The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 82 - Atlantic Rim (I): A Direction

When I logged back in it was to a familiar ceiling, and it wasn't to my room on the Acheron, but rather it was to the villain was given during my time as a chosen for the trial. Which means for all intents and purposes, we were back on Patmos, nestled safely with the massive branches of the tree of Revelations. It didn't make sense to me, cause I wasn't really sure how we got back here.

I got up from my bed, I had to curse and lay back down almost immediately as the room seemed to shift from side to side, 'Nausea in a virtual reality game? This keeps getting better and better'. I held my breath for a little while and waited for my vision to refocus itself, the first thing I noticed though was a sleeping Qitar, the green skinned woman seemed to have been keeping watch over me and fell asleep in the process. She must have been here long.

I got up from the bed and covered her with a blanket, then I walked to the balcony of the villa and looked out at the massive tech city hidden within the branches of this tree, then I looked down watching the slum city also hidden within it's roots. This tree was amazing, but the people who live on it were annoying, I sighed and watched as a black limousine seemed to come to a stop in front of the villa. The elven minister jumped out of it accompanied by a few guards, probably clones just like Jack is...…or was.

I turned around, strode across the room and equipped my armor, I had s few messages from the system to look through, but I was scared about what it would tell me, besides there's no pressing need at the moment, I can take care of it later. I opened the door to my room, startling the pair of Nereid kids that were passing by along with a larger looking Sky, The was the size of a small calf now, exactly like a new born baby elephant.

The battle beast gave a trumpet of joy and rushed to snuggle into my body. I could feel her emotions from what ever bond that connected the both of us, and I knew she was happy and had been really worried. I must have been really out of it, only God knows the scope of destruction I might have left in my wake after my transformation.

I gave her head a soft pat and smiled to the Nereid kids, but even the awkward grins they gave me, was incapable of hiding the fear in their eyes. I couldn't help but wonder what sort of hell I had unleashed, and what so of damage I might have done. I made my way down to the sitting room of the villa, just in time to see the elven minister, a priest in a golden frock, and stereotypical ȧssassin with a hood over his or her head. Without a doubt, these were probably the people who sponsored me during my time as a chosen. But it was not just their presence alone, it was the fact that the King of Patmos was also here that surprised me.

I saw Dinah, Mark, Zack, Darke and Raven Song. But there was no Jack, it wouldn't do for me to jump to conclusions, but I just had to know. I turned to his brothers/ fellow clones and asked them with my heart stuck in my throat.

"Where is he? Is...did.....did he make it?"

They looked amongst themselves, not at all sure how to answer me, or who would answer. In the end Raven Song, the one person who was not around when this went down, decided to answer.

"He's alive, and he's on the ship's medical bay. Dinah was able to forge a stasis pod that preserved his life. However he's in critical condition, the dagger severed his spine and pierced his heart, and to make matters worse he was infected by the virus, if you hadn't covered him with that cocoon of wind, I'm afraid he would be dead right now. But now the problem is, both the Patmosian government and the elves refuse to heal, even though they have the technology and the magic to do so." Raven Song said to me, a buŧŧer expression etched on his dark elf face.

I turned to my visitors and went to take a sit in front of them. The atmosphere seemed heavy, there was an aura in the air that I couldn't understand or put my finger on. But I knew it was all coming from me, suddenly a system notification popped up in front of me.

{Dragon Commander Aura Active: Let all who stand against thee quake in fear and shiver in awe at your majesty.}

That was weird, but it helped set the tone, based on what Raven just told me, somethings happened that I can't remember, such as covering Jack in a cocoon of wind, but never the less these guys can save my friend, yet they're not doing so, so it's either they want something, or they're really big jerks.

"What would it take for you guys to save him." I don't care what it is they came here to tell me, but I was going straight to the point for what I wanted.

"Curing an infection and injury of that magnitude would require magic, skills and treasures of great value. The church of Adonai have our ultimate healing spell, the Elves have dew from the world tree, and the Patmosian have essence from the heart seed of the tree of revelations. These things are protected, and very valuable. The healing spell of the church of Adonai is known by our high Pope, but he has one foot in the grave and very senile, the Essence of the heart seed is more than just an essence as it has the ability to greatly empower any living thing, or give an inanimate object life, it can cleanse and Purify any dark energy. But there's only one vial of it in existence, and it takes the tree of revelations roughly 50 years to produce one, the next should be ready in three years, but even then I doubt your friend can survive that long.

As for the dew of the world tree, only the moon elf priestesses are allowed to come in possession of it, except for when the elf emperor and empress have a need for it. It's equally as valuable and powerful as the heart seed essence, which means neither Patmos nor Elfengarde would be willing to waste such a resource on a common guard, a fake existence, a clone!"

This priest of Adonai has a way with words, and I could feel as every words he said seemed to stab deep into Zack, Darke and Mark. The elven clones had their heads down, as if agreeing to the fact that they were less than any other born elf alive. I don't think the priest was prejudiced, he was just stating a fact. But that didn't mean I liked it, or was happy about it either.

"Is there any other option? I can't lose him.....I can't lose any of them."

Was it wise showing this much vulnerability, was it smart baring my heart out like this....Aaron Wade would never have done this, he would probably go steal it, or hang the senile pope, the elven and Patmosian royalty off a bridge nȧkėd while threatening their children and forcing them to hand over what he wants. But while Aaren Seven could be just as ruthless and even more dangerous, he was also willing to show his weakness, to let people know how much things matter to him.

"I can get you the dew, I recruited you to the coven of Angeles, so if you need something, it's my responsibility to take care of it. But it would cost you the lives of your entire crew, and most especially your battle beast. And I can see you value them more than anything else in the world, which brings us to why we're here.

Your recent battle and transformation has caught the attention of some really powerful and evil people, so we need you to go off radar for a while. We also need you to finish your first mission, and the rescue the only other person that can save your clone's life....a high priestess of the church of Adonai and the only other person to have learnt and mastered the ultimate healing spell.

The Elf you were sent to kill is now traveling to the Atlantic ocean, hoping that once he crosses into the boundary of the old world sea, he would be out of our reach. You're to intercept and kill him, and then head on to Atlantis find the priestess, have her heal your friend and bring her back here to Patmos. That's the only other option available to you." Lerriandelei said to me as she sat back with a calm look on her face. A look I happily returned.

"first of all, don't you fuċkɨnġ call my boys clones, they have names, and if you don't know it then shut it! And secondly, point me in a direction and get the fuċk out of my way, I have a life to save."

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