The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 566: Call me to open brother later! (Congratulations to the leader of Kelvin829, 4/10)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Tu Shan, according to the news just sent by Yan Guo, You Ye is online!" At this moment, Tu Shanyue received several such messages almost simultaneously, and many people sent him this message, as you can imagine. How careful and rigorous the surveillance of Yan Guo’s god-class gangster is.

"Tell them to pay close attention to the movement of this person, Ye Ye. Once this person has signs to come to Chu, immediately report it to me." After sending this message to several people, Tu Shanyue immediately said to the others: "All Cheer me up, You Ye is online, no one knows his trail, he may appear in Chu at any time, quickly call NPC to prepare!"

Although those NPCs will not help attack the fortress, it is okay to ask them to defend the player from harassment.

In order to prevent possible interference in the night, the Kaleidoscope Guild has made several preparations! Of course, there are far more than one kaleidoscope guild!

For example, NPCs, most of them are more than 40 levels of combat NPCs, and some are even level 50 NPCs. That is the NPC allies that can be temporarily dragged out with gold coins and daily heaping favorability!

Not only that, but for the ruling fortress battles, it has increased its investment, for example, there were only 200,000 players at the beginning, but now there are 300,000 players participating.

Even more, because some casual players willingly help them! Some guild players came to join in the fun and unwittingly joined the battle. This phenomenon is very numerous, so the actual number may be far more than 300,000.

The number of people is not too small, but the investment in materials is still huge. Chariots and siege devices have even bought all the materials in a caravan that a black cloud trading group has arrived.

In short, be prepared for everything.

However, even so, when the attack on the fortress was really carried out, the Kaleidoscope Guilds, the War Soul Guilds, and other guilds were all surprised.

Because they really underestimated the guarding power of the ruling fortress, which is so perverted!

In fact, it is precisely because Chu You didn’t interfere even if she knew they were going to be a ruling fortress, because the process was already foreseeable, it must be extremely difficult. If he ran over early, it is likely to cause a phenomenon, that is, 300,000 players alone!

Is he going to heaven? !

No country in the previous life was able to knock down the fortress in the first place, and it is impossible to win without undergoing several accumulated lessons.

Although this life was influenced by Chu You's butterfly, the player's development has changed into a deformed shape, and its strength is more than one level higher than in the previous life. However, during this period, if you want to win the ruling fortress, it is not to say that you won What can be won is still very difficult!

The picture went back to Tu Shanyue. To tell the truth, since the god-class gangster of Yan Guo just came online, he jumped in his heart at that time, and he always felt uneasy.

Because they are so well prepared, but in the end, the power of Ye Ye is still as if it is hanging up, and the momentum of soaring is extremely fierce!

I have to say that every time Chu You completes his mission in the Eastern Fortress, the increase in combat power has multiplied the pressure of people on the Chu side, and turned the pressure into a motivation to recruit all the forces that can be used in World War I!

The purpose is to prevent the interference of the night.

Anyway, every time the fighting power of the big man of Yan Guo rises, Chu’s guild who feels ‘seat-in’ will be a little nervous, and then invest more power!

The god-class gangster is far from being a guild and can deal with it.

Even a huge organization like the country feels strenuous!

But do you know what is the most exciting paragraph on the Internet?

That is, You Ye is always a person, don't be afraid, let him be in the early stage, it doesn't matter! We have many people, he is a local tyrant, we can also create local tyrants, and then, find a chance to clear him!

This makes sense, I don’t know, in a certain mobile game, Chinese players were crushed by foreigners in this game in the early stage, and the resources and land were fully occupied, and they could not develop at all, even if a certain China The player has developed, and once the battle is started, it will be cleared by several foreigners! But in the future, this area has not been turned over by Chinese local tyrants!

Therefore, there are often people clamoring on the "Tianshi" forum. Even if Yeyou is a god, it is only a god, not a **** of all gods!

Is he capable of overcoming the gods behind him? So rest assured, we didn't realize the importance of gold coins in the early stage. Now that we understand it, it will not be long before that night!

You Ye has offended too many people. There are many local tyrants there. What are you worried about? Anyway, it is not your business to clean up Ye Ye! Many local tyrants will target him!

Seeing here, Hangsi understood that this is a world of local tyrants! Wherever you have money, you can make a comeback and be strong!

In the concentrated game of local tyrants, there are more girls, more dog legs and more popularity!

Not to mention, this is also a transformative "world" highly virtual world game!

A hanging wire compares his combat strength with the night all day, and then very frustrated, said to play a J8!

Brother, can you have a good attitude? ? ! !

Any large-scale multiplayer online virtual online game, as long as there are gold coins or ‘money’ of the same nature as the exchange and exchange product, then there is no shortage of local tyrants, and there is no shortage of god-level local tyrants!


Yan Guo Announcement: You Ye, the ruling officer: Recently, someone has always harassed my ruling fortress, MMP. Dare to kill someone until you clear level zero! !

Yan Guo Announcement: Archbishop Yu Ye: You said that you can’t lose experience at level 10. You don’t have to worry about this. Brother has a solution.

Yan Guo Announcement: You Ye, the ruling officer: I have been talking about my combat power on the Internet recently. I tell you that some of them will be open. What can you do with me? ? There is a kind of do not play heaven! There is a kind of you too! ! Brother has gone to heaven!

Yan Guo Announcement: You Ye, the Consul: See me in the future, please call me to open brother!

Yan Guo Announcement: You Ye, the ruling officer: Alas~ Brother is invincible for so many years, it is really lonely, please do it! !

Yan Guo Announcement: Archbishop Ye Ye: Those who hate me, please learn the guts of Chu Kingdom, come and hit my fortress!

Yan Guo Announcement: Archbishop Ye Ye: Do you envy jealousy and hate when you see me making an announcement, but you have no choice but to take me!


"Lying trough trough trough, Ye Ye is crazy!!!"

"God-level gangster, You Ye is crazy!!!"

All of a sudden, players in the streets and alleys of Yan Guo, players in the wild, players in the copy, players in the guild, scattered single dog players, relatives and friends, etc., no matter what they are doing, they are all forced at the moment. Now! !

I don’t know what nerve you have sent at the moment, but many announcements have been issued!

You should know that the ruling officer’s announcement is the announcement of Yan Guo, which can be seen by tens of millions of players of Yan Guo. The words should not be missed.

Announcement, that's more information than World Channel!

The force of this tearing is not great!

At this moment, along with Chu You's continuous announcement, its Yanguo channel, as well as China Channel and even World Channel, are swiping the screen very quickly, and they have asked: You Ye Dad, what's wrong with you? ?

All of a sudden, the players in Yan Guo were enthusiastic, and suddenly they were brought to you inexplicably by Ye Ye!

At this time Chu You put away the evil smile, my indulgence, that's it!

He is never interested in fighting for hegemony or something, he only likes to do things!

Chu, brother is here!

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