The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 39 - Trial Of The First Ring (XIV): King Acheron's Grace

Waiting eight hours for the ship to get fixed was nerve wracking. I could have chosen to go sight seeing, but with the political upheaval caused by my last outing, I felt it best to remain indoors and keep a low profile. But thankfully the eight hours Dinah asked for was almost up, but these last few minutes were really getting me frustrated with impatience. The seconds and minutes seemed to stretch way longer than they're supposed to.

With my mind to full, I guess the best thing to would be to check my skills, and se which one I could actually use the skill combining gems on. Instead of having to many skills, it would be good to have a single skill that was strong and versatile enough for a couple of different situations.

And skills in lost Descendants online were not overpowered by having grades, all that matters is if you're willing to train those skills to highest possible heights they could reach. That way you don't need to have too many skills, rather just a really strong one that you're quite familiar with.

The skill combining gems functioned in a peculiar way: to combine two skills, you only need one gem, two if you're combining three, and three gems if you're combining four. Based on my estimation, I believe this skill combining gems were really rare, and quite valuable, especially to players. But even so I didn't have any plans of selling them off.

So the first skill I combined was my nature buff skill with my nature heal skill. Since the two were quite similar, and were both passives, with nature heal being a passive and active skill at the same time, I was hoping to get something good from them.


[Skill Combining......….Combination Successful. The Skill Nature Born Has Been Generated.]


[Skill Combining.......Combination Successful. The Skill Lightning Blade Has Been Generated.]


[Skill Combining........Combination Successful. The Skill Wild Wind Dance Has Been Generated.]

I Guess that's that. It would take a while to get used to the new skills, but at the very least I should be able to manage my smiles easily from now on.


•Wind child(level 4) basic. +5% to all wind oriented skills and spells.

•Adaptive(level 4) basic. +2% speed to learning skills and leveling up.

•Precise Aim(level 5) basic. +10% to aim when in motion, +15% to aim when stationary.

•Nature Born(level 1)basic. Wherever you are the power of Nature is with you. HP regeneration 30% + 60% in Forests, Jungles and any other place Nature can be found. All attacks within nature oriented areas +30%, +100% favorability with all Nature attuned entities.

•Flight (Level 1) basic. Soar for across the sky for thirty minutes. +10% to flight speed and maneuvering.

•Dragon Aura (level 1) basic. Your constantly covered by a draconic aura that shows the majesty of your bloodline. 80% chance to make opponents of a similar level bewildered, 100% for lower levels, 60% for opponents five levels higher, 40% for ten, 20% for fifteen, and 5% for twenty.

•Navigator: level 1 (basic): +20 to awareness and effectiveness in searching for directions. +20 effectiveness to navigating all seas and land terrain.

•Command: level 1 (basic): + 5 increase to stats and effectiveness when you give orders to your subordinates.

•Shoot(level 6) basic. +10% damage and speed for projectile weapons. (Cost 5 MP) (cool down 20 seconds)

•Hard punch(level 6) basic. Hit your opponent for 80% extra of your total attack. Speed +10% during skill.(cost 10 MP) (cool down 20 seconds)

•Homing Shot(level 3) basic. Chase and attack any target in sight with projectiles. +15% damage within a radius of 25 meters.(cost 10 MP) (cool down 120 seconds)

•Vacuum Palm (level 3) basic. Hit Targets with a wind element Palm attack. +20% damage and knock back effect. 5% chance to confuse opponents. (Cost 7 MP) (cool down 15 seconds)

•Wind Dance(level 1 ) basic. Become one with the wind, increasing attack and movement speed by 300% defense and evasiveness against attacks raised by 150% for 10 seconds. (Cost 60 MP) (cool down 200 seconds)

•Wind School: Lightening Coat(level 2 ) basic: use the power of lightening and wind to cover your body, increases defense against magical attacks by 10%, defense against physical attacks by 12% and increase speed by 40%. (Cost 25 MP) (Cool down 120 seconds)

•Mana Arrow(level 2) basic. Summon an arrow of pure mana to cause 20% magical and physical damage in a range of 15 meters. (Cost 5 MP) (cool down 15 seconds)

•Stealth(level 1) basic. Turn invisible for sixty seconds. Stealth is broken when attacked or attacking. Every first hit from stealth is a critical. (Cost 10 MP) (cool down 120 seconds)

•Purify(level 1) basic. Purify all things unclean and unholy. +100% chance to clear all debuffs, curses and poison. + 70% damage against the undead, +40% damage against dark creatures. (Cost 5 MP) (cool down 60 seconds)

•Cone Of Silence(level 1) basic. Create a cone of air over a target, eliminating the release of all skills and spells for ten seconds. (Cost 80 MP) (cool down 300 seconds)


•Archery Mastery (level 3) basic. +3% to all archery skills and +5% damage from all bows and arrows

•Sword Mastery (level 2) basic. +3% to all sword skills and + 5% damage from swords

•Magic Mastery (Level 1) basic. +3% damage to all magic skills and spells


•Gills (III): Breathe underwater for eight hours

•Swim Bladder: +60% to speed underwater, converse with aquatic creatures

•Spirit Of Air(I): Ability to communicate with air elementals and control air freely

Well there's still a lot of skills to keep track of, but there was nothing to worry about. I believed each and every single one of them would get their time to shine in battle of whatever situation might call for it.

