The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 567: I am the Avengers!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

In the previous announcement process, Chu You obtained 2 million gold coins in the gold coin settlement column on the exchange page.

Then he hung up two Mayan soul stones in the backpack, one with a price of 500,000 gold coins.

This price is actually a bit low. The Maya Soulstone is a qualitative weapon with a qualitative change. If it succeeds, it will be a hit, and if it fails, the weapon will be broken.

Also, there are more than 860,000 pieces of Chu You's Tiandi Yuanqi Stones!

A total of 500,000 Tiandi Yuanqi Stones consumed during the Eastern Fortress, a total of 500,000 Tiandi Yuanqi Stones, equal to 15 million gold coins consumed. There are 10,000 gold coins of 300,000, 100,000 coins of 3 million, and 15 million coins of 500,000.

Most of the 500,000 vitality stones were spent on Jin Chuanduo, forcibly elevating Jin Chuanduo's realm to the middle of the Moon Moon Manor, that was more than 13 million gold coins!

But wanting to rely on the Heaven and Earth Spirit Stone again to improve her cultivation ability, the more it is consumed later, it is like experience points, the higher the level, the more experience points.

But if the total number of gold coins consumed during the Eastern Fortress, then on the basis of 15 million gold coins still have to go up!

According to the current market environment where 1 gold coin equals 7 yuan of real coins, Chu You spent 100 million to tens of millions of real coins in the Eastern Fortress!

The benefit gained is to raise one's own combat power from 200,000 combat power to 1.2 million combat power.

What is Shenhao, this is Shenhao!

This is the way you spent money in Chu You's previous life! In the previous life, he completely dressed up as a pseudo-high war!

Before you contacted the Eastern Fortress, Chu You spent money with a purpose, in exchange for the smallest benefit for the greatest value, and contributed to the rebirth advantage!

Pseudo-high war players have one thing in common, that is, the endurance is not enough; the combat power drops rapidly after World War I.

Fortunately, Chu You, the real pseudo-high war attribute only occupies three-fourths of his total combat power.

At present, he is a bit dependent on external force, but this is also the commonality of the local tyrants. You call him to practice techniques, gradually and orderly to build the foundation, and simply play the piano against the cow.

The real local tyrant wants to solidify his foundation, only to wait for him to reach the full level!

Therefore, Chu You currently does not care what the equipment is.

You tell him to strengthen his weapon by +20, the magic stone slot is embedded in the top magic stone, and the weapon is attached to the **** stone, he will not do it.

When you came under the **** tree, Chu You summoned the spaceship and pulled out all 250 Fight Fighters Ji. Then Chu You poured out 50 barrels of drunken fairy wine from the space backpack, and told Fight Fighter Ji to put these wines in good order. In the cabin.

Since it is necessary to do things, it must be like doing things.

After doing so, I called Dou Zhan Ji into the spaceship. The spaceship is to limit the number of people carrying it, and other items can be stuffed together as long as there are not too many. If the cabin can't fit, then sit on the deck.

The previous 40-level sacred weapon had no durability and could not be used. Chu You is too lazy to repair it now, directly unnamed taboo drawings, 6 weapons were made before, and there are 4 times of use, so I used it again. A number of times, created a long knife used by the soldiers, and finally inserted diagonally behind his back, it is considered to be officially equipped.

The announcement is issued once a minute. The above-mentioned things are carried out while the announcement is made. It is impossible for Chu You to stay there and wait.

Now it seems everything is ready? !

Chu You checked it, especially the big skills, um, they were all on standby.

At this moment, the sound of the language sounded, and you don't have to think about it.

"Xiaoyouyou, what's wrong with you today, who made you so hot."

"Oh, I didn't get angry." Chu You smiled faintly. No one in this world has the right to make yourself angry!

"It's just fun. As the consul, I haven't issued an announcement for a long time."

"Brush the presence!"

Zhao Feiyan frowned, and the other party's unscrupulous bombing really made her feel terrified and worried.

"Youyou, how to say, everyone thinks that Chu is the strongest, and Yan is in the second or third place, but I want to say, Yan!" said Zhao Feiyan for a moment.

"The land of Yan Guo is the most hidden place for the dragons and tigers. There are a lot of rich and powerful players in the country. Not only that, not only the scale and strength of the consortium and other organizations have to throw away several streets in other countries, so I advise you to converge. ."

