The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 50 - Taking A Throne (III): ✨ ✨ Sparks ✨ ✨

I managed to avoid the press conference and the whole debacle that came with it, that's where Kira came in, taking up her post immediately it was made official that I was now the chairman of Imperium industries. Even now the whole thing felt so surreal and I was still shocked about the entire turn of events.

We were waiting in a secure and private room, there were a couple of these built around the headquarters, to prevent any form of corporate espionage, and to keep most secret deals...secret. Penny has not stopped stuffing herself of food since the meeting, apparently sticking it to the bosses….well former bosses was exhausting, and it left her really hungry.

Me I just stared at her while she occasionally shoved food into Ron's mouth. I've notice that my precious boy loves food a little too much; not that his father is any better, but is that supposed to be normal for a kid his age, well I'm not sure, this whole parenting crap is new to me, and it's quite exhausting too. The door to the room opened up, and Kira walked in, smartly dressed and looking every bit like a dame to die, or maybe kill for.

"The press conference was a success sir, and while your absence was felt, I believe that could be rectified at a later date. The public would like to know who the new Chairman of Imperium industries is, so I would like to schedule a private interview with Eden at a later date, maybe when all the excitement about your taking over has died down. Is that okay with you sir?" Kira asked with a stoic expression on her face.

Okay what the fuċk was going on here, why was she acting so stiff and business like with me, we're friends right? I think. I was about to say something, but she cut me off as she started giving me more reports, reading from tablet that's nestled snugly in the crook of her arm.

"The chairman's office has been occupied by the CEO Mr. Henry since the last chairman left the company roughly 28 years ago. He would be moving out of the office tomorrow, and the construction branch would need at least four days to renovate the office and model it to a design of your choosing. I would be coming over to your residence tomorrow to show a catalog of designs where you can make your choice from, or if you would prefer a more customized option, you can relay that to me so that I can let the engineers in charge of renovation know.

Next there would be an official party to celebrate your new position this Saturday, it's imperative that you attend the function. I will be coming with a tailor tomorrow to get you outfitted with the proper corporate attire, for not just the function, but for work hours. Next I would also like you to review a list of specially handpicked employees that would work under you, or would you rather prefer if we hire fresh hands rather than old ones."

At that point Penny seemed to have had enough, as she dropped the plate in her hands with a thump and got up to her feet glaring at Kira.

"Listen here bitch, I know ya probably have your pȧntɨės in a bunch because we disgraced your snake of a father, but that doesn't mean you can come up all in our business and disrespect my client like that, what's wrong with ya girl. I advice you don't fuċk with us and be a good little ȧssistant before we kick you and yo papa's ȧss to the curb, I don't like your attitude, so ya gotta fix it bitch! Catch my drift?"

I could have sworn I saw sparks flying, the door to the room was wide open, and a couple of employees were staring into the room wide eyed with shock and surprise. There's bound to be a rumor mill circulating around, not to mention every employee that had watched this altercation now had enough juice in their gossip engine to last them a thousand years.

Kira did not react to Penny's crass words, with how sophisticated Penny looked, you would think she was a refined woman. Now I'm sure all my employees would soon know what I've already know since I was a lot more younger, and that's the fact that though Penny might look like an angel, she was a thug. A rich kid with a lot of money, a great job, but with a street wise hustle and vibe that would leave most street kids red with embarrassment, plus to top it all of, she was white. Though I dare say she would have fit right at home in a ghetto.

The world might not be so prejudiced about color as it once was a hundred or so years ago, but it was still driven by stereotypes. And penny threw every stereotype of how a rich white girl is supposed to behave right out the window. To put it simply, she's a grade A bitch with a good heart. What was it Vin Diesel said again about girls like her, 80% devil and 20% angel. She's crazy, unfortunately I know Kira can match that crazy, nut for nut, and bolt for bolt.

Kira turned around and closed the door into the room, smiling as she did so. Then she pressed a keypad at the side of the door, and a display light at the top of the door shone red. At this point the room was sound proof, and every communications system in and out of it has been disabled. We're currently in a dead zone, and couldn't be spied on. Kira took of her jacket, folded the arms of her shirt as some of her tattoos was revealed, then she looked at Penny, about to say something or maybe beat her to within an inch of her life, only Ron to save us all from a rather awkward situation.

"Mommy dinner." He said to her as he pointed to the discarded plate of macaroni Penny had dropped to harass Kira.

"Baby it's not dinner yet, and I know you've been eaten all day, you can't take too much or you'll get a tummy ache." She spoke in a soft voice.

"But I'm fine, just a little more please, the angry lady let me have some, please can I have some more."

Penny's Jaw was halfway to the floor, and this case so was mine, but it w as for an entirely different reason. That's the most I've ever heard Ron speak, and it was to his mother, not me his awesome and very real and legitimate father. What a betrayal, this woman is stealing my son from me!

While I was feeling indignant, Penny was still shocked. Kira being Ron's adopted/godmother was not something that was known, heck only the people involved know about it, which was why I didn't blame her. Of course everything was still somewhat awkward, I mean Kira was just about as rude to me as a lion who's breakfast had been stolen by a hyena, I still didn't know what's up.

Nanny Florence who had been silent throughout this entire altercation came up to me and said.

"I think its about time you introduced Penny to Kira, and vice versa. Also stop looking so hurt, you would never be able to replace Kira in his heart, after she's his mother. And you're proof enough that all boys are pretty attached to their mothers."

I didn't know how, but it feels as if Nanny Florence just called me a mama's boy, but she wouldn't, right? Anyway she was right though, Penny didn't know Kira and neither did Kira know Penny, so to avoid any more misunderstanding, I should probably strike while the iron is hot.

"Kira this Penny, she's one of my oldest friends, and now the family lawyer for the Wade family, or at least our side of the family. And Penny this is Kira, you're already know she's Board Member Lee's daughter, plus she's also Ron's Adopted mother."

"Whoa you knocked this cougar up, isn't she like four of five years older than you? Damn I underestimated you, well done player." And she proceeded to give me a tap on the back that was a little heavy than normal, almost as if she wanted me to feel pain.

"What the fuċk did you just called me? Bitch!"

Fuck, I should say something before this gets out of hand. There's Penny, and then there's Kira. Both about to blow a gasket, two very wild women, like ice and fire, or maybe fire and gas…..nope! No way in hell am I getting in the middle of that, besides, what's the worse that can happen.




"Fuck my life!"

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