Anyway looking at the time, I had to log of soon. I had to attend dinner with my father and my step brothers, not to mention my step mother, and to be honest I was not looking forward to it.

"Master Aaren, she's done! Please follow me to the hanger!" Zack shouted as he came into the room with panic written all over his face.

I couldn't help but shake my head at his fervent and excited expression. Even though all four elves were clones of the same person, whoever the fuċk the original was; their characters were nothing alike. Jack was a responsible leader, Mack was a know it all nerd, Zack here was an impressionable and anxious person, like some teenager hyped on sugar. And Darke was exactly as his name suggests, all dark and mysterious.

I followed behind him, going downstairs to the sitting room, and taking a side door into the hanger that was a lot bigger than I imagined. The ship seemed to be suspended above two massive clamps, it was now completely different from the scrap metal we left M.A.S with.

For one there were no more holes, and it was now shaped more like a yacht, than a galleon ship, but it still had traces of it's old design lingering around. It's e tire body was a deep shade of black, but it didn't gleam or reflect light like you would expect most metallic surface to do. Instead it was as if I was looking at a massive black spot that suċkėd in all the light. But apart from that there was nothing else, no patterns or designs, just a really big black ship.

"I'm done with the repairs, and you would love what I've done with the ship."

Dinah said as she walked up to me in a jumpsuit that was a little too tight for her succulent body. She had on a massive grin on her face, but her hair was a mess, and there were smudges of dirt and grime on her face and her horns.

"You notice how the ships coating is so black right, well it's coated with carbon yet biological paint of the blackest black color in existence. It might not make sense to you now, but it will later. The coating absorbs light in any form, and stores the heat for redistribution, using it as an alternative energy for the dragon engine, or as ammunition for the 78 solar flare guns I have all over the ship. Those things don't cause as much damage as the Ion Pulse Cannon, but damn can they burn a hole through steel and titanium like they were made from paper.

Now of course the interior has been entirely remodeled, built for both luxury and functionality, since it's nice to have a pretty ship both on the inside and outside. The computer system of the ship had top of the line surveillance and communications technology, which I route and bounce from highly powerful yet restricted satellites belonging to quite a few powers on New Gaia. It just a tiny piggy back connection, any more than that and we would be hacking into each nations intelligence archives, stealing national secrets like we were fishing.

If that happens we're toast, because there'll be a massive bounty on our heads. But for now, until I complete building our own satellites, we have to make do with theirs. There wouldn't be any problem as long as we're not noticed. The frame and body of the ship was built out of a very powerful and synthetic metal I created in the past three hours.

I combined both Admantium, Mythril and Orichalum to make it. I don't really know what to call it, so for now it's go to name is Void steel. It's incredible malleable, and has the ability to reduce the damage received from attacks by a whooping 60%. Like I said before, the ship's navigation system is magical, completely dependent on that compass on the steering wheel. But just in case, I wrote a navigational program for it, though we would need a certified and highly accurate world map for it. Though I suggest you wait until we get our own satellites up and running, then we'll be able to map this entire planet down to the tiniest rock. Of course there's also a lot of danger with that, but I believe we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

The engine room now houses the star dragon engine, and that shit is as powerful as hell. On water, the ship would be so fast, that its very speed would raise tidal waves every time it moves. Using this ship on sea, is just a waste, which is why I'm currently working a sky ship upgrade for it. It wouldn't be ready to sail the stars, not for quite a while at least, but it would absolutely dominate the atmosphere of whatever planet we find ourselves on.

All in all the only thing left, is to give it a name and take it out for a spin. Now do you have any questions...…..captain?"

Did I have any questions, of course I did. But I'm not going to be asking any of them yet. After all the upgrades she's done, I realized she was not a simple person. Being able to hack into a nation of world satellite, bracing the risk of discovery, with the very real possibility of being able to hack into said nations Intelligence network and leak all of their secrets. She could blackmail whoever that fuċk she wants as long as she could get away with it. Damn! She's so cool.

"The underworld has five rivers, each with their own effects and abilities. But there's one river that intrigues me. You see this ship was originally made as a vessel to ferry the dead to the underworld. It's not Charon's dingy boat which was formed in the bowels of the underworld itself, but a ship built here, in the world of the living, for the purpose of traveling to and fro from the undersold. The ship reminds me of the river Acheron: the river that flows between life and death. And because of that, I'll name this ship King Acheron's Grace."

Dinah nodded her head and started tapping on a screen around her left wrist. Soon the body of the ship began to ripple, as the name I had just give to the ship appeared on it's side. Then she turned to me and said.

"Congratulations, The Ship Acheron's Grace has been born. May it's days be long and it's adventures great.".

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