The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 93 - New Era (II): The Clue

After I had successfully turned the entire board room upside down, I decided to leave. Because I wasn't just this group of sharks I had to deal with today, there were was an even more dangerous groups who's interests I have encroached upon, and that was the old crime families. I was on my way out when I heard someone call for me.

It was board member Cora, and damn she still looked good. I guess you could say I'm one of those kids who had a massive crush on the baby sitter. As she came close, it was almost as if there was a frantic aura to her movements, like there was something she had to tell me that she didn't want anyone else to find out. Or maybe I was just reading too much into it, there shouldn't really be that much of a problem.

"Aaron are you leaving?" she asked me with a smile, coming to walk beside me and then whilst placing her hand behind me back moved me forward towards the entrance of the building. I raised an eyebrow in surprise, but still answered her, skepticism heavily lathered in my voice.

"Yeah I'm just on my way home."

"Well that's great, could you drop me off, I've sent my driver on an errand and I really need to get home." She said to me with a smile.

So every single cell in my body was telling me that there was something going on, of course what that was I have absolutely no idea. I'm already under the impression that Cora is one of the good guys, after all she was not just my mother's colleague, but my mother's best friend, if you ignored the age difference between the two of them anyway. I gave her a soft smile and shrugged my shoulders in reply.

"Sure no problem, I'll drop you off." I answered her as the company's valet brought my car to the front. Cora went in and I followed right behind her.

"See you tomorrow boss!" the valet said to me with a bright smile on his face.

"Yeah have a good day Steve." I replied as I got the car started and drove away.

At first Cora didn't say anything, choosing to keep silent and in the process making this drive very awkward, but I was determined to endure. I doubt whatever it is she wanted to tell me would have any sort of adverse effect or far reaching consequences on me. Or maybe it would, but until she told me what it is she has to say, I was keeping my mouth shut.

But the again she didn't expressly tell me that she had something to tell me, she just said she needed a ride home, which was nice. I loved giving beautiful older went rides home, but it's just that I have no idea why the women in my office really loved wearing skirts, I mean come on, those thɨġhs were like pushing all my buŧŧons right now, or maybe I should tone it down a bit, I can't be thinking about sėx all the time, besides there's a girl I really like in my life right now, I should keep my eyes and my hands to myself at all times.

"Just before your mother died she left something with me, I've not been able to make heads or tails about it since then, but she left specific instructions, and that's the fact that I can only give it to you when your ready to fight."

Okay what the hell! She didn't even prepare me for such a bombshell, she just went straight to the goddamn fuċkɨnġ point! Granted there's no way for her to prepare for this kind of thing, but still it really did come out of nowhere.

"are you sure about what you're saying, my mom asked you to give something to me? When?" I asked, my voice breaking in the process.

It wasn't really cool to cry in front of a woman, but this was my mother we're talking about, there's not many things in this world that can get me emotional, but my mother has always been a sore spot for me. I'm a bonafide mummy's boy, and it was because of how hard her loss hit me, that I've been so hung up on my father's approval.

"She gave the memory disk to me just a week before she died, it was rather weird seeing as your mother was completely healthy, but the official a autopsy said she died from cancer. I always thought it was weird and the only way for me to make sense of what happened to my friend was the memory disk she gave to me, along with a message. And that was to hand it over to you when you're ready to fight, but even it's been almost a decade and half Aaron, I've not been able to make sense of what she left behind. But nevertheless I'm complying with her last wishes and handing it over to you."

Cora handed over a memory disk with motifs of the Avengers on it. I remember this, it might have been years ago, but I could never forget that one day at work when I had busier myself placing stickers of my favorite superhero on some effects in her personal work space. But this memory disk was not the only one that fell prey to my young hands, there two others, making it a set of three memory disks that had superheroes on them, and that's when it hit.

My mother's message from when I first logged out into Lost descendants online, she had told me that she left a message for me with three people, that I had to find them and that the only way any of those information being held by those people would work, is if I pieced them all together. Cora is one of those people, which means there are still two others out there with secrets my mother left for me.

"The reason why you couldn't make heads of tails of it is because its incomplete. You're one of three people my mom left clues like this with, each of these secrets or whatever it is she's hidden in this disks can not be made sense of on their own, which means that invariably, we need the remaining two disks to compile all of the information."

"Hahahaha, I get it now, your mother probably encoded and encrypted it with a program that even I am unable to hack. And the only way she would have been able to do so is if she had me design it myself. This is very much like her, I've never a person who loved puzzles as much as she did, it was annoying. I remember she used have me and her young intern Malia make different sort of programs for us to hack and break through, even now I have to say that girl's talent is even greater than my own. But I had experience, so she never was able to get past me."

There were more bells ringing in my head right now, Cora just gave me the next clue in this puzzle of mine.

"Obviously there's something in the disk, but you couldn't make any sense of it not just because it was incomplete, but because it was encrypted. And whoever can stump the genius CEO of a cyber tech company, has to be a once in a lifetime genius with a monstrous talent, and so far there's only one other person that fits such a bill." I said to Cora as I noticed something from the side of my eye.

"Malia! She has to be next in the chain, since there's three parts to it, the only other person who can be trusted by your mom to keep something of this magnitude safe, is Malia." Cora said with excitement in her voice.

I couldn't help but laugh with her as her exuberance was quite infective, plus she was shaking around and her shirt was hiking up, so I guess you could say I was also excited for a variety of reasons. But now was not the time to pay attention to that, there's trouble on the horizon, very ugly ones.

"We should go find Malia, maybe she would also have a clue about where the final piece is."

"There's no need to rush Aunty Cora, we'll get there eventually. But could you do me a favor and bend your head." I said to Cora as I pushed my hand under my seat feeling for something.

"Oh! No particular reason, it's just that the black SUV's on both our left and right and our back are probably hit men sent to kill me, and I wouldn't want any staff bullets to touch you." Cora's eyes widened as she looked around and noticed that just as I've said, we were being flanked by rather ominous looking cars, that surprisingly were using the four wheel drive just as we were, these were old cars, which means we're being hunted by people with a penchant for old school drive by murders.

"Don't worry Aunty Cora, I'll protect you, we both will." I said to her with a soft smile.

"We?" she asked confused when there was no one else around.

"Pegasus! Wake the fuċk up!"

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