The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 68 - Port Yurtek (IV): Deserted City

I just flew a little bit above the city line, I would have preferred to maybe approach from the sea itself as that would have kept me hidden, but I guess it was better using flying above it. Such precautions would not have been necessary if the Nereid elder hadn't come and given us such an eerie warning, now I had to be sure there weren't enemies waiting for us at the port city.

The city looked okay, it was easy fore to focus my sight, at least on account of being both a dragon and an elf, sight would not be a problem for me. But even then I could see that the city was fine, and that actually seemed to be the problem. I tucked my wings and dived down, letting the wind rush past my ears before I spread them out again, catching the wind just about four meters off the ground as I glided through the streets of the city, trying to make sense of what wad paid out in front of me. The city was completely deserted.

I flew all the way from the docks, to the city's commercial district and all the way to it's residential and it's corporate districts. Even it's barracks were abandoned all the way to it's mayors office and mansion. I circled around the city again before coming to a stop on top of a church with its gleaming bronze bell beneath my feet. This was absolutely weird, and I was getting really bad vibes from all of this.

"Captain is it just me or is the docks deserted. There's absolutely no one here." Zack's voice rang out from my communicator.

"Yeah I can see that. Get your ȧss down to the church and come with Jack, tell everyone else to stay with the ship and Dinah should hurry the fuċk up and take care of whatever repairs she needs to." I said to him as I kept watch over the still very silent city.

I turned my gaze and watched as Acheron made her way into the docks, hetero gleaming black form was quite a sight to behold, but she wad not really in a good shape at the moment. I watched as Jack and Zack made their way off the ship, I would have asked for Raven Song's help, but he was currently offline, and Qitar and the rest would be better utilized taking care of the ship. And then I just waited while checking Some system alerts out.

{Storm Dance has reached level 5,choose subskill or effect}

{Electric field: effect: Cause lightening damage within a two meter radius around yourself. +5% to damage, +20% probability to cause paralysis.}

I didn't even wait to check out the rest, obviously they would be skills and I didn't want to be tempted into having skills I would be unable to keep track of or properly train. So now storm dance would create a lightening field around me that for all intents and purpose would shock the shit out of anyone who would get close to me.

I wad about to check the next alert when I noticed that Zack and Jack were already waiting for me at the entrance of the church. Darke was the ships navigator, Dinah her engineer, and Qitar controlled all of her arsenal. Those three would be safer on the ship and they could cause more damage on it than off it. As for Mark, he just lost all his levels and gained a new class, I'm ready to throw him right into danger when he's in a weak phase.

I jumped from the top of the church and landed on the ground, cracking the pavement below me as my ankle shifted a bit. I caught myself in time so that Zack and Jack won't notice, while I gave them a very bright smile to hide the fact that I just twisted my ankle trying to do a superhero landing. I guess I'm nor yet as strong as I thought I was. As soon as I can get a little breathing space I'm going to allocate a significant amount of my stat points to my strength and constitution, this shit hurt. I felt the bone shift back into place and the pain gradually subsiding as the injury healed itself. Then I looked up at my companions and asked.

"How did you guys get here so fast?" Zack looked at me and shrugged his shoulders before saying.

"We're biologically enhance elven clones."

I guess that makes sense, elves were already crazy fast, but when you factor in the fact that these group of guys were cloned super soldiers, then what you get is a ridiculous amount of dexterity and agility. I'm happy they were on my team, I can't imagine how fierce they must be on the battlefield.

"Alright! This bloody port city is deserted, I don't know if there are people huddle within their buildings, but it's going to take a long ȧss time to find out, and I'm not really keen on going from door to door hoping to find someone huddle under their bed. So what we need to do is to find a command center with surveillance over the entire city, which means we either have to make our way to mayor's office, or the police station. But the only problem is, I was able to find a barracks, but not a police station. You guys have been here before right, any idea where the station is?" I asked them as I looked around as if to find a change, but there was nothing, the city was still as deserted as I found it.

"Well this port city has all of it's major forces consolidated. It's a free city which means it's not under any country or kingdom, and all of it's forces are concentrated around the mayor's office. That's where their patrols are discharged from, and it makes sense as the barracks you found is right beside the mayor's office. So I think anything that would help us find out what happened in the city would be found in the mayor's office." Jack explained to me.

"That's a rather weird way to arrange the forces of the city, seems like the mayor was terrified of something or someone seeing as he surrounded himself with all the security in the city, plus that way he can probably monitor it."

"it was a quirk of the city's first mayor, the subsequent mayor's did not see the need to change his arrangement, so it has been like this for over two hundred years." Zack explained to me.

I Nodded my head in agreement with what he just said, either way that was of no concern to me. We just needed to know what the fuċk is going on here, and even of we can't find anything, we could just hurry the fuċk up and get the heck out of here. I nodded my head as I turned to them.

"Let's get moving, the sun is about to set, and I don't want to be far from the ship when it does."

Zack and Jack nodded in agreement as we all took off running towards the mayor's office/mansion. I had no idea what we were going to find, but I could not help the feeling that something was very wrong.

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