The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 33 - The Trial Of The First Ring (IX): Captain Davy Jones Of The Flying Dutchman.

With my hands still wrapped around the tail of the merman, I swung him towards the approaching cyborgs. There was a loud smack as the first cyborg was sent flying across the engine room, then I threw a kick out towards another cyborg, and actually succeed in caving in his ċhėst as a loud mechanical whirl was heard and a shower of sparks burst out from his caved in ċhėst.

I swung Coritane towards another one of the cyborg, hearing a loud crack as their heads impacted, and the cyborg crumbled to the ground, spasming about like he wad having a seizure. Then I stepped forward, and sliced outward with Coritane held like a two handed sword, slamming him into the ċhėsts of the three remaining cyborgs.

They flew back, past the black sphere suspended in the air between two magnets, and crashed into the wall of the engine room where a plethora of wires and a huge circuit board was exposed. Massive sparks were released as the cyborgs were electrocuted and they fell to the ground seconds later, burnt to a crisp, with their bionic parts glowing a deep shade of red, almost as if it had been super heated.

You would think that as cyborgs, they had a higher tolerance of electrical currents than a normal human being, but I guess the ship was packing a lot more juice, even though it looked like it was completely out of commission.

All of a sudden I bȧrėd witness to an intense display of stupidity, as the first cyborg, still very much injured raised a gun with a massive barrel and without hesitation fired at me. I had enough warning to raise Coritane and use him as a shield, but the bullet was powerful enough to slam into Coritane, go through his body, and smash into my armor, throwing me backwards till I hit my back on a set of ladders that led up and out of the engine room, completely crumpling it's metallic frame.

My wings ached, but they were also encased in armor, and a lot stronger than before, so they were invariably still safe. The cyborg opened a slot on the gun, and popped out a cartridge, and prepared to add in another one. But I was not going to give a chance to use that gun on me again.

"Mana arrow!"

An arrow of pure blue mana shot out of my hand towards the cyborg. But his protective shield blocked it and prevented it from taking any damage. I expected that, and I was not too worried, all I wanted to do was create a diversion, and I succeeded.

The sixth arrow caused cracks to appear, and since the homing shot skill had a little explosive effect, the cyborg was pushed back and unsettled. And that was enough for me to pull back my seventh arrow and use (shoot) piercing through his shield and through his skull. The arrow flew onwards to ping harmlessly off the metal walls.

I moved my shoulder a bit, and then looked around. All of the cyborgs were dead or heavily incapacitated, and Coritane was in a very bad situation. But this dude was the boss, or at least a boss. So I walked towards him, raised my foot up high in the air, and smashed it downwards as hard as I could.

[You have slain Coritane Water Jacker(boss) all exp rewards would be deferred until trial of revelations is over]

Guess that was that. I turned and left the engine room, going up the crumpled ladder as I came up to another hallway. Though this was a little shorter, but based on the cell doors that I was seeing, this was probably a brig or something. I moved forward, and saw that within those cell doors, were numerous skeletons and rotting bodies in various state of decay. I had to fight the urge to puke as I made my way out.

The end of the hallway, came up to another ladder, and I did not hesitate to climb up, coming up into a room that I could only call a mess hall or something of the sort. The only problem I had right now, was the fact this mess hall was chock full of humanoid Aquatic life forms, and each and everyone one of them had augmented bionics and prosthetics. It was a cafeteria filled with Fish men cyborgs.

"Umm! Hi! My name is Aaren and I'm looking for your captain. You see I think I might have taken a wrong turn, because I have absolutely no idea how I got here..."


"I invoke the rights of parley! Parley?...oh fuċk!"


I didn't need to look to know that the arrow had hit it's target, bring my current wind mark stack to eight. The arrow attack had shocked some of them, since they did not expect I would have been able to attack them, much less with a bow and arrow. So some of them went for barricades of their own, giving me time to jump up, pull back on Sky's string and use shoot again for the ninth stack.

Just before I got back down, I saw the arrow fly through the forehead of three cyborg fishmen, the ċhėst of two others that towered above the rest at ten feet tall each, and slammed into the air of tentacle haired fish cyborg. And then the lasers fell like rain on top of me like the was no tomorrow. That was my ninth stack for wind mark, which means the next arrow would increase all of my attack speed bonuses by 100%, giving the arrow more speed, penetration and power. But I had a surprise in store for them. Let's do this!

"Meteor Shower!"


It was like the pounding feet of a hundred.....or a hundred thousand men. Huddled behind my barricade I could hear screams, and even smell burnt flesh and molten metal from where I was hiding. There was smoke, and another thick scent in the air that felt toxic to inhale, I couldn't help coughing, as I raised my head a bit to see what carnage I had left behind.

