The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 70 - Port Yurtek (VI): Rain Of Fire 1

As I stared down at the veritable army of viruses looking up at me, I felt a chill go down my spine and goose bumps covering my flesh. This might have been a game, but now it has evolved into so much more, and what it has evolved in to, is a problem that could have disastrous consequences for the real world.

The people all opened their mouths simultaneously, I didn't have time to give out a warning as Zack and Jack pulled me back into the Mayor's room, and just in time too as a barrage of hot yellow beams of light ȧssaulted the building. We all made our way to the ground, crawling on our bellies as the beams flew, destroying the entire building as concrete and flames flew every which way. These beams packed enough power to not just bore a ten inch hole into concrete, but also burn metal into molten slag.

"We have to get out of here!" Jack screamed amidst the loud sounds of destruction taking place around us. He made for the door, but I held his hand and pulled him back.

"They have the front entrance of the mansion covered, and most definitely the back. There's a window to the side that let's our right next to the barracks of the city's militia! Let's go that way instead, we can just go around them." I said to Jack and Zack.

This was not the first time I've been in a situation like this, I'm a or rather I was a soldier. I've had to survive planes dropping bombs on me, and an unending stream of bullets from no less than two dozen machine guns, being wielded by power gunners. Coming up with a proper counter for our ugly situation seemed rather easy.

Most of the Mayor's room was already in disarray, and as we crawled our way through a chandelier got loose and made it's way straight for my back. I shifted out of the way, bȧrėly saving my wings from getting crushed in the process. At that point we all just threw caution to the wind as we ran towards the window and jumped out in a shower of glass and broken window panes.

There was only a short fence separating the Mayor's mansion/office from the barracks, so we all landed on an open field that seemed to be used for training, some of us less graceful than we would have wanted. I spat out a wad of grass as I got back up to my feet, and just in time too as I could see a stream of the same virus infected people walking into barracks. It's almost as if they anticipated our moves, these people were moving too slow to have reacted this fast to us jumping over.

Jack and Zack wasted no time as they started attacking, putting to good use that awes Elvis skill with a bow. I followed them, grabbing Sky and loving the vibrations she seemed to send through black form with purple highlights. I pulled the string backwards and let loose an arrow.

The first arrow I shot flew through and found purchase In the forehead of one of the infected, driving it's way halfway through. But I didn't wait for it to touch the ground as my second arrow actually went through two of the infected, and then my third took out more as it flew into multiple bodies. Jack and Zack seemed to have a Elvis version of Sky's meteor shower skill, as their arrows glowed a plane green before smashing into the ranks of approaching infected like a sharp burst of fire from a battle ships turret.

Before I could release my fifth arrow utilizing the wind mark effect, all of the infected by the gate had already been killed, and a steady stream of system alerts rang out telling me about the explosion I won for my kill. We were on the western edge of the field, with the infected coming through a gate from the central area. Obviously there were more waiting for us at the gates so going out through that way was out of the question. And I'm not sure flying is a good idea as it's quite possible I would make an easy target for these monsters.

"We have to go east! We can't go back the way we came, so we have to skirt the eastern edge of the city, staying away fully from the main city itself. At least until we've completely gone past the area occupied by the infected. Zack warn the others on the ship about what's happening, come on let's go."

We made our way across the field, but we had bȧrėly even crossed it when some of the infected started scaling the fence and shooting at us with those bright yellow beams from their mouth. At the rate this was going, none of us would make it if we just chose to run alone, we would be nothing more than easy targets by showing them our backs. I contemplated using the sword of the sea, but that was suicide. As funny as it is for me to admit this, Port Yurtek is too small an area for the power of that sword, I will end washing both me and crew away.

"Jack! Zack! You guy's go ahead and get to the ship and get off the island. I will buy you guys some time and catch up!" I said to them, however they both stopped a fierce look in their eyes, they were soldiers just like me, leaving a man behind was not in our natures. But never the less, there would be no room for arguing.


"If we keep running without putting up a proper diversion, they will pick us off. I have no problem with dying here, I'll wake up on the ship in a few days. But if you guys die, then that's it for the both of you, there's no coming back from that. Plus! I'm super fast, I would already by out of here by now, you guys are slowing me down! So this is the better option. Go on ahead and offer support to our friends, if I'm not off this island in the next 40 minutes, blow it to pieces. Also make sure you guys take videos with your communicators and stream it to the ship's mainframe, we might need it later. Just go!"

Jack and Zack looked at me, a fierce look on their faces as they gave a customary elven salute by placing their hands on their ċhėst and bowing(seriously? There's yellow laser flying every which way and you guys are bowing, what the fuċk?). Jack gave Zack a nod, and his clone comrade took off, moving really fast at a speed I could almost match.

"We will wait for as long as we can, at least one hour if not more. We know death is painful for both you and Sky, you can't really like the feeling no matter how easily you brush it off. Take care captain, we'll see you on the other side."

And then he turned and followed after Zack, both of them reaching the eastern wall and vaulting over it in mere seconds. For some reason the infected had stopped shooting at us a moment ago, their eyes were focused on the fleeing form of Zack and Jack, it was quite peculiar. It was almost as if they couldn't Think and attack at the same time. This was weird, but I actually felt more comfortable alone than when Zack and Jack were with me, because now, I could actually let loose."

My stats had increased, I was a lot more powerful than before. I flapped my wings and flew up to the top of the only support pillar left of the gate after my previous attack. It was time for the tenth wind marked arrow, and I had to make sure the damage from it counted. The infect started pelting me with blasts, and I had to fall back and hide behind the fence, a fence that was rapidly falling apart under the constant ȧssault. Luckily for me, I didn't need to see them for my next strike.

{Seeker} {Meteor Shower!} {Wind Mark: Tenth Strike}

I pulled the arrow charger by the power of three skills backwards, or rather two skills and a passive effect backwards. The entire arrow had turned into a blazing lance of blackish blue flames with sizzles of silver lightening running through it. More of the fence fell apart as I felt more energy being tunneled into the arrow, I could feel Sky's strings almost snapping from the pressure, and then I released it.


It broke the sound barrier, as threw backwards to the ground so hard that I left a crater. I could feel a couple of my ribs crack in not break as the bright blue beam of black, blue and silver light flew into sky of the setting sun. It went even higher than I expected, looking nothing more than a pinprick of light, and just fizzled out, turning into countless motes of light in the air.

The look on my face was to say the least; shocked. This was probably the most powerful arrow shot I've unleashed within lost descendants online, and you're telling me it was a dud?......God I'm so screwed! It just faded away into tiny numerous pin pricks of light; pin-pricks that were actually falling right back down, and picking speed by the moment, not to mention getting bigger.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!"

Forget cracked ribs, I picked myself up, ignoring the pain I was feeling as I ran for my life. Once again I've gone and overdone it, this was bad, this was bad! Oh shit!.....



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