The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 51 - A Dungeon, The Angry Pawn

When I logged back into the game, I couldn't help but give a sigh of relief, the real world was important, but there were just too many drama to take care of. I couldn't really be who I want to be out there, and that was because even with all the power that has been given to me, they were also saddled with responsibility.

But in here, in this world, even with responsibilities, I could go wild an at least be myself as much as I wanted to. I made my way to the lounge of the ship and discovered everyone sitting around looking somewhat bored, they didn't even notice that I was there until I cleared my throat.

"Captain! You're back! That's great." Dinah said as she got up from her seat.

I gave her a nod and exchanged a round of pleasantries with the others before I took a sit, and just in time for Sky to jump into my arms. She looked bigger than before, she was previously the size of a dog, but now she was the size of a cheetah or at least a growing lion. I turned to Qitar who had been standing somewhat sticky ever since I got back and asked.

"So what's up?" Somehow, that's the moment when she actually calmed down, when I asked for a report. Looks like her military background was not something she did could do without.

"We've all been carrying out the orders you left, and have achieved success to varying degrees. The only person feeling a little stumped would be Dinah seeing as she's not been able to get the ship to a workshop and work on it. Without the proper tools and facilities she's unable to fully access the state of the ship and what it needs for an upgrade.

Also we've arrived at our target, the island of a Runt. Due to this place being the location for the second trial, the locals seems to have placed an embargo on the ships that are coming and leaving the island. Security is at an all time high, and as of this moment, three other candidates have been killed, and thus eliminated from the trials, thankfully they're other worlders like you, so their deaths aren't permanent."

I furrowed my eyebrows at her choice of words. 'Thankfully they're other worlders like you'. She might not have noticed it, but she made a clear distinction between the players and the AIs of the game. Seems like the relationship between players and the AIs is not as simple as expected, something is wrong.

"We're anchored off a secret cove on the island, apparently it's the entrance to an ancient dungeon and we were led here by Raven Song. Though it seems a lot has changed, as the dungeon has increased in scope and size if the reports of Raven Song are to be believed. But that's not the only problem though, the dungeon seems to be a labyrinth of sorts, and serves as a secret entrance into Runt's capital city. We've been waiting for your return to decide what we should do next."

I clasped my hands under my jaw as I watched a holographic display of the dungeon's entrance. There was a significant amount of activity there, and also guards and lookouts, though they don't seem to be a lot of them. I turned to Mark and asked.

"Did you guys find out anything else about this dungeon, what manner of monsters calls it home, and how do we navigate the labyrinth?"

"To navigate that labyrinth we need a guide, however I have it on good authority that none of the guides here can be trusted. Apparently they make it a habit of leading their clients to unexplored parts of the dungeon robbing them and leaving them to die, sometimes if the guides are unlucky, the dungeon itself would be responsible for killing them.

The monsters in the dungeon are Nereids, ocean spirits. But according to reports these Nereids were born from a dungeon core, making them nothing more than berserk copies of the original. It is also believed that a map of the dungeon can be found within it, and since the labyrinth stretches through the entire island of runt, it would give anyone who owns it the ability to come and go as they please. Plus like all dungeons, there are an abundance of precious materials, treasures and equipment to be gained. Oh! And one more thing, the labyrinth itself is like a sewer system, or an underground carnal. Its large enough that ships as huge as that white monstrosity we escaped from could sail in. But most people prefer to dock their ships on one of the platforms and walk, that way they can avoid confrontation with the larger Nereids hidden in the water. "

So far nothing seems to be out of the ordinary, however having access to the entire island might actually be a good thing. The cove that served as an entrance into the dungeon was large enough for the ship to sail into, and while most people wouldn't use their ship, I had every intention of sailing in, and that's because I have a bloody magic compass that can find any one, anything, and any treasure, as long as it's what your heart dėsɨrės.

"Very well, everyone should get ready, we're sailing into the dungeon, anchors up in 15 minutes!"



"Is it true what they're saying Kira, that you had a fight with that brats lawyer, not to mention you were rude to him." My father asked as his moderately aged face creased a bit with anger.

"Yes it is father, I'm sorry if I stepped out of line, but seeing bow comfortable that bastard was after he overturned our entire lives made me angry. Who the fuċk does he think he is, I'm really not too keen about being his ȧssistant, father is there no way that someone else can be chosen?" I asked with a troubled look on my face.

"Kira my daughter, your crass display of anger has shamed me, but never the less some part of me feels pride to you for your ability to stand up to him. However at this point there's nothing that I can do about this, so we just have follow the plan Henry has put to ground and bid our time….but that is not our way my child, while others see a nuisance, I see an opportunity for our family.

Kira as a father I have not been very good for you, so allow me to give you the greatest gift that I could possibly give to you in this life as an apology for my mistakes, I know I must have hurt you quite a bit."

"No father! You don't have to! I understand that everything I've been through so far, is so that our family can grow and be better than ever. I might have felt hurt a few times, but I never resented you father, we're family! And whatever it is we have to experience, we will do it together. So you don't have to give me a gift, let's first deal with this intruder, and then after you can give me the gift you want to." I said to him with a smile.

"Kira the intruder is the gift I want to give to you. Like I said while the other members of the board with the exception of Coralline are simmering in anger and hatred at Aaron, I believe that we might be able to use him to our advantage. Since I can't give you my shares on the company or any other ȧsset of mine; on the account that you're a woman and your younger brother is the true heir, I've decided that the best way to secure you future is to marry you to a good husband.

Your dowry would be the Imperium Industries, your groom would be the recently appointed chairman, Aaron Wade. Though to get to him would not be easy, I have faith in your abilities as a woman. In three months Kira, you're to have his child growing in your belly, a heir to the Imperium industries, someone to compete with his son and make our family one of, if not the most powerful in the entire world. Seduce him to your bed my daughter, then find a way to make it official and marry him. We will completely pull the rug from under the other board members, and come out on top as the most influential and power force in that company, so you must not fail! If you do I can't guarantee that you would be able to keep your name."

"Yes father, I understand what I have to do. I won't let the family down." I said to him with a soft smile on my face.

My father came forward and placed his hands on my head, pushing my locks aside as he gazed down on me with much more love than I've seen since my younger brother was born, it made me feel warmth and brought tears to my eyes. Then he sighed and left the room, leaving me behind with a burning hatred and simmering wrath.

Everyone wanted to use me, my father, Aaron, my brother even my own mother. Fine they call stick to their schemes and plans, but they're not the only one capable of scheming, maybe to them I was nothing more than a pawn on a board, but there was no problem with that. Because even a pawn can become a queen.

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