The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 73 - The Fast & The Furious (I): Blank Spots, Confused Heart

When I woke up, I was in the pod. I was already logged out of the game, which was surprising as it's never happened before. But basically I don't even remember anything that happened. And what I could remember haunted me, and it hung right at the edge of my mind and memories refusing to go away. This was just a game, it couldn't be real, my dead sister can't really be there much less the weapon that so many people have been going after, nothing seemed to make sense.

I went to my bathroom and took a cold shower, hoping the freezing cold water would wake me from shock and everything would just turn out to be a dream, but I had no such luck, heck I couldn't even feel the water. I was numb and very lost, and angry, but at who? Jack was probably dead, I had the power to save him and I let him fall at the hands of my sister.

The sister I know or knew would never hurt another human being, but did Jack count as a human being, as someone with a soul, he was just made of codes after all. Why the hell do I keep coming back to this particular topic, am I not supposed to feel a great deal of remorse at the fact that he was dead, was it Wrong that I had such feelings for a being that's not flesh and blood. Did his life matter, or was he just going to be another scrambled and deleted code amongst the hundreds within the game.

There was a knock on my door, it served to awaken me from lost thoughts as I had remained standing under the cold shower for close to forty minutes. I needed answers, and the only person that could give that to me was no longer alive. My grandfather left big shoes to fill, but he also left big secrets to uncover, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that was my sister. Was she alive somewhere logged into the game, or was! That's impossible!

*Knock!* *knock!*

"I'm coming!" I snapped at the person who was at the door.

I went and opened it, only to come face to face with Kira. I haven't seen her in a few days, but I remember we had to meet today to discuss about the company. Apparently there were some things that required my attention as the new chairman of the company, but never the less it would have been good to see her if I was not in such a terrible state of mind, and also very nȧkėd.

"Is there a reason why you're nȧkėd and look like death at the same time. You should put some clothes on, we have much too....."

I pulled her close to me and kissed her, maybe this wasn't the time for it, but I wanted to feel something else. Anything other than the massive pit in my stomach and the confusion in my head. I just wanted the world to stop for a moment and at least make sense a bit to me.

I knew the slap was coming, and I could have stopped her from the moment she raised her hand, but I didn't. I felt like I deserved a little pain, but yet I was search for pŀėȧsurė. I had no idea what was wrong with me, I'm destroying myself.

"How dare you! It seems you're head is not in the right place. When you're back to your senses, you can call for me and make sure to prepare an apology!" then she pushed back into my room and shut my own door in my face.

I had to give it a moment before what I did finally sunk in, I had to resist the urge to slap myself. I really needed to left off some steam, I needed an outlet for all this rage and anger and loneliness coupled with a serious doze of confusion that I was feeling. Coming on to Kira like that was not fair to her, heck she could sue me for harassment or sėxuȧŀ ȧssault if she wanted to, this wouldn't work, I needed to do something fast before I self destructed or did something even more stupid than I already did.

I quickly got dressed, putting on simple clothes, black jeans, combat boots, a white tight fitting T-shirt with pictures of the avengers on it, and then a black coat with a high collar that stopped just above my thɨġhs. I was about to leave when I had a quick thought, I might not look like the mob boss I'm supposed to be, but I'm still on of the most dangerous person on the planet. It would be stupid to leave the house unarmed.

I made my way out of my room, and then made my way to the manors basement. The basement itself had multiple sections and also multiple floors(which I recently just found our about even though I spent my entire life in this house.) It had three subbasements, one of which was an armory and my current destination.

When I got there it was deserted, and I really didn't want to spend too much time figuring out what was best for the occasion. So I placed up a holster with two already loaded handguns, and then a ten inch silver combat blade that looked like it could tear through bone, just as much it could through flesh.

I made my way up to the first subbasement's floor and had to resist the urge to whistle, maybe I would have done so in different circumstances, but Nanny Florence was holding out on me. There would be time to admire all this beauties later, but that Mustang looks like it would be my date for the night. I picked up it's keys from a board hanging on the wall at one end of the garage, then I stepped into the car, it's cushy leather seats seemingly hugging me as a scent of old leather and new metal ȧssaulted my nose.

I suspect this Mustang was just like the Cadillac; a relic of over two centuries, but kept alive by constant maintenance and upgrades. I bet this bitch can ride and that she's super fast. Which was just what I needed right now, I needed speed, lots of it. And so I rode out into the night, my head more muddled than it would have been if I were drunk, some would say that it was a bad idea driving in that state of mind. But I'll look them in the face and say.

"This is going to be a night of more bad ideas than you could possibly imagine, there are no thoughts to this, just the speed."

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