The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 89 - Atlantic Rim (VIII): Aaren Vs Players

Well there's no way this coming fight was going to be easy, especially when there's players involved. And the thing about players is that most of them have been playing this game for years before me, so even though the update reset skill levels, player levels and stats. They still have their extremely talented powerful skills and equipment on hand. Of course some of this equipment might have requirements, but the bottom line of the matter is, I'm definitely not the only one with lots of tricks up their sleeves.

I moved forward, parrying a strike from a spear as I turned the handle of my sword and smashed the hilt into the face of my first and very unfortunate opponent, as the hit caved his pretty sliver blue face. I stepped back evading an axe strike, and watched with amusement as Sky barrels her large body into my opponent, pushing the rest of his friends back as she reads up on her hind legs, and then brought it down, hard on the skull of the person who just fell on the ground. Safe to say, it was not a pretty sight.

I moved forwards, only to receive a blast to the ċhėst that threw me back against the wall. I felt my ċhėst burning as a sort of corrosive energy began to chip away at my armor. It was holding on, but whatever this was, it was too damn powerful, and I knew it had come from the demon looking player.

I felt a wave of weakness wash over me as my limbs seem to fail me, there was this aura of blackness and evil on me, and it was not letting me react as normal. I looked up and saw the half lizard half orchard player slam his shoulder into Sky, his strength more than capable enough of throwing her five foot tall and six foot wide frame away. It was then I realized that Sky was affected by the same weakening curse as I was.

That devil guy seems to be very capable of using debuffs, but I was not completely out of tricks yet. I could use the skills of the sea sword, but Sky would be caught in blast radius, plus this sword's skills have a long cool down, and we might face challenges where the power of the sea would be needed to save us. Anyway like I said, I wasn't out of tricks yet, and I've only use almost half if not less of my mana.


The moment I used that skill, the control deck became a veritable sound free, and the weakness I felt seemed to disappear. Which means this was a skill that needed to be channeled and couldn't be casted and just left to react. But either way these guys can't use skills or spells anymore, unfortunately for them, I could.


Four normal blue looking manager arrows flew out of my hands and sent three of the sea elves to an early grave, with the lizard orchard player narrowly escaping the fourth. There were only two more sea elves along with the scientist and the players left for me to deal with, and I know the area of silence spell wouldn't last forever.

I shot forwards,, ducking under the wild swing of the lizard orc's axe, and then moved upwards like a corkscrew, my wings outstretched as it took off the heads of the remaining sea elf guards. I moved my eight wing to the side, blocking a blow from 'Lizorc's'axe. The force jarred the bones in my wings and pushed me back a bit, but this guy still wasn't as strong or as fast as me.

I swung my sword upwards, causing sparks to appear from the friction it caused with his armor. He tired moving backwards to reorient himself, but I sent my left wing at him, slicing with it's edges and giving him a rather nasty cut on his face. He yelled a bit, but was caught off guard long enough for Sky to rake her head into his body, throwing out of the control deck, and out into the open deck of the ship below.

I advanced quickly, hoping to get rid of the elf before Area of silence's duration went by, but the devil guy grabbed him by the collar and threw him out and right into the outstretched hands of his friend. He looked at me with a rather mocking smile and jabbed his pitchfork at me, the tip blazing with an intense flame that I knew was not normal. I swung the sea sword upwards, and the moment both weapons met, there was a loud banging that pushed us both backwards.

The battle beast knew I've been holding back a bit so as not to have her caught in the destruction that's bound to ensue should I use the skills of the sword. Plus I've been feeling a little apprehensive about using the skills because of their long cool down, but right now, seeing as I was probably fighting a player on equal if not stronger footing than I was, there was no way i could hood back.

Area of silence came to an end, and the flames on the pitchfork blazed even higher than before, too bad I had other plans. I waved my hands, and a gust of wind slammed into the devil, pushing him off his feet, but bȧrėly causing him any damage except to make him even more pissed than he already was. I turned and ran out of the control deck, spread my wings and took the skies immediately. I flapped my wings as I flew around upwards, narrowly avoiding a shot from the Acheron's turret. I saw my target, and then I dived seating the sword and pulling Sky out.


Even I couldn't see myself, and the only thing I could feel or even see was the air parting in my wake as I fell from the sky. I fired my first arrow, and orchard lizard guy deflected it with his axe, I fired the second and he still defended against it. The third went into his shoulder but the damage was superficial, the fourth went past him and into the open palm of the elf behind him. His frightened shriek of pain almost made me loose control as that was not what I would expect from a man, much less a high elf with too much pride to handle.

I fired the fifth arrow, but there was reddish black shield in front of both of them, it blocked the fifth arrow and the sixth. I was still falling down, and I was incredibly close to the ship, there was a pressure of power and I turned to see the devil guy chanting with his pitchfork raised high up into the air, and his forked tail flicking about. He was focused on his spell and seemingly maintaining the shield around his friend and my target, so I save myself the trouble and shot at him instead.

The seventh arrow whistled through the air and drilled a rather nasty hole into his skull, it was like getting shot by a sniper rifle or a shot gun at point blank range. I angled my self and flew around the edge of the ship, sending the eight arrow that unceremoniously smashed the black shield, causing an explosion that separated both the lizard orchard and the elf. Before the half orchestra could react, I released the ninth arrow.

But the guy has good instincts, as he activated a skill that seemed to increase his defense. Which was why instead of a massive hole in his body, the arrow pierced and carried him backwards, nailing him to the mast of the ship. Funny thing is, even though they could see the arrows, they couldn't see me, which was why they really couldn't come up with a proper plan on time.

The high elf; completely taken over by fear did not hesitate to jump into the sea, his white robes shaking along with him. It was funny how he kept on making mistakes that brought him ever closer to death, at the very least I could save Sky too much stress. I hung her on my back, right next to my sword as I splashed down into the water, an all too familiar sinister smile on my face as the coldness of the sea rushed to embrace me. It was time to put an end to this chapter and end this mission. This is going to be fun.

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