The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 88 - Atlantic Rim (VII): Massacre 3

Sky's magic staff form was quite a force to be reckoned with, it made me really want to find more magic spells that I can use the staffs power to amplify and cast. All of the spells I had just used to completely decimate the hallway full of sea elves, except of course for the spell that came with staff, could be casted without using a staff. However spells that were casted through a medium, like a staff, a wand, or a medallion had their power and effects increased.

Which was why magical classes that mainly focused on magic were more than eager to have good staffs equipped for battles. The damage and power a mage with a staff can cause was at least 30% stronger than what a mage with his hands could muster. And I had one that's really cool and bad ȧss, so which means I would probably be on top of the magic game for a while.

I changed Sky's form back into her bow form, I felt her vibrate in my hands as she gave me a warning. The magic staff form required twice as much power as her bow form, and the fact that I just used her innate skill had left her very weakened. Without rest, she could only fire off a few wind mark powered arrows, without a chance of using Meteor shower again. Her level just wasn't high enough for it.

Without much of a choice I could only put her down as she transformed back into her normal form. I had to hold back my laughter as she swayed a bit, moving from left to right with unsteady gaits. Hopefully she doesn't fall over, because that would be even more funny. I placed a hand on her back to steady her, and after a few seconds she touched my hand with her trunk as if to tell me that she was ready to move. I nodded my head to her and then pulled the sea sword from my back, it's been a little while since I used it, and the feeling of cold and wetness that covered me for a moment after I pulled it was a little jarring.

I shook myself a bit and moved forwards, since I had to head to the top deck, it would be better to take the elevator at the end of the hallway. But doing so would not give me any chance to find a cover, because as soon as it opens up, I would be vulnerable to attacks from the sea elves that were bound to be on the other side. I needed a distraction.



I was keeping my focus on the sea elven ship ahead of us when my communicator rang with a message from the captain. For a moment I contemplated whether to even read it as he was being rather reckless again. But he was my captain so I had to pay him a little more attention, besides I understood what he felt like.

I've been a leader of soldiers before, and I know how painful it is when someone under your commander gives his life for you, when it's supposed to be the other way around. And in my case, it just had to go and be someone I loved. But this was all water on the bridge, a past that I really wasn't all too keen about visiting.

"Qitar! Open fire on that ship, I know I told you guys to get closer, but start the ȧssault now. Get their attention!" his orders rang out from the communicator.

Everyone here were already at their battle stations, and to be honest I think we've all been itching for a little conflict. I flexed my prosthetic right arm, a blue glow ran from the joints on my wrist all the way to my shoulders. Holes appeared on the sides of the Acheron as the dragon star turrets made their debut. Just of these guns alone was bad news, but dozens of them was total overkill, but overkill was synonymous with Dinah's character, the girl is a freak.

I raised my hand as an augmented reality targeting system appeared over my eyes, this was a targeting system that Dinah had added to the ship, and since I was inexplicably connected to this mystical vessel, I also had access to it. The blue line on my hand seemed to split into numerous tiny lines, looking very much like veins transporting blood, or in this case, energy and commands. I took a deeper breathe and then clenched my hand.


It was like a sound akin to thunder as the turrets opened fire on the ship ahead of us. A shield of sorts came to live around the ship, blocking the bits from the turrets, however these dragon turrets could break through any defense, it was only just a matter of time.

"Darke full speed ahead, get us close to those monsters. Mark get us a blessing and Raven song prepare all of your defensive skills. Let's sink that ship!" I said to the remaining members of the crew as the Acheron surged forwards, making a bee line for the enemy vessel whilst spitting fire and metal at it.


Since taking the stairs would take too much time and put me in a whole bunch of unnecessary confrontations, it was better I went with the elevator. It didn't take up to five minutes for the entire ship to start shaking as the Acheron opened fire on this ship. Based on the make of this ship, I'm not so sure it could attack enemies attacking it from the rear, but even if that was the case, with t he amount of hits this ship was taking with each passing second, other than for it's inhabitants to attack themselves, the only thing they could do was hole up in their shell and hope their defenses hold up long enough. Or.....they could use me as leverage and get the Acheron to stand down. Which is exactly what I wanted them to do.

The Elevator opened with a ding, and a hail of bullets and skills came flying towards me. For a moment such a sight was terribly intimidating and I almost didn't know how to react on time. But this was a fight, so it was better to just let loose and face everything head on. I wrapped my armored wings around my body, letting them serve as a shield for just a few precious seconds, while I prepared my attack. And those seconds were all I needed.


I felt the whole world slow to a crawl as wisps of blue and white lightning crawled allover my body. The sea sword had it's entire frame glowing as it was coated with a triple colored lightening of white, blue and green. Then I shot forwards, slicing my sword and taking off a few heads in the process. I was moving too fast for any one of them to be able to keep up with, and the lightening blade and storm dance had AOE effects of their own that still cause damage to those who were close to me but I wasn't attacking.

The number of sea elves around weren't little, and it would take me a little while to get through them. But never the less I'm still going to now them down. Lightening blade only lasted for 5 seconds, and stroke dance for 10, but with the boosts they brought me, over 70% of the people who were attacking me were already dead by the time both duration of the skills were up.

I came to a stop before them, lightening crackling around my body and slowly dying down as the huddle in front of control desk, with a diminutive and crooked looking high elf hiding behind it. On both sides of the high elf were guards that I immediately recognized as players due to the mishmash of weapons they had on their body, plus there was always this sort of awareness all players had to let them know if they're talking to each other or an NPC.

"Whoever you are, you've made a very terrible mistake coming here, my guards are powerful travelers, just like you. Elfengarde made a mistake in sending you after me, you're going to fail, just like the last time you tried to take my life."

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, the players did not seem to be afraid, one of them was an orc, but also a mixed breed with what I think is a lizard man. He should have a serious amount of power, and the huge double headed axe in his hands were proof enough of that. The second player though had red skin, horns that were literally on fire, hooked feet, a spiked tail and a massive pitchfork. He was obviously some demon or devil, the first I've seen or heard off, which makes me believe he's the more dangerous of the two. I twirled my sword as I said to him.

"Well whether or not I will fail is still up for debate, but in the meantime. Prepare to die!"

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