Well the ship's completed, which means I have to report to the tree's heart core, or whatever the hell that place with the rings was called. Problem was I didn't know my way back there, however, thankfully, there were a lot of guards around my villa. Coincidence? Please, it's bloody obvious these idiots are trying to keep an eye on me. Either way I had to get this over really fast, I needed to prepare for that family dinner.

I was led back to the arena; where I had met the bloody king of the Patmosians and his stuck up son. There weren't as much people here as the last time though, however the king was here. I didn't even so much as spare him a glance as I made my way towards the pillar of light that teleported me towards that room with the different colors rings.

I walked into it, and in a moment I found myself in the area with the rings. The second ring was actually lit up at this point and it was a deep shade of neon green that pulsed like a heartbeat. As soon as I stepped into the black ring, I felt a sort of traction as I was drawn straight into the green ring, and a familiar meter tall podium rose up out of the ground and was placed in front of me.



TASK: 1st completed/ 2nd ongoing



[TASK: 900 kilometers northwest of the Patmosian island is a string of islands known as the hollows. It is home to fearsome creatures of the deep seas, and pirates that still roam the seas. On one of those islands, a fruit called the Shade Of Amara grows from a single tree. Sail to the hollows with a crew of your choosing and retrieve that fruit and bring it here.]

[For clearing the first task and getting to the second ring, you've been given +1 to all stats, and + 1 skill point.]

[All prior Exp bonus can now be used after every task is completed and the chosen goes to a new ring. Would you like to level up Y/N]

[Calculating exp bonus......…Calculation completed. You're now level 34]

[Level rankings unlocked! For being the first player to reach level 30 you've been given +30 to all stats, + 10 skill points, 5 million gold dollars, and 3 skill combining gems, and the REGISTERED ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MINERAL AND BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS. R.E.M.B.M]

{Level Rankings: Players}

1: Aaren Seven



Well that's a surprising turn of events, but I didn't really mind. With this all out of the way, I was strong enough to prepare for the next task, and I'm sure it was not going to be easy. But I've been given a month, which is a whole lot more time than I expected

Name: Aaren Seven/ Level: 34(800.385.480/1.3B)/ Class: Ventus Draconis Vindex

Race: Dragon Kin Tribrid(Dragon/High Elf/Human)

Title: Thrill Seeker/ One With The Wind/ Bronze Blood Commander

Faction: Elemental Dragon Race/The Coven Of Angeles

Strength: 103/ Constitution: 88/ Agility: 104/ Dexterity: 102 Intelligence: 103/ Wisdom:89

Hp 1260 /1260(equip bonus +) MP 1467/1467(equip bonus +)

Stat points:100 Skill points:112



With that all out of the way, I watched as the podium went back into the ground, and became one with the green ring, releasing a resounding click that vibrated across this entire place. I didn't feel the need to allocate my stat points, or my skill points because I've not needed to increase anything of the sort so far. Not to mention all of the bonus stats from my leveling up, more than made up for it.

As for my skills, I'll deal with them once I got back in the game, as for right now, I just needed to get back to my villa and log out. I had a dinner to attend.


Deciding what to wear for a family dinner that might turn out to be a disaster was quite troubling, but thankfully I had Nanny Florence around. Because of how much time I've had to spend in the game, there has not been a reason for me to get used to the presence of new maids, bodyguards etc.

I was wearing a simple dimmer shirt, slacks and shoes that were much to fancy to be on my body. A gold Rolex, and simple gold chain to top if off, really giving off the 'I'm a gangster' look to anybody who cared to look. However I didn't care to comb my hair, and why is that? You might ask, well it's simple. I can't all be perfect now can I.

I made my way downstairs where Nanny Florence had Ron dressed in a similar manner. The three new maids, were now wearing suits, complete with the neck tie and leather glove combination synonymous with the legendary hitman games. And based on the bulges at the side of their suit jackets, all three of them were well armed.

"Suyin, Markova, Shinoka, I see you guys are joining us today for dinner?"

I asked them as I picked Ron from the ground. He wrapped his hands around my neck, and almost immediately whatever tension it was that I've been feeling due to this dinner was completely washed away. He made everything clearer, and a lot more better.

"Yes boss.....I mean Master Aaron."

Markova answered, correcting herself from saying boss when Nanny Florence gave her a scathing glare. I guess they're not as perfect as they looked.

"Master Aaron, Ms. Florence, when will I be expecting you guys and the young master back. Should I have dinner prepared, just in case this doesn't go well?" A deep voice asked as my new butler walked up to us.

"There's no need Manuel, if it does go sideways, then I doubt I would have enough appetite to eat anything else. But thanks for gesture anyway." I said to him as I walked out of the house.

"It's my pŀėȧsurė Master Aaron."

"You don't have to make that face master Aaron, I've sent for a car that's more to the taste of you and your generation. With a few modifications of course, but you'll get to roll around in 'Style' just like you wanted. But you must use the Cadillac for any and all official outings, it's important we keep up appearances."

I didn't even feel I had the strength to ask her who it was, we had to keep appearances up for. All I knew is that I had a very long night ahead of me, and I had to go deal with it.

The drive to my father's house was quiet, and that was probably because Ron fell asleep on the way there. It gave me time to think and reflect on something other than Lost Descendants online. At the moment, it would seem as if playing this game would get me no where, but so far things have been happening in a way that was beginning to seem more and more like a carefully calculated plot, rather coincidences that left me with extremely useful tools.

But that was besides the point. A lot of people were depending on me, and sooner or later I had to have something to show for all of my efforts, or things won't be looking too good. While the issue of finding the virus and the formula was a race against my father and his allies, I doubt the crime families would be patient enough to see that race to the end. Not when there's a possibility that they might loose it.

Of course it would be convenient if we could keep searching forever, but they would still be living under the threat of the virus and formula finally showing up and disrupting their way of life. And people like them would not hesitate to pull triggers when they begin to feel uncomfortable about anything at all.

But that was just one part, I still had the huge yet monumental task of taking over the imperium industries, of taking a hold of my future and my inheritance. And that's the very real war that was placed right in front of me. At first, I wanted to do it my grandfather's way, to wear a mask, be stupid and somewhat useless yet effective so that no one would see me as a threat, whilst working to completely undermine my enemies.

That was a good, scheming idea, and it would have worked, and all at the expense of sullying my name. Of course they say history is written by the victor, but if earth's history is anything to learn from, the real story always comes to the surface, and then the heroes, the villains, and the victims would all have their roles switched or completely reversed.

I could have banked on that, and hoped that when I finally won, there would still be enough people willing to listen to the truth, thereby redeeming my name. But I have a son now. If I do this my grandfather's way, then Ron would forever be the boy whose dad did this, or whose dad did that. That was not the kind of life I wanted for my son, because autism or not, he's still going to grow into this. A life like that was hard in and out of itself, because you would be judged by your parent's actions. I understood how painful and lonely that kind of life was, because I lived it, heck, I'm still living it.

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