The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 34 - Trial Of The First Ring (X): The Duel

Davy Jones moved forward, slashing his sword downwards with a speed that could very well rival mine. I raised my sword to intercept, using the side rather than the edge to redirect the fall of his saber. It was a defensive and evasive technique to sword fighting, it's what I'm used to. But I don't think it would help me in this situation.

"I take it you accept my challenge?" I asked him with a grin on my face.

"Accepting Yer challenge is beneath me boy, but I decided to humor yer. Don't disappoint me. En garde"

He pulled back and got into a basic fencing pose, and quickly moved forward, flicking his saber towards my neck. I hate fencing, I absolutely abhorred that sword style. The idea of attacking and retreating in a straight line, performing rigid and very predictable movements did not sit well with me. I very much preferred the Asian style of swordsmanship, from the resolute samurais to the versatile sword dance of Chinese kung Fu.

I stepped back and inclined my sword so that the flat side was facing upwards. I sent it above Davy Jones's approaching saber and flicked it down, making sure it slammed into it, completely derailing it's trajectory.

I threw my left hand out, hitting Davy Jones on the jaw and then taking advantage of his confusion to kick him on the ċhėst, pushing him back a few steps. I didn't let up on my attack as I moved forward, slicing my sword up from top to bottom, he anticipated that moved and used his bionic clawed hand to grab the blade of my sword, firmly holding it in place as he sent his sword towards my ċhėst.


I had to grit my teeth as I felt the vibrations dance through my wings and wing bones. But regardless, my armored wings had stopped the advancement of his sword, and kept me safe. For a moment Davy Jones was surprised by the turn of events, giving me the chance to pull my sword out of his grasp, and spread my wings out as I began to twirl towards him.

"Wing blade!"


The vacuum palm skill bought me a little breathing room, but since this was a sword fight rather than an ordinary fight where anything goes, I couldn't use my bow to drill holes into his body from a distance. Of course I could just as easily not care about the proper rules of a duel, and just shoot him to oblivion; but for some reason I rather enjoyed the challenge getting physical with a sword could bring me.

"Wind School: Lightening Coat."

While spells are also considered skills, their manner of activation was very different. A chant is needed for every spell, and if you do use the chant, you could increase the effectiveness and power of the spell by an entire 50%. But not all players could memorize the dozens of chants for all their spells, so it just easier to call out the spell name for activation.

Tiny arcs of electricity began to flicker all around my body, increasing my speed and defense as I shot towards Davy Jones, sword pointed out in a piercing motion. He partied the frontal attack, pushing our swords aside as he slammed his clawed hand into my gut.

My entire body folded around his fist, and I felt all my lunch threaten to come out. Of course there was nothing there, multiple hyper space jumps had left my stomach completely empty. I fell down to my knees, where I noticed his own knee heading right for my face, I pulled my sword back to defend; but it was hardly enough as I felt the cold steel of my sword slam into my nose.

I fell back on my ȧss dazed, it I felt the air around me get significantly wetter? And then I looked up to see his saber coated with a thin film of glowing water. Then he slashed down at me, but I moved to the side quickly, as his saber fell to the floor, releasing a sword wave that dug furrows into the metal floor.

I didn't want to even imagine what could have happened to me had that skill touched me. Which was why I ignored it, and attacked again. He was overextended, so I quickly slashed forward with both hands holding my sword for more power.

"Mana Blade!"

My own sword let out a shower of blue light that almost rivaled his, as a wave was shot out of my sword towards him. Another force field appeared to protect him, blocking the mana blade. But the attack was not over! The mana blade wad an energy wave shot out of my sword, but that didn't mean my sword's momentum had slowed down.

CLANG! "Hard Punch!"

He used his metallic clawed hand to block the strike, but the force behind it, still forced him to bend down a bit, leaving the side of his head unprotected enough for me to slam my fist into. The punch was hard enough that some of his metallic tentacles were cut of, and Davy Jones was forced into a mini spin that left his back exposed to me.


