The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 85 - Atlantic Rim (IV): Players In Position

Big yellow eyes staring at me, very big yellow eyes. Well it's quite large, so there's a possibility it wasn't looking at me, but I knew better, Dahlia had infected the giant demon snake that almost had me for dinner, but for some reason it, she, was not attacking. I held that gaze for a few moments, staring at it with an intense focus as it looked back at me with a hint of mockery in it's gaze.

And seeing that look, threw every single smidge of fear I had for the beast away. Dahlia wasn't here, and that snake was not here either to cause any sort of problems, this was a statement, a warning! She was telling me that she was still alive and that she was stronger, it was an honest to god challenge. I didn't like it, buy who would I be if I don't take that challenge, surpass it and kick ȧss in the process.

I might seem to really arrogant to people with this kind of attitude, but I knew who I was, I know who I am, and I definitely know exactly what kind of damage and horror I'm capable of dishing out my enemies. I raised an eyebrow and looked at with as much fierceness as I could muster. Then the bloody snake just turned around and left. This round was over, and based on the clamor and screams of outrage and panic I could hear from within the branches, and down from the roots of the tree of Revelations, I would say that the entire city must have been scared half out of their minds.

I ignored the noise, went onto the Acheron that at the moment was still undergoing repairs and upgrades, laid down on my bed, and fell asleep. Big journey ahead or not, sleep was something that I desperately needed, and I'm determined to make sure I get enough of it.




Henry was really nervous about this meeting of his. Before his father died, there was not much known about the extended part of the Wade family, or the power they held. But he knew at the very least that they could get him the lower he needed, the prestige and position he craved, they could give him his army.

But even then a move like this can not be easy, the extended family answered to the head, and for all intents and purposes they were just advisors and trusted employees meant to keep the dark empire of the main Wade family in check. But his father had been quite lax during his time, and gave them way too much power than they needed, and now it was with this power that Henry was going to put an end to that irritating little shit Aaron.

But just as he and his so called son could never see eye to eye, so too were other members of the Wade family split in their allegiance. There were some that were too greedy and wanted more power, and it was this particular set of people that could help him oust Aaron out of his current position, if not out rightly kill him.

Normally such an action was frowned on, The Wade family needed to be strong or they would be swallowed up by the other old crime families. The Wade family trained their soldiers, and they used the most sophisticated of tech and bio enhancement and augmentations to make and create soldiers at the peak and above of human capabilities, and recently with the inclusion of the Bacchus nectar this superhuman soldiers were becoming just as he expected they would, super human.

This was the most lucrative business in the entire galaxy, or rather with the war that's looming on the horizon, it would be the most lucrative business in the galaxy. But the Wade family had a deal with the old families, their methods of training this soldiers with superhuman speed, agility, strength and powers, were to be used only for them. Business as usual might commence with the government, guns, drugs, surveillance tech etc. But anything that would improve the military might of any world government, was off the tables.

It was a stupid deal, it was put in place so that the Wade family could be kept in check and they don't become to powerful. And right now any internal conflicts would give them an excuse to swoop down and end the threat that's the Wade family for good, it would stop them from becoming the threat the old families envision they would become.

The old families couldn't do anything about this at the moment, until such a time when the Wade family broke the deal, or tenets of the Code that kept the overlords of organized crime in place and in check, then they couldn't touch even a single hair of someone from the Wade family. Henry intends to change that, he already started weaponizing some of the surveillance drones given to the military, it wasn't as good as what other weapons manufacturing companies could do, but it was enough to paint a big red target on Aaron's head. After all 'his company, and his money made them'.

Whatever internal problems that might arise from within the Wade family, Henry didn't care. All he wants to do right now is quickly get rid of that boy, and build himself and the government an army, kick start this war before the old families realize what's happening, and when he's gotten enough power and money, which wouldn't take him more than a year, he would end all these families and be the supreme power on earth as a whole. If the Wade family gets destroyed in the process, well be it. After all, that Aaron boy was never his son to begin with anyway.





Florence hated retirement, it was too damn complicated, and even though her replacements have already been dispatched, a lot of players were making moves right now, and they were all making a play for Aaron, his wealth, his resources, and his life. But she would never let that happen, she had promised his grandfather that she would take care of him no matter what, and right now she had the perfect method and way to do it.

She was standing in an observation deck, watching as a twelve year old boy displayed abilities that until 20 years ago, was considered nothing more than science fiction or even a myth. But here they are, men, women, teens and children with abilities to shake the very foundation of the world, and all of them belonged to the Wade family, or rather they belonged to Aaron Wade. He just didn't know it yet.

Florence spoke into the mic in front of her, he features softening a bit as she spoke to the young boy currently spinning a disk of pure silver alloy above his hand. The fact that she spoke in fluent Celtic did not seem to faze the people around, her, it was a language that's hardly ever spoken, if it wasn't already extinct.

"Nicolas you shouldn't push yourself so hard, I wouldn't want to explain to your mother why I brought you back unconscious. You can already control, bend and reshape metal with the hardness of an industrial forged silver alloy, and to think you came up from copper and tin. You're stronger now, so you should give yourself a break and a pat on the back."

"But grandma! It's not enough. You said master Aaron would only take the best of the best into the Familia, what if I'm not chosen?" the young boy asked, expanding the flattening the disk until it was wide enough for his to sit upon.

"Aaron won't say no to you, I practically raised him, and so he's like your uncle or brother. He would probably love you and protect you even more than I can, and he will fight for you, just as you're going to fight for him. You know your role don't you?"

"Of course I do grandma! I know my place, I know my title and my rank. I know what I have to do to keep the world safe, to keep our Familia safe." The young boy replied, looking up at his grandmother with looks of reverence and happiness.

"And what's that title, introduce yourself to grandma." Florence asked with a wide smile on her face.

"My name is Nicholas Poser, Familia Platoon: Immortal. Title: The God Of War....Ares!"

Florence smiled with as much pride and guilt along with a serious amount of self loathing that she could muster. She could tell herself that she did this to protect both her boys, but in the end the truth was still staring at her right in the face. She had trained her grandson into nothing short of a perfect killing machine, just like he said. She had made her own flesh and blood a God of war, a killer at twelve. A killer fully and completely loyal to Aaron Wade.

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