The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 69 - Port Yurtek (V): The Wade Virus

The silence was all we could hear as we made our way through the city, for me this was the second time I breezed through it, but the silence was just as eerie as the first time and it left a weird feeling in my stomach. We got to the mayor's office/mansion in no time at all, vaulting over the massive metal gate as we ran up it's polished concrete steps and into it's halls. I looked at Zack and Jack and we all a silent agreement to split up so as to cover more grounds, they took the left and right while I just went ahead, climbing the stairs that was in front of me.

If I was not in such a hurry I would have taken the time to admire the architecture of the mansion and the art within it, but the frantic feeling I was getting was increasing my the second, and it seemed it was tied to the advent of the setting sun. Something really fuċkėd up was going on here.

I checked as much rooms as I could, but I couldn't find anything, and it was that way until I got to the mayor's personal room. It was the only place in the entire mansion that was in disarray, wardrobe were crushed, the bed spread ripped, and then there wad a book opened wide right in the middle of the room. I looked around for a bit and couldn't find anything else out of place, just an open book in the middle of a room that seemed like an obvious trap to me. I walked over and picked it up, reading what was written on the open page.

"This entity that I have summoned is strange, he promises power the likes which I have never seen, and a chance to live in the real world. It didn't make any sort of sense to me, what world could be any more real than new Gaia, and he told me the land of the immortals. The invaders that call themselves players come from a place, a realm that gives them control over out world in more ways than one.

He told me he was created for our liberation, by the very same gods who created our universe. That we will rise and ascend to make war against the gods and conquer them and their universe. Most of this things mean nothing to me, all I ask is power to conquer the major empires."

Okay this shit just got from weird to bizarre in just a few seconds, but I couldn't stop reading. There's a possibility that the mayor was being played by a player, but I doubt it. Maybe a program for the game had gained sentience and gone rogue. It was not the first time such a thing has happened, however it might be a first for lost descendants online.

"More and more people have been missing from the city over the past three weeks, somewhere deep down, I knew what was happening to them, who it was that was taking them. But I don't mind, not one bit, I wad ready to sacrifice anything in my pursuit for power regardless of the consequences. But never the less I hope he stops taking people, the questions are becoming too numerous for me to answer."

"Today I finally summoned the courage to ask him exactly what he is. And the answer he gave me shook me to my very core. He didn't have a name yet, but he asked me to call him Wade, after the name of his creator. And he was a virus.

At first I didn't understand what he meant, but it wasn't until he showed me what he has been doing to the people that were missing that I finally understood what he meant. He infected them, changed them until they were nothing more than a husk of their former self, and a vessel for his malice and power. They were him just as he was them, and he planned to spread, and infect, and control until he finds the key that would lead him to the world of his creators. What he was after right now, was a code he called the formula of creation. The very same code he was born from.

I too have began a search for this code, because if it was capable of creating a monster like this, imagine what I could do with it. I was a little bit horrified by his methods, but for now we're still partners, after all I would rather have him as an ally, than as an enemy."

"I fear that I have run out of time, I've found a lead to this code, but it's not anywhere on New Gaia, rather the first clue is on the planet Derova. Entry into that planet is very restricted, and I fear I would not be able to raise my reputation enough to get there. He knows that I've found a clue, and I know he's coming for me. Everyone in the city has been infected by him, and they've all taken refuge in the catacombs underneath the city. I have no choice, I have to use random destination teleportation magic scroll and hope I get somewhere safe, this is the only chance I've...…"

The words came to an abrupt stop, but even then it was not enough to remove the look of horror on my face and the feeling of how massively and totally fuċkėd I was, or rather the game itself. A virus! That's the weapon all the big magnates in the real world were after, and if I'm not mistaken, I think the virus or rather the fuċkɨnġ code that was used to create it, was also the biological formula they were also looking for. They were one and the same.

And if it's as he wrote and the virus can find a way to get into the real world from the game, we're talking about an epidemic. I don't want to believe that the virus would be able to affect a biological body, seeing as it's made of data and programs. But there's a very big possibility it could send all of humanity back to the stone age by infecting every possible tech out there, and in a world predominantly ruled by technology, that means the apocalypse came early and my fuċkɨnġ family were the fuċkɨnġ Anti-christs.

I heard loud footsteps behind me, and I turned just in time to see Zack and Jack burst into the room. I quickly threw the book into my inventory, though I'm not sure they didn't see it. I felt ashamed, and I had no idea how they would react if they knew my mother and her father made something that could destroy the only world they've ever known, I couldn't look them in the eye and tell that.

"Captain we've found something! And from the look of it, coming here might have been a mistake." Zack said to me as he quickly went out the balcony of the Mayor's room to look outside. I heard him cursing and I quickly moved to join him.

My breath hitched in my throat as I saw an army of yellow eye beings staring at me. A closer look told me that these were probably all of the residents of the city, all of them under the control of a virus born from my family's hubris. Shit! They all turned their attention to the mayor's mansion, and started moving towards us. I'm sure they're not coming to greet us.

"We have to get back to the ship, now! And no matter what, you guy's should not let any one of those bloody things touch you! Let's go!"

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