
The eyes of countless people.

I looked at the youth on the stage.

The young man came slowly, dressed in a black Tang costume, holding an ancient fan, with a beautiful face, although he looked very young, but his body revealed a mysterious atmosphere, as if he was surrounded by a layer of fog, making people feel very deep.

He sat down behind the table and took a sip of tea.


“Meet again.”

He smiled slightly and looked at the crowd of people in the audience.

In front of the high platform.

There were thousands of people.




Rex sat next to Wang Dadong, somewhat puzzled.

He had just listened to the discussion around him—

What twelve time and space, golden time and space, demon world, force judgment house, martial arts world, and… The story of the ultimate class.

What the first story, Wang Dadong three people became brothers, the second story, the legendary KO.1 appeared….

Miscellaneous, but Rex listened to a lot of key information.

He looked at Wang Dadong, who was waiting to hear the story.


It felt ridiculous.

What Wang Dadong said…

Couldn’t it be true?

“Yes, Rex, the story Mr. Sue told is very interesting.”

“As I’ve told you before, his story is sometimes predictable.”

Wang Dadong said.

“Ah, oh, yes…”

Rex smiled and looked straight up.

I have to say——

At that moment, he was really flustered.

But soon he shook his head slightly, thinking it was funny.


If it can really be predicted?

Didn’t Wang Dadong and others already know his identity?

However, listening to Wang Dadong say so magical, he is also very curious, what is this so-called storytelling story, can really predict the future?


With the first appearance of Su Yu.

The whole scene gradually fell silent.

“I believe you have been waiting for a long time during this time.”

Su Yu smiled slightly and said.

His words had just fallen.

Below there is a mixture of words to pick up:

“Mr. Su, we are going to have tea and dinner for five days!” Every day I think about the third story you said, please tell it all at once, don’t torture us! ”

“Yes! Talk about this plot enough who listens, talk about a few paragraphs, let others know and think we can’t hear it! ”

“Talk about one more paragraph! One session per person! ”

“Then there are a thousand paragraphs?” Does Mr. Su have so much plot to tell? ”

The bastard below teased.

Looked at.

Su Yu above smiled slightly: “If people have, there are stories.” ”

“Where there are rivers and lakes, there are grievances, and where there are grievances, there are stories.”


“What about the third story we’re going to tell…”

“It’s about the story of brothers opposing their aims.”

Su Yu was on the stage, very calmly opening.


The ancient fan in his hand opened slightly.

But his words.

In an instant, several people in the audience changed their looks!

When Wang Dadong heard Su Yu’s words, his face was momentarily uncomfortable, but soon, he realized that although it had happened, it had not been spread for the time being, but this Mr. Su was unpredictable… Nature knew, but even now, Wang Dadong did not believe that Su Yu could predict everything that would happen in the future.

Rex was also a little surprised, he remembered that what happened yesterday should not have been circulated in the university community.

Ding Xiaoyu’s face was calm and waiting.

The final class was wide-eyed and hard to believe.

“Didn’t the news go out?” How does this Mr. Su know? ”

“Is he really as magical as Jin Baosan said?”

“I think there must be some channel to know the news, and there is nothing magical.”

Some people are surprised, others think that they just learned the news from the channel.


Wang Arthur listened to Su Yu’s words, and his eyes appeared with anticipation.

Sure enough….

He was very knowledgeable.

Mr. Sue….

Will definitely know.


“Immediately after the second story.”

“In the second story, we talk about…”

Su Yu shook the fan slightly.

“Wang Arthur and Ding Xiaoyu found that at the entrance of the alley, there were students of Bale University who were being attacked, in order to find out, the two vigilantly approached, but just as they approached, they sensed a combat strength index that broke 10,000 points, and a residual shadow flashed in the alley mouth, and in the instant of the face, Wang Arthur was injured.”

“And the protagonist of the third story we are going to talk about…”

“It is the mysterious man who hurt King Arthur.”


Su Yu was speaking slowly, his words were very gentle, telling a story.

But below—

Rex’s expression changed instantly.


[The last one is still far from ~].

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