"Although you are a big local tyrant, do you know? As far as I know, many organizations have started to build local tyrants and top players. Their future strength is really not to be underestimated. Although you are now the governor, it is the name of Yan Guo. Owner, but don’t be too arrogant."

"A lot of people will not get used to it."

"Youyou, you look at all the lists, I don't know if you noticed it, there are a lot of anonymous people, the real strongmen are always low-key. The real big guys are always hidden behind the scenes."

"Feiyan, not to mention this, are you interested in going to Chu Kingdom?"

"Now? Don't you?" Zhao Feiyan was really shocked. There is a world-famous event happening on Chu's side. Is Chu You going to grab a fortress now? ? Suddenly, Zhao Feiyan felt a different kind of feeling in her heart. At this moment, she was a little bit aware of the true attitude of the other party playing the game!

The other party did not know what she said. Chu You actually understood it, and even understood it deeply.

"Chu You, I want to ask you, even if you grab the fortress, can you hold it? Will you hold it in the future? You will offend too many people."

"Feiyan, I tell you, I have gone this way in my life! Well, I won't say it, I will go first."

System: Your friend Yu Ye goes offline!

Zhao Feiyan, who was about to continue sending voices, was stunned. The other party... was offline? What kind of trouble is this? ? This method of operation is confusing.


On the Tenghuacheng Street in Chu State, a petite ghost appeared here, and this ghost quickly condensed into an entity.

This is a little girl in Yan Qing's world!

She is between young teeth and loli, peerless and tender!

The whole person has a tender, pure and sincere atmosphere like a glazed glass!

If this little girl grows up, she will definitely be the goddess of calamity!

If you look at her for too long, it will produce an unreal and ethereal feeling, because you have never seen such a beautiful girl in the world.

What is peerless, this is peerless!

That's right, this girl is Shang Xiang Xiao Qiao!

Chu You was directly transformed in the guild, and went online with the position of the mark left by Little Loli!

Shang Xiang Xiaoqiao's eyes flashed, she knew that Zhao Feiyan said those words to remind her, of course, to be low-key.

It's just, it's really a pity that the component of the Kaleidoscope Guild is the guild formed by the enemy forces that killed their parents in the past life.

I am the Avengers! There must be an avenger mentality, I have the ability to make you unhappy, why should I not do it!

Is it just because the enemy has **** the big ship of the government? ? !

How can it be! !

System: Your friend Shangxiang Xiaoqiao is online!

System: Your friend Shangxiang Xiaoqiao is online!

At the same time, Yan Lang and War Soul Fengyun received a prompt from the system at the same time, but this prompt was quickly wiped out by other information.

Shang Xiang Xiaoqiao opened the friends bar and set his information to hide!

With this setting, the name of Shang Xiang Xiao Qiao disappeared quietly in Yan Lang's and Friends' Soul Friends, and she was offline.

In the eyes of Shang Xiang Xiao Qiao, these two friends' heads are beating, and when they open it, they are all voice messages they have given to themselves for more than ten days.

The voice of Yan Lang's message made her stunned.

"Xiao Qiao, the guild has kicked you off by accident. He doesn't know your relationship with me. You greet me after you go online. I will add you to the guild!"

Nima! ! ! Actually, brother, no, actually kick the little loli that everyone loves to see! ! Your chief has no eyes!

Shang Xiang Xiao Qiao soon relieved, Yan Lang said, that the manager must have never seen himself. When he wanted to come to the column to check, he found that he had not been online for dozens of days, and he did not know his relationship with other people. So kick it? Maybe there are other hidden secrets? ! In short, it is a fact that he was kicked!

For a guild with strict management, this is normal. And Shang Xiang Xiaoqiao is only 10 levels.

After waiting for 30 seconds, neither Yan Lang nor War Soul Fengyun spoke again. Presumably they didn't find the prompt that they were online.

Looking at the two people in the friends column, they found that they were both in the same area. I wanted to come to that place where the ruling stronghold of Chu was located.

The battle over there is already in full swing, and it is heating up. The current information channel must be swiping quickly. Unless you keep opening the friends bar, it is impossible to find a system prompt that friends are online.

Ha ha~! Shang Xiang Xiaoqiao smiled silently, thinking that he kicked me, would I not find your guild? Fortunately, before leaving a mind!

That's right, Chu You's idea is to first destroy the Kaleidoscope Guild!

Once the Kaleidoscope Guild is destroyed, even if the players of the Chu Kingdom lay the ruling stronghold, then there is no such thing as a Kaleidoscope Guild!

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