The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 86 - Atlantic Rim (V): Massacre 1

We left Patmos very early the next morning, once again we were back amongst the calm sounds of the sea, the call of the wind, and adventure on the horizon. But I was not above deck to see and experience all this, I was in a room on this ship that was just recently constructed by Dinah, it has been repurposed into a medic bay.

Jack was asleep, floating in a pod of glowing green liquid with a breathing mask on his face. I really felt guilty and responsible to him for this, there was so much I could have done to prevent such a thing from happening, but it still happened none the less, and it was all my fault. But there was no need to dwell on what ifs and has beens. There was a chance to make up for it and take care of my friend, and that's what I'm going to do.

Apart from watching Jack, there were other things that needed my attention, and chief amongst them is the fact that the ship's operating system and stat page have become integrated and changed in more ways than one. Dinah had went all out in upgrading the ship, so much so that with the proper materials, and shit ton of magic, Acheron was now capable of evolving herself or at the very least, sections of herself.






•DEFENSE: 20.8/ SPEED: 40.9/ POWER: 30.4/BALANCE: 17.2








I have no idea why the ship's system was not like this in the first place, but never the less it was a lot more better than before. Everything on the ship was actually level 1,except of course for the magic navigation skill, which I'm sure mainly comes from the magic compass that served as the core for the ship's navigation system. And all of these things seemed to be upgradable, especially the ship's stats. But it's level was still nine, which makes me believe that it would be very hard for the ship to gain levels, even after all the battles we've been in. I guess that makes sense, after all it takes a few years for a pirate vessel to become quite renowned.

But the Acheron was not a pirate vessel, at the very least I don't intend for it to be. Never the less it's current class made it extremely fast, and hopefully when the time comes, I can change it into something more powerful and less criminal like.

I spent hours in the med bay, doing nothing but just staring at the unconscious form of Jack. And it would have gone on for a lot longer if Qitar didn't come in, with a serious look on her face. It's either we've met trouble, or we've gotten close to the Atlantic ocean.

"Sorry to disturb you captain, but based on the specs and information the coven was able to provide, the ship carrying the elven scientific to his new life in Atlantis has been spotted just beyond the horizon. We will be able to catch up to them in fifteen minutes or less, should we immediately engage the moment we're close enough?"

"No! You guys will do no such thing. Your jobs is to reduce the speed with which you guys are traveling, tell Darke that I need him to move slowly, and to move past that ship in about forty minutes, and then keep a definite distance between them, a kilometer should do. This job, I will be doing it by myself."

I said to Qitar as I got up and made my way to the deck, Qitar looked like she had much to say, but as we got to the deck, all she could do was relay my orders to Darke. Sky came to me and I had her turn into her bow form, before unceremoniously jumping into the cold sea below us, not even saying good bye. There was no need for that, the last time I had to do something like this, I had joked quite a bit with it, and ended up getting blown, this time I was putting in all of my focus.

I opened my wings, and I felt the pressure of the current beat against them, the sea was bright and I could see a variety of fish and sea life swim past me, and a little bit deeper, there were things that I'm sure I don't want to face at the moment. I could breathe just as easily as on the surface, I could feel the gills on my neck pulse and move in tandem with breathing, as I faced the direction of the ship I wanted to board.

I moved my wings a bit, and then shot towards the ship, utilizing the swim bladder in my body that made no different in movements from a real fist in water. I twirled myself in the water, feeling a bit of resistance as I swam past the Acheron, going a bit deeper so my form could not be seen from the surface of the water. And then for the first time ever, I actually utilized an ability I knew I had, and cost me nothing to use, and that was the power to control air.

Small pockets of air began to gather around my form as I swam, making the resistance of the water practically no existence as I cut through the sea like a hot knife through buŧŧer. My movements disturbed the aquatic life and drew their attention to me, but even worse was the fact that I could hear what they were saying, and to be honest hearing a jellyfish calling me a weird freak of nature did not really sit well with me.

Eventually I got closer to the ship, and that's when I activated stealth and stopped using my ability to control air. The ship was an amalgamation of magic and tech as wood and metal seemed to meld together to create a massive hunk of a beast. The ship was twice the size of the Acheron, and just from coming close to it, I could feel some sort of repelling force coming from it, like a shield that's meant to divert anything or being from coming close to the sides of the ship.

[Iron Wood Smuggling Ship.(enchanted): Iron wood is a well known but quite rare tree that's known to have the ability to mimic the hardness of certain metals depending on their age or level. 0-20 year trees are as hard as iron, 20-50 hear trees are as hard as refined steel, and 50-100 year old trees are as hard as platinum with the tree finally shedding it's wooden frame for a metallic one. There are no iron wood trees above a 100 years in existence anymore, they have all been harvested and used to build ships and structures.]

I suddenly remember something seeing this notification in front of me, there's no such thing as an identification skill or appraisal skill, except when a player is in a dungeon would such an ability or skill be afforded to them. But I had been given two books, of whose names I can't remember at the moment. It was one of the rewards from my achievements, and of these two books, one helped me analyze and recognize plants or biological life forms, while the other helped me analyze materials and metals and precious ores.

It was why I'm able to recognize what this ship is made up off, and also understanding that it would take a serious amount of firepower on our part to break through it's defense. This ship was enchanted, and it was enchantment that was too powerful, so powerful that I couldn't get close enough to find a way in.


A loud sound from the ship drew my attention, I swam down and under the ship, coming somewhere close to it's middle where what looked like a bay door was just opened. I swam close to it's edge, just enough to notice the three sea elves deeply engrossed in a discussion as they took their clothes off.

I expect that they were going for an afternoon swim since they were taking their clothes off, possibly maybe for a little tryst since there was a woman amongst the trio, however even if this was a game, as a soldier I could recognize delayed charges when I saw one. And since it would not really make sense for them to sabotage their own ships with bombs, it meant they had another target.

A magic mirror sprung to life behind them, and all three of them turned to face it. It was showing real time feed of a ship that was rapidly gaining on them, my ship! Which more than clarified my suspicion. These guys were being careful, and regardless of whether we were innocent or not, the fact that our ship voted close enough to them, was cause enough for us to be eliminated. Well if that's the case, they wouldn't mind if I gave them an early welcome. I pulled Sky from my back, and for the first time ever, activated her magic staff form.

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