconds. Immune to all physical damage during duration of skill, + 30 defense against elemental attacks, +100% invisibility. (Cost 120 MP) (Cool down 60 minutes)]

[Devour 5 rare metals, 5 rare wind or lightening elemental ores, 1 dragon heart of any kind, 3 pounds of dragon bones, two yards of Ariadne & Arachne silk thread, seven scales of legend grade dragon, 15 normal and 7 Draconic Armor. All materials must be of the Heaven Grade to Evolve Armor to Legend Grade]

What in the actual fuċk! This is insane, I mean the armor looked awesome, and I think it's really strong, but this is Fucking insane! How the hell am I supposed to get all those stuff to evolve it to legend grade, and there were still two grades above legend to consider, what would it cost then.

"Seven, the royal family would like to request your presence." A voice said to me.

"Why?" I asked, as I got up, brushing imaginary dust off my body.

"I do not know, all I know is that you have been summoned. And failure to comply would have consequences for both you and your pet!"

Someone's a little angry, after all I put their two great heroes out of commission, and one of them, permanently. It's expected that the Patmosians would be a little...…well a lot! Angry at me. But since this two are here, I don't see any problem, they did get a pair to the ring trials.

I didn't say anything and just opted to follow them. As we stepped away from the black ring, I felt as if I was falling, and then I found myself in an arena of sorts. The chairs were full with hundreds if not thousands of people, and many of them were all of a different race or a combination of some. This was probably where the sponsors stayed to watch the entire trials, considering there's a giant screen above my head, I'll say that's true.

I turned to look back, and saw that we had just come out of what I could only call a seed. A very huge seed that was placed right in the center of the tree. It pulsed, like a heartbeat, and every few seconds it let out a black glow, almost as if it was signifying that the trial of the black ring had started.

"Aaren Seven! We congratulate you!" a voice boomed.

Okay who was that, and why did he sound like he would rather be eating shit than congratulating me. I looked up, and there decked in armor of gold and green was a Patmosian, I think he's a king or something. Not really sure.

"Bow down in the presence of the King regent!" The Patmosian dude who brought me here said with a loud voice. His female companion not far behind him as she gave me a rather curios look.

Now I'm all for giving respect to whom respect is due. I don't like trouble, but I don't like being messed with either. People who look down on me most usually end up at the other end of a tongue lashing if you're higher ranked than me, but if you're of equal status as me...…..I don't mind imprinting my fist on your forehead.

"Look here green boy, first of all: old green and gold up there is not my king!, second you bloody people imprisoned me, abducted my friend for experimentation and breeding, took away my rights, and dumped me in the middle of a fight, for my life! So forgive me if my back and neck hurts a bit, because in regards to the pain I feel. I can not, no! I will not bow to someone that chose to mess up my life when all I wanted was help!"

There were murmurs all over the arena. People whispering about the methods of the Patmosians. I mean any one of these forces would do the same, but I was very sure they were all trying to take a moral high ground for this situation. Leaders and scandals don't really go hand in hand. And after being called out by a chosen who has quite the talent(if I do say so myself), they would want plausible deniability should I get powerful enough to either win the trials, or come back and kick their ȧsses.

"How dare you talk to my father the king like that! I'll have your tongue elf!"

Please don't tell me this was happening! I mean shit like this only happens in novels and wuxia dramas. It was generic as hell, and for a moment I had no idea how I would respond, until a wide grin came over my face. I pulled the sword that was hanging over my back, letting the elven blade reflect of the light before pointing it at his face.

But pointing it at his face was not enough. I had no ides how higher leveled than me he was, since so far it seems that only the monsters in this game had levels, or showed that they did. But a skill of mine would work well in a situation like this.

I activated Dragon Aura, which was a passive! But could also be mentally simulated for no mana cost at all(Awesome right). A green, blue and whit aura suddenly became visible over my body. It clung really close to my white battle suit, but it was still enough to give off the impression I wanted.

"If you think you're man enough to take my tongue, then step up boy!"

I think he was going to take my invitation, he really was! I don't think this kid knows that I'm bluffing. Do I know that I'm bluffing. I couldn't kill him, nit here and definitely not in this manner, it would spell doom for me.

"Enough of this charade!" an elf in a resplendent white suit called out. But this elf wearing a suit, is actually a female.

"Young elf, you have two noble bloodlines in you. Do not bring shame by spilling the blood of a foolish son, in front of a dishonest father. Stay your sword and calm you aura. You do the elves and dragons proud."

Safe to say, I felt really good about myself. I'm sure the elf woman was the minister who has been sponsoring me. The bow and the sword I now own, were all a gift from her. She had already turned to the so called 'dishonest' king and said.

"Why have you summoned him? Say what you have to say and send him to his quarters. He needs to rest and strategize with his sponsors. You're keeping him away from that, or do you want to break the rules of the trials?"

Damn that elf has a sharp tongue, and an incredibly hot body too. And she had a way with words I haven't seen since my mom and my grandfather. They would have loved her silly.


"My apologies fellow sponsors, my son was just trying to defend my honor. And my apologies to you too Aaren Seven! We understand that we have put you through a lot of troubles in the three days that you've been here. But we will make amends. We would like to offer you a monetary remuneration of 10 million golden dollars, a villa on one of the best branches of the tree revelations, and a return of all your confiscated properties and you battle beast."

Ten million! I think I should be captured and tossed in a fight ring more often, but excitement aside, there was a ploy here. The moment that bastard said battle beast, every head in the arena turned to me and their eyes narrowed. I'm twenty four years old, very young, but I've swam with enough sharks to know greed when I see one, even the elven minister was not exempted from it.

To a certain extent it's understandable. There are only ten known battle beasts in the whole universe? The whole game? Either way, knowing that a talented nobody like me had one, sent a ripple of shock through the entire arena.

I couldn't say that I knew what the real value of an Arnetine battle beast was, but based on all the looks I was getting, I would say priceless. A door opened ahead of me, and there was Sky being led in with a chain around her neck. I didn't think, I just acted.

Using homing shot, I threw the sword in my hand at the person who was leading her towards me with a chain. The sword took of his hand, prompting the chain to fall on the ground with a loud bang, amidst the screams of a 'disarmed' man.

Sky didn't need an invitation as she ran towards me, waddling her round elephant body in a hasty manner. She jumped into my arms and almost immediately transformed into her bow form. I could feel and hear her again, and she only had one message for me.

"Kill that bastard!"

And unfortunately for that bastard, he was not the son of a king.

"Meteor Shower!"

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