The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 72 - Port Yurtek (VIII): Casualty

My big sister Dahlia was dead, she's supposed to be dead, so thick was nothing more than a trick of the system, the game was just playing with my head. But that smile, that look of recognition, her blond hair. Except for her very yellow eyes, nothing seemed to have changed. Nothing at all. I coughed a bit, surprised by the sudden turn of events and tried to speak.

"No shush! Don't say anything you poor baby, you're going to be dead soon, and I want every second until it happens to hurt as much as it can. But never the less you must be so confused, so lost and not at all sure about how this happened aren't you. I wonder what elaborate story our father cooked up, or rather I guess he's just my father and not really your is he." I was confused, such sinister and malevolent display of character was a far cry from the soft spoken Dahlia, was this really my sister, and what the fuċk was she talking about.

"Oh! Based on the lost look on your face I think it would be right for me to ȧssume that you don't know the truth yet, oh my. You came into this game half ċȯċked with even knowing half the secrets that are hanging around it and yourself. What is grandfather thinking anyway, such recklessness is never his style. But don't worry I can just go and ask him myself after I get out of this place, I'm sure he would tell me everything, just before I shove a knife into his miserable dark heart!"

Could somebody please tell me what was going on right now, why was my gentle and angelic big sister acting and looking like such a monster, what the hell was she doing in this game in the first place. I was so lost and confused, I needed to understand one way or another.


An arrow flew towards Dahlia's head, but she just brought her head forward as the projectile flew past. What came next was a bullet, much faster than arrows, but she still evaded it like it was nothing to her. Then she stood up and looked at the direction where the arrows were coming from an annoyed look on her face.

"Why are these friends of yours so stupid, don't they know that it's rude to interrupt! I'm going to have to teach them a lesson."

I shifted my body, ignoring the pain I was feeling as watched as Jack drew closer, Qitar hot on his heels her sniper rifle primed for battle. I wanted to put a stop to this, I didn't want to see my sister hurt, but I also didn't want anything to happen to the members of my crew. It was the virus, that has to be the reason why my sister was acting so weird, but in the end nothing seemed to add up, how could my dead sister be in this game, alive and very much well. What the fuċk was going on.

Using what ever energy I had left I lifted myself up to a sitting position, my back resting against the car I just fell on top. I could feel myself slowly starting to heal, Nature was everywhere, and as long as I was around even the sea itself. Jack dropped his bow when he noticed that all of his arrows were being evaded of even slapped out of the air by Dahlia. He pulled out his customs elven guard sword and attacked my sister in a flourish of moves that I've never seen before.

Dahlia pulled back a bit and drew out a pair of daggers from her back, defending against Jack's attack with equally graceful amount of skills. Qitar had stopped shooting in fear of hitting Jack, so all she could do was sit back a bit and watched the melee carry on. The rest of the infected had halted their movements just to watch the fight, it was a surprising development, but it strengthened my suspicion that the virus was not capable of multitasking.

Jack's sword and Dahlia's daggers slammed against each other, sparks flying every which way ad they both tried to sink their blade into their opponents body. Jack was a better swordsman than I was that's for sure, and that was factoring my training with Nanny Florence, his strikes were swift and precise and they were always aiming for a weak spot.

He was pushing Dahlia back, before all of a sudden Dahlia opens her mouth and fired a beam of yellow light at point blank range. Jack was fast enough to swing his sword to the side, deflecting the beam, but it pushed him back and left his back wide open, she didn't hesitate.

"Dahlia! Nooooooo!"

She sunk both her daggers into his back, all the way to the hilt. My heart stopped as a look of horror crawled over it, Jacks very red elven blood slowly covered her hand as her sinister smile grew even larger. She just killed my friend, and she was smiling, laughing.


A loud gunshot rang out and one side of Dahlia's head was blown away, above her head bright red damage values of (3500) along with the words (Critical Hit) flew above her, like she was some sort of boss. But she didn't fall to the ground as expected, rather she staggered smiled and looked at Qitar before saying.

"Is that the best you can do? Don't worry you'll be joining your friend soon enough."

I had beaten Qitar with skills that were not capable of matching Jack's current ability, there was no way that She would be able to defeat Dahlia. From what I could see, it was not just power and speed she had, but also a very powerful regeneration. Jack wasn't moving, and there was no way in hell I'm going to let Qitar get hurt, I couldn't ever forgive myself if that should happen.

"Dragon Mode!"

{Armor Skill (I): Dragon Mode: Transform Into a ferocious wind dragon for 200 seconds, all stats increased by 500% all skill and physical damage is critical, Immune to All control type spells and Skills. Cost: 600MP, Cool down: 3 Days}

{Your armor skill has been Enhanced by your Dragon Commander Passive Skill. All stats +200%, all allies stats +150%. Dragons allover the universe have felt your rage and your challenge! They will be coming for you.}

There were was a blast of light around me, and once it clears I was standing above Dahlia and much of the buildings around the port. The rage I was feeling was not suffusing, in fact it felt a whole lot more heavier in this new form than it was when I was in a normal form.

"Wow! Little brother! Are you over compensating for something, you're so big Hehehe." The only answer I could give…..


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