The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 94 - New Era (III): Car Chase; Again!

"Pegasus! Wake the fuċk up!"

(Geez boss I'm already awake, what's with the yelling ???? ???? ????)

"Get in defense mode and battle mode now, looks like we've got some company."

Pegasus did not stand on ceremony as he initiated the change, the steering wheel on my hand spilt from it's original circular form, looking like a H turned sideways, with it's edge connected. His original manual gear shift changed to automatic as a large buŧŧon appeared on his dashboard. A seat belt crossed over both of Cora's shoulders keeping her in place as I finally pulled out what I was reaching for under my seat.

Outside the car, hexagonal shaped energy shields began to interlock amongst themselves, giving Pegasus his war armor so to speak. I rolled down the window of my side and looked at the massive SUV driving besides me with it's tinted windows and ominous look. Then I gave it the middle finger, and just like I expected, it proceeded to ram into me, trying to run me off the road.

(Listen boss, I know you have all those super reflex, agility and strength, but could you please not taunt the bad guys, I just got a new paint job done! ????????????????)

I ignored Pegasus, it was just my luck to get a car that was so self preservative and quite sneaky with his words. I focused my attention on the literal car chase that was happening right now, or rather that would be happening if one of the SUV's did not just get blown by what I swear looked like a fireball.

I have no idea where that fireball came out from, but that didn't mean we were out of trouble just yet. Up ahead the lane spilt into two, with a U-turn coming up. I floored it, moving a bit faster as the SUV's hurried to catch up. I took the U-turn, making a sharp turn that had me skidding and drifting into the next lane, but it also left gave me direct access to the people chasing me.

Whilst the car was still in drift I pointed the revolver in my hand at one of the car and pulled the trigger. Even with my strength, the gun had a rather powerful kick to it as it forced my hand back, making my target shift from the tires I aimed for, directly to the drivers side of the windshield. The bullet punched a hole through the bulletproof glass and straight into the drivers ċhėst, just before it exploded blowing out the windows and splattering his guts all over the road.

The car hit the pavement dividing the road and violently tipped over with the other SUV bȧrėly scraping by. I had a rather sinister smile on my face as I looked at my rear view mirror, hoping and expecting, only for my expectations to be cut short. My smile changed into an ugly look as the other SUV took the U-turn.

(Where you hoping the car would exploded???????????????? haa! Sorry boss, but this is not the movies…)




I couldn't help it, call me childish for letting a car get under my skin, but I couldn't help but gloat as the SUV went up in blast of flames and smoke. But my joy came to an end as the sound of rapid gunshots rang out behind me. Dull thuds rang out as the bullets bounced into Pegasus's hexagonal nanite shields, I shifted the gear trying to move faster, but the SUV was somehow able to keep pace.

I took a bypass and came up into a rather busy highway, my speed definitely suffered a lot as there quite a significant amount of cars in front of me. Thankfully about 90% of them were all mag-lev vehicles, which meant they were out of the way, and could easily escape by going higher, but who's to say there wouldn't be any casualties before they realized that they had to give me and the black SUV chasing after me a significant amount of space.

I pulled the hand brakes on Pegasus, wincing a bit at the loud screech that ensued as I turned the car to face the SUV. And then moved his gear to reverse, moving backwards as the SUV pushed forward and slammed into Pegasus's bonnet. They kept contact and started pushing us back.

(Hey! You guys should watch it! I just got a new pain job done...…..I get the feeling that I've said that already????????????????????????????)

I ignored Pegasus as I looked at the car in front of me. Are they so stupid that they didn't notice the huge machine gun mounted on Pegasus's bonnet. Either way, I guess they missed it.

"Open fire!"



Much to my extreme shock, all of the bullets fired at the SUV bounced of it's sleek black frame. My mouth was equally just as wide as Pegasus's emoji's. But then again I shouldn't be that surprised, whoever wanted to kill me was no small person, and I can't exactly expect to be the only person who could use Nanites to create bullet proof shields. I'm rich but I'm not the only one who's rich.

I turned the wheel right, righting Pegasus and facing the road as the SUV slide last us and ended up in front of us. Now we were the one chasing them, but I doubt there's been much of change seeing as they also had shields to protect them from anything we threw at them. We had to exhaust their shields energy, that's the only way we could break into their defense.

"Pegasus do we have anything with more kick?"

"your car has a missile?"

Considering this was the first word she's spoken since this chase started, I could say I understood how panicked she felt. But she did have every right to be surprised, a missile was too good a surprise.

*Fwooosh!* *Boom!*

The missile slammed into the back of the SUV, causing an explosion that raised the vehicle up, exposing it's underside and it's fuselage. Even though the missile was still working, I did not want to take any chances. I held squeezed the trigger of the revolver, making sure I emptied the chamber, and just as I did.


The car exploded, however the flames didn't spread as they seemed to collapsed into themselves. But it was not just the flames, but the car itself; it was like pouring patrol on stacking foam, or pouring water into powdered milk. The car and the flames on it disappeared until all that was left was what looked like a cloud of silver flies. I had no idea what just happened, but it was Cora who explained it to me.

"That missile head though small; had enough Nanites to cause city wide destruction. The Nanites devoured matter, both the car itself and the energy from the flames, not mention whoever it was that was inside that car, and as they did so they relocated themselves, until one became two, two became four and so and so forth."

(Well that's very sci-fi Ms. Cora, thanks for clarifying all that information for me and the boss, we're quite dumb you know. Oh well, retrieving Nanites now.)

As soon as Pegasus finished speaking, the cloud of silver flies flew back towards the car and then disappear into the seams on the bonnet. This whole chase wasn't really long, but the fact that someone wanted to kill me left me very, very pissed off. And with all three SUV's destroyed, there was not one left alive to ask any questions, and then my phone rang.


"Hey boss this is Nezha speaking, remember me, the Asian dude from back in the tunnel."

"Yes I remember you." I answered back, not at all sure what this call was all about.

"Yeah it's my job to keel you safe, from the shadows that is, and I'm really sorry I wasn't able to get to the other two vehicles in time, I swear those Russians came out of nowhere. I almost got the tip too late that they had placed a hit on you. I'm really sorry boss, it won't happen again." Nezha apologized with a solemn tone. But I wasn't angry at him, not when there seemed to be another target to direct than anger to.

"You said this was the work of the Russians, which of the mobs made a move on me?" I asked with my voice getting dangerously low.

"We're not too sure boss, we have a lead and Nuwa is tracking it down as we speak, we're just not sure if it would lead us anywhere." Nezha said to me with a pensive tone.

"Don't worry about that, just text me the place and address where I can find your lead. Have people deal with the cops and the media, keep this out of the news as much as you can. And considering I have no idea who this Nuwa is, convene all my generals, get me nanny Florence and have Hades meet me where your 'lead' can be found. And Nezha?"

"Yes Boss?"

"Tell everyone we're going to war."

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