I drove my sword into his back, and pushed it so hard it came out the front of his ċhėst. Invariably this was the first through injury and strike in a fight that's bȧrėly lasted three minutes. We were moving so fast I could hardly keep up. I pulled my sword back, and Davy Jones stumbled forward, black blood pouring from the hole on his ċhėst.

He turned back towards me with fury etched on his face as he threw his sword aside, and pointed his hand at me. Then he opened his mouth and began to utter words in a guttural language I couldn't understand. The wind picked up, and the ship began to shake, and I knew without a doubt, he was probably preparing some sort of huge spell. There was not way, I was going to sit still and let that happen.

"Cone of Silence!"

Davy Jones went silent, his spell and the phenomenon it caused, completely faded away like it was never there in the first place. But this would only last for 5 seconds, and I had to make the best of his scenario, seeing as he was now unarmed.

I moved closer, ducked under a wild swing, as I slashed left and right, ignoring his silent screams, as I move back, evading his outstretched leg. Then I moved forward again, slashing upwards, as my sword tore a furrow from his groin all the way to his chin. The wound was not too deep, but damn if this game didn't feel so real as he stepped back in shock and almost fell over from tripping over one of the tables that was overturned during my fight with his crew.

That was all the opening I needed as moved forward and stabbed my sword through his heart. Twisting it the blade to cause as much damage as possible. It was then that the cone of silence faded, and I could hear his deep gasp for breath.

"Yer won boy, never should have bet against a fool willing to fight a legendary captain like me self, should have know something be wrong and smell a lot fishy with yer presence on me ship.....(cough!) It was....a...…good fight boy!....(cough!) Please treat her well."

[World Alert! Player Aaren Seven is the first and only person to have cleared one man instance dungeon the cursed Ship of death. He has been awarded +5 to all stat points, to 5+ skill points, 1 million gold dollars and + 1000 to universal reputation.]

[For killing a heaven grade enemy at the common grade, you've been given +20 to all stats, +5 skill points. One random treasure box of the heavens grade, and the sword of Blackbeard.]

[You're now the captain of this ship, congratulations!]

Davy Jones and his crew began to slowly evaporate, turning into wisps of black gas as they floated up and away to the great beyond. It was a rather challenging fight if I do say so myself, however it was insightful and quite therapeutic. I don't remember the last time I actually let myself go like that, enjoying a very physical and vigorous task...…..I really need to get laid, stat!

The compass around my neck started glowing, and then the next thing that happened was for it to start dragging me around the cafeteria, and through the doorway Jones had used to come in. We climbed a short flight of stairs, and came up unto the deck. As soon as I did so, I was exposed to the entirety of Quadrant 1. No doubt I was sure a lot of people started asking questions when I wasn't thrown out as quickly as they thought I would be.

Darke and Mark were still nowhere to be seen and I had to give them credit for that; elves really knew how to hide. The compass dragged my body and led me straight towards the ships steering wheel. But it was not so simple, apart from the steering wheel, there was a massive control station built around it. It was completely covered in dust, and a lot of wires were sticking out of it.

The compass snapped open, and floated right over the center of the steering wheel, and that's when I noticed the open port on it. A port that the compass fit into perfectly. The compass felt into the port, the string holding it around my neck turned into a golden string that wrapped around it's edge, and the lid of the compass split into two halves, fitting themselves into two extra ports on the wheels, and looking like the open wings of a beetle.

Then all of a sudden there was a suction force towards my hand, forcing it to fall right in the middle of the wheel, over the compass as a massive needle shot into my palm and began to drain my blood. Suddenly there was a loud beep, and a holographic screen came up in front of me.











Well fuċk me this ship is completely useless. How in God's name do you get a minus five level! I think I just bought myself a literal ship load of trouble. And in other matters.

"What the hell mom!"

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