The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 91 - Atlantic Rim (X): Drit

L. D. O


Drit was livid, never in his five years of playing lost descendants online has he been so terribly trashed in a fight, and what made it even more worse was the fact that even with all of the sea elves they had on their side, the best they could do was to live a scratch on the player that decided to attack their ship and murder their charge.

Normally when other players saw him, they turned tail and went the other way. Drit was a top player of lost descendants online, he held a legendary class, and even more so a legendary weapon, plus he had aces to resources that other players didn't have, even though it was a little out of their way. So getting killed by some nameless player that he was sure was a newbie, because that's the only way he would have been unable to recognize who Drit was.

Drit's class was coined Royal demon, and he had leveled the class up, all the way to it's current advancement prince of hell. He's race was devil, and his legendary weapon was the pitchfork of hades, how the hell would that guy not have know who he was. Now he had died in his hands, lost two levels, and was sent back to his respawn point in hell, which in this case was his personal city that he had grown from a small hamlet.

It was hard enough traveling through hell, much less through dimensions and heading to the world of the living, but now he was sent back here and would be forced to make a tough journey through some of the most deadliest parts of hell to get to the portal that would take him back to the living world.

"Guild Master Drit, what do we do about that winged elf man. He's thrown a wrench into our plans, and set us back by a few steps." A voice called out behind Drit.

The devil turned his gaze to look at the ifrit demon that served as his second in command. True they have been set back, but as long as the plan and the requirements needed to complete it didn't change, they could still accomplish their aim.

"Put a kill order on him, I believe we have some of those lying around in the guild vault. The bounty on his head should be 300 thousand gold dollars, that should be incentive enough to get he worst killers and bounty hunters in lost descendants online after him." Drit said as he walked through a hallway in his manor.

"But guild leader! Isn't that a little too much? I know we have such money on hand, but imagine the useful things we could do with it. I don't believe this guy is worth all these trouble, besides Barnet is still in the living room, and according to his last message, he's been tailing the winged elf's ship for the better part of a day now, and they've not noticed him. Plus they seem to be heading towards Atlantis, with Barnet putting things in place to open the gated of hell in Atlantis, it would not be too late for us to get our revenge on him then." The ifrit tried to convince Drit, the flames on his body shaking errantly.

They walked out into an open hall where players all a variety of races were busy chatting amongst themselves with joy and liveliness. Some of them looked in the direction of their guild leader, keeping silent in respect as he passed by. Drit didn't pay much of an attention to them, but if an outsider were to see the variety of races that were arranged in the guild hall, the only thing that would come to mind was the word demons, and there quite a few of them.

"This is not whether we have the money or if he's not worth it or not. The thing is that this world that was once in awe and great terror of us has forgotten who we are! The prestige and glory of the Crows Of Nine Circles has been forgotten, and it's all because of that bloody update that moved the game five hundred fuċkɨnġ years into the future and reduced not just our personal and skill levels, but also the levels of all our structures, our kingdoms turned to villages, and our towns were forgotten under the flow of time allowing the NPCs to grow and gain control of things we players worked hard to build.

We need to remind this world who we are, let them know how we built our reputation as the strongest guild in the world of lost descendants online. This winged elf is just a stone in our path that would serve as a trumpet for us, he would let them all know that we're still here, that the Crows Of Nine Circles can still burn the heavens and scorch the earth. Anyway how are our acolytes in the living world doing?" Drit asked as he came up into a wide courtyard where a variety of demons and even normal looking races were training, the only difference was that this time there was a significant amount of NPCs mixed in with the players.

"Both our player and NPC acolytes have been put in different and very important positions within the Atlantis government. All we need is for Barnet to survive and get to the Atlantic rim with the ceremonial dagger. As long as that elven priestess is sacrificed with the dagger on the infernal alter, then the gates of hell would open and we would have monopoly over the gate, invading the living world and wresting some measure of control from the current princes of hell."

Drit nodded his head as it seemed his plans were coming together, but yet he couldn't help but feel that something could go wrong. Drit was a very meticulous and careful person, because he was afraid of failure was what he had gone with Barnet in the first place, even though Barnet was the person he trusted the most to carry out tasks for him to completion. But with the appearance of this winged elf, Drit was very worried, it was the nagging feeling at the back of his head and he couldn't get rid of it, there was just something about that guy that rubbed him off the wrong way.

"Make the bounty 500 thousand gold dollars, this guys is not as easy to deal with as I thought." Drit said as he went up a set of stairs on the side of his manor that also served as a guild hall.

"Why would you say that guild master, even with the update, there shouldn't be that many people who can match up to you, or survive under the sheer greed of 500k golden dollars. The very best would come for him, and regardless of how good an archer he is, he wouldn't survive them, he's just a newb." The Ifrit said trying to reassure his guild master, and hopefully get him to reduce the bounty.

"Tell me Shun, how does a newb get a battle beast, a legendary armor, and a freaking legendary sword, all of them hanging of his body?" Drit asked with a raised eyebrow.

The now named Shun looked like he had swallowed a rock, he couldn't believe it, and with how wide his fiery eyes looked, if he stretched them anymore they might pop out of his skull. He looked back at his Guild master, opened his mouth and closed it a few times before finally asking.

"Are you sure Guild master, legendary weapons can't be found on every average tree, but even worse is the battle beast. Except for those NPC emperors, there's no one, not a single player that has come across a battle beast in the entire seventh plus years that lost descendants online has been active, which more than encompasses thousands of in game years. So how?"

"I'm not sure myself Shun. His armor might actually just be a grade below legendary, though I'm not really sure, that thing was so damn strong that my strongest debuff only had him feeling weak instead outright draining his health and killing him. The battle beast aside, the sword he was using gave me such a cold and powerful feeling that the moment it clashed with my pitchfork, they pushed each other back, there was no damage on his sword from my pitchfork's passive. That sword is a legendary weapon, which makes that bloody winged elf and equally legendary opponent. So tell me Shun, is he not worth it?" Drit asked with a rather solemn look on his face.

Shun looked at his guild master with all the seriousness he could muster before he frankly told Drit.

"I don't think it's even enough! That guy without a doubt is not a simple opponent, and it would take someone of equal strength and power and resources to take him down. But in all honesty Guild master, where can we find such a person?"

"Indeed Shun....where can we find such a person?"

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