The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 90 - Atlantic Rim (IX): Angel Of Death

The water was cold, but maybe it wasn't just the fact that he was in the water that mattered, maybe it was the extreme fear that he was currently feeling, the way it creeped into the deepest recesses of his bones. Who would have thought that his greed and his need for more recognition would land him in a shit ton for trouble. The sea elves were supposed to protect him, get him safe passage across the two seas and into the Atlantic rim, safe and protected from the reach of Elfengarde.

But they hadn't even sent their best warriors along, they had just sent two travelers, and a weak crew that wouldn't even survive a single voyage at the sea. It was so damn ridiculous, so much so that at the first sign of trouble, the captain had abandoned his ship and ran away, leaving his crew and his charge behind.

He was definitely feeling regrets now, of all the people he could have went to, it was the sea elves. There was a reason why they were the least accepted of the elven races, yet he had decided to take a chance on common thieves, deceived his people in thinking he was kidnapped, and orchestrated for his rescuers to be killed by a trap he devised.

But looking back now, and at the current state of things, maybe they never had any intention to rescue him, maybe they knew all along that he had left voluntarily and they had sent someone to kill him. A person he blew up, and was here for revenge once again, and a chance to finish the job he started. He needed to get out of here! He needed to run.

There was a loud splash as the water was erect around him was disturbed by something entering the water, high elf or not, he had spent his entire life in a lab, maybe that's why he has no value or regard for things like loyalty. The reason why it was so easy for him to betray Elfengarde. And now a reckoning was coming for him, one that he unfortunately had to admit that he deserved.

He splashed in the water, frantically trying to get away from the ship, but when you think about it, wasn't he being stupid. Before him, all that can be seen was an open sea, there were no other ships in sight, and he was not a sea elf, so there was no way he would be able to survive in the open sea. The heat alone will kill him, not to mention the monsters that lurk within the deep, jumping from that ship in the first place was suicide, but staying on it was also suicide.

However he didn't care, that traveler with the blue-green reptilian eyes and the exquisite armor, his fearsome sword and a battle beast! A honest to god battle beast! It was like he was an angel of death given flesh, sent down to the mortal plane, all for the express opportunity of sending his traitorous soul to the afterlife.

*rub!* *Splash!*

He turned around his heart beating frantically as he splashed and cried out in fear. He could have sworn that someone, or at the very least something just Justin touched him. He wasn't sure what it was, but it was still terrifying, he had to go, he needed to leave.


"No! Please! Nooo!"

He turned around, looking into the dark sea below him and around, hoping to god that it was just his mind playing tricks on him. There was nobody there, there was no monster and there was no traveler, no traveler at all. He's going to live, he won't die, he's....




The cold water was over his head before he knew it, no matter how hard he tired to fight it, the grip around his ankle was tight and well wound. It dragged him down, taking them deep and deeper until he had no idea which way was up and which way was down. He struggled harder as the pressure seemed to build up around him, he was holding his breath but he couldn't that for long, and that's when he felt the sword slid into his side.

The cold metal was even more unforgiven than the sea that now held him within her embrace, they were both cold and they sang to him sweet ballads of death and nothingness. He could see his blood around him as the black of sea became the red of his blood, his life slowly draining as he took big gulps of water in his attempt to get away from the monster that captured him. He wanted to be free, that was all he ever wished for, why couldn't they understand.

He felt the sword bite into his skin again, and this time he could feel his insides spill out into the sea, it was even harder for him to see now as everything got darker and more bloody. There was no air, no light, but yet he could see his face, there was a simple look on it, like if he had a choice he would not have done this, but a traitor was a traitor, and Elfengarde was not a forgiving place.


I flapped my wings and shot out of the ocean, the now headless body of the high elf gradually sinking to the bottom of the ocean, his blood spilling out and serving as a calling card for the monsters of the deep. It's either they get to him first, or the pressure takes care of the rest.

I burst out of the sea with a flourish, twirling in the air with my wings around me. And then I spread them wide and coasted over the surface of the sea past the sea elf ship that surprisingly still stood as it's defenses were even stronger than I had thought. My movement over the sea cause a little bit of disturbance as I moved fast enough to cause ripples and small waves over it's surface.

I flapped my wings and angled myself a little higher, but I didn't go to high, just enough that I went over the prow of the Acheron. I stiffened my wings and felt the absence of air as gravity tool over and dragged me back down to the ground. I landed with a dull thud of the deck of the Acheron, water dripping from my body, and blood from the headless head in my hand. I looked up at Qitar and with a smile and asked.

"What did I miss?"

"Nothing much captain, how was the hunt?"

"It was a little eventful but nothing I couldn't handle." I replied as I raised my communicator and looked through my very short contact list.

"What do we do about the sea elf ship?" Darke asked as he came up to my side.

"We've achieved what we wanted, there's no need for unnecessary bloodshed, just keep on heading to our destination. We're done here." he nodded to me before walking back to the wheel and making it so that the Acheron began moving a little bit more faster now.

"Well Seven, you're certainly wet; were you having an afternoon swim?" she asked me with a light chuckle. I ignored her sėxuȧŀ innuendos and raised the still dripping decapitated head in my hands, so that you could see clearly.

"its done!" I said to her with a dull tone.

"Well I can see that, it is most certainly done.....very well then, you can throw the head in the sea, we have absolutely no need for it. I'll send you your rewards later, What for now you can sail into the sunset. If there's anything else that needs to be done, I'll give you a call. But for now you can sail into the sunset your journey for the lost city of Atlantis. It's sure to be fun adventure, be sure to watch me a postcard, or at least get me a souvenir. Later!"

I let out a sigh as I flung the head out of my hands and off my ship, I felt a need to take a break, and above all rest. So I gave Qitar a tired smile and she in turn gave me a nod of understanding as I sat and leaned back against the mast behind me.

"Log out!"

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