Most, if not almost all of the tables had all been melted through. The cafeteria was heavily damaged, and it did not look like any area apart from where I was hiding was untouched. The power behind meteor shower was almost 10 no! 15 times more powerful than when I first used it against that Patmosian guy that put chains on Sky. I'm shocked, and I really couldn't put my finger on what's wrong, at least not until I realized that, at the time, Sky was only just level 0 battle beast. She was now level 15, and from the looks of this damage, every level she gains, would increase the power of her skills by one. Which means the wind mark skill probably increased too.

And it did! All fifteen levels that she has gained, added three more stacks to it, making the speed of every attack increase by 10% for a maximum of 13, raising all attack speed bonuses by a 130%. That's just insane!

I looked around to see that almost all the cyborgs were dead, heck! I was surprised that some of them even survived, because based on the damage I've just witnessed, Meteor shower is not a skill that's to be used in enclosed spaces. Especially in a place like this! I came here for this ship, and now I'm destroying it. This is so not fair.

"Yer power is impressive young elf. Of all the people who have come aboard me ship, Yer the one to have made this far. I commend yer bravery boy! So I will give yer a chance and ask nicely, before I dice yer up into little bits. Get off me ship!"

[Captain Davy Jones (Cursed Boss)/ Grade: Heaven/ Hidden Grade: none/ Level: 300/ HP- 2000/2000]

I was confused about something though. If this guys were as high leveled as they're supposed to be, and of a higher grade, it makes this a dungeon that players or a player (since it's a single instance dungeon) would have to be at least level 250 to be able to beat. Yet their Hp value are so low, making them all just a bit stronger than me.

"yer discovered the secret of me crews enchanted shields, and even overpowered them with just the strength of yer body alone. You're not an ordinary elf are yer?" Davy Jones said to me, as he moved his body out of the doorway he was standing at.

"Well I'm not just an elf, I'm also part dragon and a little bit human."

"Interesting two noble magical bloodlines, and the bloodline of balance to keep them both in harmony. No wonder yer could make it this far, but this is as far as yer would go boy. No one is taking me ship."

And as he finished speaking, he pointed his sword at me, where a ball of light was beginning to show and build up. I didn't doubt for one second that should whatever that wad touch me, I would be disintegrated...…..maybe not as dramatic as disintegration, but something really bad.

"This ship has not sailed in thousands of years, it's dying and already on its last breath. People out there make a mockery of it, they pay money to see who would be able to conquer it, and they bet on how long each person would survive. Your ship, is being made a mockery of." I said to him

"No! The flying Dutchman is the glory of the seven seas, my glory! It can never be made a mockery off! Me ship and I instilled fear in the hearts and souls of the living and the dead alike. The seas tremble at my calling and the monsters of the deep heed me commands. Me ship is the greatest to have existed!"

He was frenzied, angry and very upset. But I couldn't let up, only my mouth can truly save me now. I had this feeling that Davy Jones was powerful, way too powerful for me to challenge him. I needed to find a way to bring this fight down to my level.

"Glory? You and this ship have no glory left, just legends. In an Era where there are ships which sail the stars, and the suns, and many worlds, your pride and joy is nothing more than an obsolete heap of metal, that's being used to make money by lesser pirates than yourself. You should move one while you still can, give the mantle of this ship to me, and I promise I'll make it just a great if not better than it was during your time. Because your time has passed, you're not even known as the greatest captain this ship has ever known."

"What do you mean boy! You better pick yer words carefully, me blade has not tasted blood! In quite a while." He threatened as he drew closer to me.

"I'm sorry, but it's true. This ship is no longer known as the Flying Dutchman, but rather, the Black Pearl. The pride and joy of the greatest pirate to roam the seven seas."

"That bastard cabin boy stole me ship! How dare he! Arghhh, what's his name?"

"You know his name captain Jones. Didn't you say he was your cabin boy? Call it out! Say it!" I shouted back at him, essentially driving the crazy old pirate to the edge.


My work here is done. Now it's time for the proverbial nail in the coffin.

"Captain Davy Jones of the Flying Dutchman. I Aaren Seven, Son of a dragon, Son of an elf, Chosen of the tree of revelations. Challenges you for the right to captain this ship. If you want to keep whatever is left of your glory, your honor. If you feel that your day has not turned to dusk and you could still instill fear into the hearts of many. Prove your worth to me once again, and honor me and yourself in the ancient tradition of combat. My sword against your sword, my glory against your glory, winner takes all."

I said to him as I hung Sky behind my waist and slowly pulled my sword out, a ringing sound filling the entire cafeteria. Davy Jones chuckled as he flipped the sword in his hands and asked me.

"And the prize?"

"You ship!"

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