The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 92 - New Era (I): Board Meeting

A board meeting first thing in the morning! Seriously how do they live like this, it was all work, work, work! Of course this might be a little hypocritical on my part seeing as the board meeting was called on my orders. It was so that me and Kira could pitch in our new reforms, policies and point the company in the right direction.

When you consider all that I was about to do, you could see that it's obviously not what my grandfather wanted for me. He wanted me to be low key, to live my life away from the radar of enemies that would end me before I could achieve anything, however the life a turtle was not my style. Besides it would serve better to be more like a star going supernova, as long as I can hit my enemies fast and hit them hard, it wouldn't give them any more chances to plot against me. I just had to remain ten steps ahead of all of them.

The whole grumpy lot were here, except of course for Cora, she's actually cool. Thought she's a bit distracting seeing as she had one of those evergreen milf bodies. Kira was standing behind me, but seriously though, was that the same red suit I fuċkėd her yesterday, or was that another pair. Nevertheless she still looked good in red.

"Thank you all for meeting me today, I wouldn't take much of your time, but I have so announcements to make concerning the direction of development for Imperium industries. We will be having more board meetings within the coming week, but for now the two main points that I want the entire company to focus on would be placed in front of you guys today, and will be discussed about how to move said plans forward. Kira if you would."

Kira stepped forward her work tablet clutched firmly in her hand as usual. She walked around the large silver conference table until she was standing at the end; directly opposite me. When she was sure she had everyone's attention, she began speaking.

"First and foremost, the company has to deal with our current image and currently falling stocks. To do that, we have to take advantage of our greatest selling point, which is Without a doubt; lost descendants online. So the chairman has proposed that a tournament be implemented, so far there has been multiple competitions held within the game and even hosted by the company, but this time this tournament would be the start of an official league.

We've been avoiding such a move because it was more profitable for us to focus on the small and elite competitions, running the betting pool within and outside the game, and the cost to organize a worldwide tournament that would see billions of players crossing our servers and venues for this competition. Plus we would have to spend an astronomical amount of money for it, and also worry about compensation and publicity etc.

However even if it would put a massive dent on the company's funds, the returns we would be getting from this tournament when you factor in ticket sails, streaking subscriptions and let's not forget the betting pool, I believe we will be raking in massive profits, as long as no other untoward scandals show up. I believe we're all in agreement that such an undertaking Is well worth the risk." Kira said as she gave a perfunctory gaze to everyone present. As usual it was my father who decided to get the ball rolling.

"Indeed Kira, you and the chairman have come up with such a brilliant idea. I can't say how proud your father and I are proud of the fact that you're both working so well together."

"Thank you sir." Kira replied with a crisp voice her face completely blank.

"As soon as this meeting is over, I will head over personally to the Lost descendants online Research and Development department to inform my wife about this; so that she and the program are can start coming up with a basic outline for the tournament, which I believe should be ready for presentation at the next board meeting." My dad said with a small smile on his face.

"My apologies board member Henry, but the chairman and I feel it's better to bring a fresh face and a second opinion. It's no secret that these tournament would be drawing the younger generation even more than the older, so we felt there's a need for the R & D department to experience a change, at least for this tournament anyway, any other substantial decision could be made after. But for now there's need for new and fresh ideas that would appeal more to the masses and current generation."

"But...." Kira didn't even let him finish what he wanted to say as she kept on talking.

"Moving on! The chairman has decided that Imperium Industries would now be focusing more on hardware." I smiled at the way she had worded it, Kira was deliberately being vague, almost as if she was baiting them, and sure enough someone got caught, her own father no less.

"But The imperium industries already deal with hardware, not to mention our deep dive vr pods and helmets, we've also done good in the way of household appliances and also have decent success in the communications sector, what sort of hardware will be focusing on when we have all this." Kira smiled, and for a moment I felt a shiver go down my spine as she spoke.


Just that word was enough to have everyone holding their breaths. For years many of the board members with the exception of Cora have been trying to get the company into the weapon's manufacturing business. And now more than ever seeing as it's possible earth would be going to war with it's space stations and it's colony on Mars, all of which were verbally demanding their freedom from any and all earth government, wanting to be fully ancient completely autonomous.

"The chairman will first start with the designing and manufacturing of combat vehicles for both on world and off world battles. We're looking to get into partnership with another weapons facility to fully weaponized the vehicles, however such a partnership wouldn't last long as it's only so that Imperium Industries can have a perfect idea of how the weapons business works, since this would be our first foray into it. The chairman himself would be overseeing this entire operation, and next Monday he will be meeting with the defense minister to discuss a deal about how to proceed. In the main tikes the company would be scouting for talents capable of creating or at least making an impact within the weapons industries."

Everyone turned to look at me completely shocked by the sudden turn of events. I was keeping a good poker face, but it was taking all my strength to not start laughing at the look on their faces. Finally what they've been after for so long, but none of them can get a bite of the pie. Dealing with them wouldn't be easy, and I'm sure after this meeting they would all want to find a way to suppress me and gain full control of everything else, especially the weapon's deal, but I was ready for them, there won't find any weakness or space from me.

"Finally for today, the chairman has decided to purchase the 60% shares up for grabs of Zeta-biotech, but before the deal goes through, he's going to be meeting with the company's representative over the weekend to negotiate more terms with Zetacorp. We hope to gain more shares than the initially offered 60%."

"But isn't that a risky endeavor, most if not all of the clones though perfect have neural deficiencies. The only thing they're currently good for is for the harvest of their organs, so I don't think it's a good idea to purchase the company." Cora said to Kira, but she was looking directly at me as she spoke, giving me more respect than everyone here. If that's the case I guess I have to return the same respect back to her, so instead of Kira answering; I decided to do so myself.

"Normally foray into biological cloning would be fetching water with an open basket, however out company is the form of opinion on rural science and technology, not to mention research notes have been discovered after someone tried disposing them. And this research notes have in depth study about the transference of artificial intelligence from a server to a robotic body and a synthetic brain that could house the consciousness.

But it doesn't stop there as this research note also had in depth study and active experimentation carried out about the ability to transfer a human consciousness from body to body, and from body to data, in much the same way players log in to lost descendants online. Which is to say a human being can discard their body and decide to live fully within a game world, no different to an NPC of said world, and vice versa as it would be possible to pluck an AI from the game world and place them into a still living. Breathing body." They were absolutely shocked and horrified, and then Cora asked.

"Who's research are they?"

"Mg mother's."

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