The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 83 - Atlantic Rim (II): Finding The Virus


[CALL OF ATLANTIS 1: Your Friend And Crew Mate Has Been Injured, In Other To Save Him A Series Of Missions Have To Be Carried Out, And To Do So, You Have To Brave The Most Dangerous Ocean On New Gaia, And The Last Ocean Of The Old World. A Place Known To Many As The Atlantic.]

[CONDITIONS: Kill Elven Head Researcher 0/1] [TIME: 1 WEEK] [REWARDS: +5 TO ALL STATS, ALL SKILLS +1 LEVEL]

I accepter the quest without much of a fuss, this was important anyway, and I'm not sure I'm in a position to be picky. Besides this was in the direction that I needed to go, so it helped. I looked at the Patmosian king, for him to be here it's obvious that he's somehow a part of the Coven of Angeles, I wonder how he would feel if he knew his daughter and I wanted her to win the trial just so she could get rid of his policies and way of ruling…..he already hates my guts, I'm pretty sure he would want to kill me then.

"We would like to know more about this virus that you fought, the reports that your crew gave us, was that the carrier of the virus; the female you fought, was gravely injured by you. However she had help, and was able to escape through use of a long distance teleportation magic scroll. Is there anything you can tell us to help us find her?" The king said to me in a surprisingly polite tone.

I may have just been really rude to all of them, but they seemed to be treating carefully around me, I really didn't know why. In most games it would take lot's of players a long ȧss time to have a reputation as illustrious as mine, so much so that whole leaders would out you in high regards, however I think by this point I've proven that this was more than just a game for me. There's much at stake and every decision u make could very well affects the lives of people both in and out of the game.

"To be honest I don't remember much, everything about that fight has been a massive blur, almost as if there's a block on my memory. However one thing I can be sure of is that the virus has grander plans beyond this world." I said to them with a pensive look on my face.

"What do you mean?" the priest asked, his short white beard seemingly swaying as a cool breeze blew past.

"It aims to infect, and I believe that it's not yet strong enough to exercise full control over the entities it infects, which means the sooner we find it and kill it, the better it would be for everybody. This universe is just a foothold for it's real mission as it intends to head for the world where I come from. If that happens, then there's no stopping it, it would mean the end for everybody." I said to them.

Usually it wasn't wise bringing up the real world and how much influence it had over lost descendants online, however Dahlia was a real threat, a very big one with massive consequences for both parties. We have to find her and end her…..or at the very least the virus that has Somehow become a part of her conscience.

So at this point in time, both worlds have to come together and find a way to deal with this threat, and based on the very shocked look on Raven Song's face, I guess he's beginning to understand that this was more than just a story quest, some serious shit was really going on.

"There is cause for concern in deed, but the virus is MIA, we have no way of finding it." Lerriandelei said to me.

"I have methods I can use in tracking it down, there's a....." I was about to continue when Darke came to my side and whispered into my ear.

"I'm sorry captain, but I already tried using the compass to find the virus, but it didn't work. I got a prompt telling me that the ship's level is a little too low to have the compass accurately pinpoint the location of an unknown such as the virus. It's existence is so complicated that the magic of the compass can not recognize it, the ship needs to be stronger to be able to find her efficiently."

It made sense to me, in a way it really couldn't be that easy to find her. This was still a game world, so the natural order of things would follow certain rules, and that's the fact that this would probably turn out to be a long quest chain. But I wad happy about one thing. The virus or as the mayor of Rustek had called it; the Wade Virus, might not be a recognizable entity within the game, but it still has to play by the rules that governs it, as long as it remains here.

Which means it needs levels, needs to train skills, and it can die. And since Dahlia seemed to be more of an NPC than a player, that means there was no respawn for her. So killing her means it's a done deal, and she wouldn't be coming back, however I don't think it would be as simple as finding her and putting a dagger in her ċhėst, there's definitely a catch.

"I have a method I can use to track and catch her, but I need to upgrade and level up my ship a few times to access it. Which means we're left with just using the old fashion methods available to us. I think all parties should keep and open eye and ear, and warn any other major power about the virus as it poses a real threat. I will try what I can on my part to find her, but at the moment my main priority is making sure that Jack wakes up and lives. So is there anything else?" I asked, looking straight at the green skinned king.

"Not at the moment, no. We've discussed all that we need to, and now it's up to you to make sure you get things done. We will render all of the ȧssistance that we can, just make sure you deliver this time, we will now take our leave." the priest said as they all slowly filed out of the villa.

One thing had me confused though, and that was the fact that through the entire conversation, the hooded ȧssassin guy, did not even say a single word. Not that I had any problems with that, maybe he or she was mute or something. Either way this meeting was a done deal, and we now had to figure out our next step.

"Dinah how's the repairs and Upgrade of the Acheron coming along?" I asked as I got up to my feet.

"Complete and Ready to sail captain." She said to me with a smile.

I nodded my head at that and turned to face all of them, I could give a cheesy or some speech, but I know that wouldn't help the mood, especially for the clones, the last thing they needed right now, was a spotlight being shone on their pain. Most soldiers were like that sometimes, it was better to compartmentalize and deal with the emotional shit later. What they needed right now, what we all needed was something else to focus on.

"Dinah I will be handing all of my current funds to Qitar, all of you should make a budget of what we need for long term sailing. Get supplies, tech, weapons and vehicles, as much as the ship can carry without jeopardizing her sailing capabilities. If you have anything else you need to take care of, then get your affairs in order, we set sail at first light."

Then I turned and made my way back to my room, my heart feeling a bit heavy. There's much to be done, there's no doubt about that, but at least we're taking actions. That has to count for something in the long run, and I know that it will. But with all these out of the way, it was time for me to pay attention to the skills that can be branched, or given new effects. I needed to be ready for more than just a battle, I need to be ready...….for war!

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